[insert Tarzan theme song here except replace George with Dash]
I guess Dash didn't pass on Murphy's number last time.
Pinky = Pepe Le Pew
Hey, Dash, I know you can move really fast so technically should be able to run away but think for a moment, what is it that lets you go fast? That's right Flying, as in the thing that lets you not only go horizontally but vertically.
Hiccuping dragons are funny but I bet mixing that and an armload of scrolls will be amusing.
Oh, what do you know, he accidentally transported a scroll to Celestia.
Did I say "a scroll" oh my mistake, I meant all of the scrolls
If I ever open a prank shop I know exactly what it will look like now.
2/2 Pinky has gotten affect by the pranks two times out of two now
Darn and right after I see a pattern it breaks by invisible ink. Though and invisible Pinky is almost nightmare full so I guess its okay.
That was a lot of apples painted in what I assume was only the time it took Applejack to go into her barn do something and come out.
Come on Pinky, you own that forth wall, notice the hardcore music, you know you want to.
I hate Gilda with a burning passion that currently has no reason beyond her voice and the first sentence she said. I don't know what will happen but no matter what I will loathe her with a cold certainty that would freeze even the sun itself. I don't know why I just know.
I feel sad for Pinky (and burning hate for Gilda but I already said that).
The only thing that surprises me about Pinky cacthing up and appearing in the cloud (especially after the first part) is that she didn't have a better way to get to the cloud then a trampoline
Pinky Pie is not random she does exactly what I expect her to do or would have done myse... Oh yeah I guess that is a little random. Anyway still hate Gilda.
Oh thank you Gilda you just gave me the only gift from you I could ever want. A reason to hate you beyond being you
Pinky goes anywhere anytime and if its to a party then she does it at the speed of plot +5
I was wrong about you Gilda, apparently hate or loathe are to few a number of words, here let me lists the ways: HATRED, LOATHING, RANCOR, REPUGNANCE, REVULSION, ABHORRENCE, ENMITY, DISGUST, DETESTATION, and a number of other words but I can't think of any others off the top of my head.
Someone did not communicate what happened well. Pinky you need to be more specific about these things. Trust me about this one, if you give exactly what happened and not just "she was mean to me" it tends to work better.
Oh I forgot Spite. Gilda I SPITE you and hope I took the last of the energy from one of your attacks
Poor Fluttershy
Go Go Pinky the Partyomancer
Whats age have to do with being an Aunt or Uncle? I myself happen to be an Uncle to someone older then me
HEHEHE Hoofshake buzzer followed by having Dash come in before Gilda could respond.
OH NOES!!! She "knows" what Pinky is up to!
Trying subtlety on Pinky in a normal situation is hard, trying it when she is actively ignore it? better luck next time Gilda but don't worry, I still Hate you.
Pinky, Master of Hammerspace only you could pull a marshmallow on a stick longer then your body when you have no pockets out of nowhere.
Snakes in a can, I saw it coming as soon as I saw that shape.
I think Twilight might have sensed a pattern.
Gilda on the other hand despite saying she had her eye on Pinky is clueless
I had relighting candles on one of my birthdays.
Of course I actually got them to go fully out after a few tries. It just takes being able to keep blowing until they stop relighting.
Spike, really? Don't do that.
Go Go clueless Dash
Heh, squeezing Pinky makes a clown noise sound
So Gilda, if your now watching her what where you doing before?
Gilda, when in this whole party has going first been a good thing?
Gilda go hulk. Of course by now all of the main characters but Dash have seen that your a mean evil bully.
Lets compound it with accusing everyone, that will work for sure
Silly Gilda, Dash is a good person, you well we both know how I feel about you.
Who out there believes me when I say that I knew Pinky was not the one to set up the pranks after the first?
Oh, my best reason for believing it was Dash actually turned out wrong. The second prank I thought had to be Dash because only she would know Gilda enough to know she would go to those snacks first. I was wrong yet by accident right...
Sweet, Twilight pranked Celestia