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Crap, I can't reactivate the poll!

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Voting closed: January 20, 2011, 01:41:37 pm

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Author Topic: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Round 3 - Play now!  (Read 18286 times)


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The poll was planned for today. I have three unfinished years.

Two more weeks should be enough to finish a whole year. I look forward to some new timelines.


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This is a pretty awesome idea.

Add me to the dorfing list for whatever year is open. I request the position of bookkeeper, but if that's already taken then do whatever.

Also if I want to do a timeline, I just use the save linked in the first post and start now, right?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 05:58:40 pm by billybobfred »
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,


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Also if I want to do a timeline, I just use the save linked in the first post and start now, right?


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1st Granite, 101

"Okay, that's it, I'm taking over this fort."

Nobody responded.

"This isn't the usual teenage rebellion crap, I'm actually gonna do it."

"Then do it, Unib," the militia commander said. "Anyone would be better than McFry," he muttered.

I don't know why they all hated McFry so much. Then again, you put a dwarf who's, uh, "not all there", in a position of power, and bad things are gonna happen. What were they expecting? I kinda pitied the guy, actually. I figured I didn't have to tell him I was taking over the fort. I wasn't even sure he realized he was the leader to begin with.

"Okay, um. My first executive order is, uh, dig out an office for me. Down by the magma sea. And dig a place for a glass furnace, while you're there." I tacked on something useful to my completely selfish request, figuring they'd respond better that way.

So I wandered through the fort, to get a feel for what we had, and conversely for what we needed.

We have:
Some lavish, uh, round rooms, connected by hallways. One of them is being extended downwards. ?????
A room where we stuck a bunch of things without any regard to efficiency or logic.
Make that two.
A dining room.
And the forges.

Which means we need:
A place for all these workshops aside from "wherever they'll fit".
Farm plots for things that aren't plump helmets.
And someone to cook all those vegetables into tasty meals.

I've got a lot of work to do...

2nd Slate, 101

So I started by having two more picks made. Moar miners. In fact, one of the new miners is me. What better way to show my leadership capacity than by actually putting some effort into getting my plans accomplished, eh?

I dig some bedrooms, some workshops, and a hospital out of those weird-shaped middle areas in the round room hallway, and set standing orders to make certain items.

My office is dug out. I couldn't have it overlooking the magma sea as it was, so I channeled out some floor. Made the window myself, as well.

12th Slate, 101

Migrants. Nine more mouths to feed. ...Fine.

Um. How do I let them in? We don't seem to have a drawbridge yet... Guess it's time to build one?

Wow, that was fast.

6th Felsite, 101

Steel. We need steel if we want to run a military. (Fuck lesser metals.)

But we have no coke. What's more, there doesn't seem to be a single sedimentary layer anywhere on the site, which means we can't make any coke.

So no steel. ... I don't have a plan B.

7th Felsite, 101

Oh, right, wood.

On a totally unrelated note, do we have a well or some such thing?

Also, we should make a buncha bins and such out of all this useless metal. And let's face it, most of it is useless. Like the lead, for example.

14th Felsite, 101

If I'm going to leave the drawbridge down all the time so the lumberjacks can get us our logs, I should probably have some defenses by the fort entrance. Cage traps, I guess? Also we need more axes, this is going too slow.

19th Felsite, 101

An elven caravan, huh? ... Maybe they'll, something, I guess. Heh. I wonder how horrified they are to see us chopping down trees right in front of them.

23rd Felsite, 101

A buncha wood, a few ropes, some stupid useless crap, some cages... is that a tiger? We take the wood, some berries and seeds, and the kitty. In exchange, we give them a buncha green glass goblets. Now we need to make an outdoor farm...

19th Hematite, 101

Fucking skelephants. Looks like the Dyer UmbrageOfSnow gets to live up to his title. And they got McFry, too, which I don't have a clever way to say. Everyone get inside now I guess?

20th Hematite, 101

They got a miner I don't know too! What are these creatures, why are they killing us, I can't han

'billybobfred', Fortress Leader has been struck down
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 01:38:39 am by billybobfred »
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,


  • Bay Watcher
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Another try?


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In a situation like this, I think the dwarves would abandon the fort. A reclaiming expedition would arrive right at the beginning of year 102.

Reclaim Log

Seven proficient axedwarves, 10 war dogs, and enough pig iron and coke to make steel armor for a very long time. Let's reclaim this thing.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 01:03:58 pm by billybobfred »
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,


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Anybody in for a try?


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So, did honey bees and grass eating cows kill this game? I think I'll do a year now.
Quote from: Creamcorn
Dwarf Fortress: Where you meet the limit of your imagination, moral compass, sanity and CPU processor. Fix sober vampires! Dwarven Cognitive Science


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Luftwaffle cancels job: quantum anomaly
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I'm up for doing a year as well.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 05:02:19 pm by Luftwaffle »


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Hooray for days with nothing to do! Hooray for Fun that results from your barrels being full of plump helmets instead of wine in a fort you're trying to keep self-sufficient because undead beasties roam outside! The FPS is pretty low now, though. Not really sure why.

1st of Granite:
I, Thob Ormonom, have decided to name myself Luftwaffle. Why Luftwaffle? I don't know either. Would you believe me if I said Armok told me to in a dream I had last night? At any rate, I've had a little chat with McFry and told him my plans for the fort. He was so impressed with my gold vein harvesting idea (as well as the nuggets I promised him) that he appointed me overseer! More minerals must be mined so that we can destroy our pachyderm pals.

21st of Granite:
Too many of us are loafing around doing nothing. I've ordered the dining room to be engraved.

3rd of Slate
Kikrost "Diamondheat", has been slated with the task of cutting gems, since there isn't much potash to work on.

12th of Slate

Migrants! Well over a dozen of them! I'm not entirely sure how they'll get in, though. I suppose it's for the better. I'd hate to have to consider how we'd feed a dozen or so more mouths. I wave to them from the tower, and in the distance, their eyes sparkle upon seeing me. They finally made it here from the mountainhomes, thousands of miles away. "Oh, the glorious futures that await us!", I imagined they imagined.

Monom "Rocksauras", Ranger
Rith Amugvucar, Engraver
Stinthed Lolokerar, Planter
Tun Geshudnitig, Peasant
Kosoth Nirkogan, Woodcutter
Rakust "Punchworks", Metalcrafter
Dastot Ragavuz, Thresher
Kol Abanemgash, Gem Setter
Ilral Thabostcerol, Animal Trainer
Id Quietgranite, Hunter
Iden Kodortobul, Peasant
Degel Adilamid, Tanner
Imush Roshbomrek, Gem Cutter
Iden Cattenlilum, Trapper
Oton Roshos, Miner
Kivish Esizunter, Carpenter
Asmel Mistemurist, Gem Setter
Cog Idlensham, Miller
Obok Adilam, Carpenter
Odom Nunerfeb, Gem Cutter

I put on my most diplomatic of smiles and pointed to the hillside next to us where six skeletal elephants graze. Their sparkles quickly turned to flames when they saw them. "To arms, brothers and sisters! For Racedhandles!" the bearded voices of the twenty dwarves echoed over the hills as they charged the elephants armed with a crossbow, an axe or two, and many meaty dwarven fists. Their horses had a good idea of how this was going to go and had rather long faces as a result. Or perhaps they were just born that way.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Amazingly, after all was said and done, only two dwarves died.
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The survivors decided to celebrate by hunting a herd of 7 undead elephants. Brave, brave dwarven brains faced off against the elephantine tusks. The dwarven brains attempted to use a spearhead formation against the elephants.
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Tusks were victorious. Not even the kittens were spared. And so, the three remaining elephants were named Frightenedpages, Sanctumtulips the Speech of Trampling, and Sadmerged.

But on the bright side, I've been informed that we've got more gold and gems than we can stockpile. Gold coins for everyone! Also, we have ten copper serrated discs for when we vote on opening our doors to elephants and the outside world.

3rd of Felsite
Stukos is proving to be an excellent engraver.
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19th of Felsite
An elven caravan has arrived! I'm sure the smell of rotting dwarves brought them. Good thing they get along with elephants so well! They left pretty fast, so maybe they don't.

20th of Felsite
Frightenedpages is chasing a puppy. It's so nice to see nature frolicking about.

14th of Hematite
Put another dwarf on gem cutting.

23rd of Hematite
More migrants have arrived! One looked as if he might make for a good hammerdwarf. The rest just looked like mouths to feed. Of course, a herd of five skeletal elephants have arrived. They're so timely. The elephants and dwarves sized each other up and charged. The portly little tusk-magnets roared with bearded fury. I sketched the results. In the east are the first two dwarves who died to elephants.
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But what's this?! Tun is running away with an elephant hot on his heels! He swerves and makes for the highground, and the elephant is intercepted by a cat! The cat eludes it and it notices Tosid. I hope Tosid has some big earrings, 'cause that's one hell of a piercing he has now. Tun stands about aimlessly. On second thought, perhaps he wouldn't make for such a good hammerdwarf. Unfortunately for Tun, we never got around to building those traps. Thanks for the reminder, Tun!

13th of Galena

Further construction on the fortress begins! A human caravan arrived, but then caught wind of all those dead dwarves.

28th of Limestone

It appears that we have no wine due all our barrels being stuffed full of plump helmets. Despite my best attempts to rectify the situation, some have died. One has gone insane and ripped my arm off. I... feel weak... in my dying breaths, I ordered the wall to be opened. Hopefully our traps will keep the undead beasts at bay. The future rests with the migrants that have come!

26th of Sandstone
[The writing changes]
Fights are still breaking out, bodies are still not stored neatly away and are stinking up the corridors with miasma. Best of all, a forgotten beast has appeared. Thankfully, the cave is walled off.
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12th of Timber
The outpost liason arrived. Most of the corpses are up top decomposing now, but it's still a mess. I told him not to mind the lingering smell of death, but he couldn't wipe that silly horrified expression off of his face. He doesn't seem to be the slightest bit concerned that Fath is burying his pick into the mechanic's face mid-discussion, though. Perhaps Fath was trying to be intimidating? I think he's sort of terrifying.
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We traded for food and drink. We now have plenty of booze until the ten of us can get things in order again... provided Fath doesn't kill someone else. Fourty four dead dwarves is enough to please Armok for now.
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« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 10:55:33 pm by Luftwaffle »


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Timeline Summary:

Kzel still needs to post his winter log, CrimsonEon and kopout seem to have abandoned mid-year, billybobfred managed to kill everyone and reclaimed, and Luftwaffle did the same, only more subtle. I can't play because of my own rules, and Di has started, but hasn't told us anything yet.

I hope that somewhen someone will finish a year with me still alive! :)

Reminder: Thursday's the deadline, keep it up!


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No worries, it's summer. Also, did you intentionally specify those 60 levels above to get shallower magma sea?
Quote from: Creamcorn
Dwarf Fortress: Where you meet the limit of your imagination, moral compass, sanity and CPU processor. Fix sober vampires! Dwarven Cognitive Science


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No worries, it's summer. Also, did you intentionally specify those 60 levels above to get shallower magma sea?

I genned with lots of above-ground space (50z) and minimized the max cavern layer size to 5. It's not very generic (sorry), but dwarfier.


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Well, that's it. Mainly I've reorganized the fort. We now have military, but their armor is crappy, we have some steel and we have lots of resources to make more but there isn't any armorsmith whom we could trust such a precious material. Thus there wasn't much undead action, Racedhandles - Undead Horde : 3 - 1 (Sorry Valience).
Oh, and there's FB backdoor, a volcano in third cavern.

Here's the save

Spoiler: Bonus, lots of images (click to show/hide)
Quote from: Creamcorn
Dwarf Fortress: Where you meet the limit of your imagination, moral compass, sanity and CPU processor. Fix sober vampires! Dwarven Cognitive Science


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Nice, I survive! Now we have two finished timelines already, yours and billybobfred's reclaim. Kzel and Luftwaffle are almost finished by now. I PM'd kzel.
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