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Author Topic: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - Round 3 - Play now!  (Read 18285 times)


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2011, 06:20:22 am »

Target assessment report

Name : Imsalerush
Location : Cursed lands
Occupants : Dwarves
Assigned Agent : Slijlakis
Date : End of Summer 101

 The settlement of Imsalerush is very easy to locate. The outside area is filled with nothingness, and the occasional not-dead-anymore is very easy to sneak by. Any of our thieves or ambush squads should have no problem reaching the site. You will know when you are near, for the inhabitants had the audacity to build us a beacon. It is made of black obsidian and shines in the sun far away. If anything, the tremendous clanking of metal against metal should be easy to listen to miles away.

 The wealth of the settlement is very high, with confirmed golden goblets and aluminum treasures among other beautifully crafted weapons and armor. One spear in particular caught this agent's eye, worn by one the defendants of the place. By listening in on conversations around the object, it seems a dwarf named Deviled created it in a moment of inspiration. My appraising assistant (the messenger who brought this report) estimates its worth at more than 100000 dwarven currency. This would make a suitable gift for our great tribe leader !

 I advise an early assault to take advantage of the troops poor training, most of them seem novice at best, and their equipment slows them down to a crawl. A team of bowkobolds should have no trouble showering them with arrows and retreat before they get close. Beware of them in close combat, their armor shows little weak areas and their weapons, while held by shaky hands, look razor sharp and would make short work of our best leather tunics. I have personally observed them test their weaponry on nearby not-dead-anymore monkeys, and they were quickly dispatched.

 The place seems difficult to infiltrate while the complete garrison is guarding the beacon. However, the military tactician thinks that any threat must be charged with the full force of their military, leaving their settlement wide open. Luring a few beasts here with some rotten meat should make it possible for a squad to go in and appropriate some of the rich clothing they left casually behind, before attempting to reach the vault a little further below. I have spotted a group of huge skeletal elephants nearby, and think they would make a tempting target for this overconfident force. The size of the beasts should make them long enough to take down (again), allowing our forces plenty of time to plunder.

 Possible problems include the seasonal arrival of merchants. Elves arrive by the end of spring, and by the time of this report's writing humans have shown up and were looking to trade. I advise an assault during spring, for we may seize the content of the elf's caravan as well as the dwarves riches. Humans and dwarven caravans are guarded by rapid forces that could pose a problem, and are best left alone unless we incur heavy casualties. There are far enough riches in the settlement to not worry about the potential wealth they bring.

 This agent will stay in position observing the settlement until new orders arrive. Haste is requested in the decision to proceed for these dwarves, however slowly, seem to get better at warfare by the day. Some of them even started being recognized by their peers as proper axe and speardwarves. No doubt the foul greenskins have heard of the settlement as well and are mounting a secret assault squad as we speak, and it would be disaster if we were to meet them on the field of battle.

Glory to the kobold nation!



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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2011, 07:36:11 am »

I just noticed: Due to the evolution, this fort will someday be absolutely awesomely dwarfy.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2011, 06:45:17 pm »

so, Is it the second year? Can I do one now?
"Karl Marx: Family jewels"
"Everyone's equally less rich than me!"
Quote from: Lezard
...although I've been having so much fun failing at this I just about forgot what my original aim was.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #63 on: January 25, 2011, 07:05:48 pm »

This is awesome. Can I be dwarfed?
Ye know, being an usurper overseer gone mad with power isn't too bad. It's honestly not that different from being a normal overseer.
To summarize:
They do an epic face. If that fails, they beat said object to death with their beard.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #64 on: January 26, 2011, 11:22:09 am »

so, Is it the second year? Can I do one now?

2nd Round - Play now!
You have until next Wednesday.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #65 on: January 26, 2011, 02:57:28 pm »

It's late summer 7 people are dead including bloody moron and we have no booze. We do have an artifact however.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I seam to be having FUN
"Karl Marx: Family jewels"
"Everyone's equally less rich than me!"
Quote from: Lezard
...although I've been having so much fun failing at this I just about forgot what my original aim was.


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Re: Quantum Evolution Succession Metafortress - 2nd Round - Play now!
« Reply #66 on: January 28, 2011, 12:44:58 pm »

Can I be dwarfed? Please :D
Forgotten Beasts seem to be akin to Toady playing Russian Roulette with your fortress, as they can be anything from harmless giant worms made of mud to necrotic-gas spewing nigh-invunerable iron hydras of doom.


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THE IMSALERUSH GAZETTE, autumn 101 issue
now illustrated

Surface reclaim efforts remain constant

 Our brave forces are still engaged in a deadly battles against the forces of the undead, but the fight has now been taken to them. Confident of their skill and equipment superiority, Commander Kzel ordered that any undead threat be immediately pursued and eliminated. Asked about the wisdom of such a move, here's what he had to say :

Kzel : "There is little risk of any of us being wounded, now that each one of our soldiers is equipped with the finest steel. Some live action training is however direly needed, and these undead monsters are pretty decent target dummies."
TIG : "Why not use wooden weapons to lengthen the fights and provide more practice then?"
Kzel : "Wooden weapons ? Are you kidding me ? Do you work for the elves ? Get out of my sight ! We'll use steel, as is the dwarven way, and nothing else ! ... If you'll excuse me, I have a big cat to bring down. Iced, lead the charge !"

 Our commander has started to keep a ledger for every kill our army makes. It now contains several entries. Few members of the military wished to share their experience of the battle of the skelephants, and our reporters were too far away to take any pictures at the time. Still, if the ledger is to be believed, the undead menace is shrinking in the region, and we only need to fear more cunning invaders in the future.

BREAKING NEWS : Injury in the defense of our town !

 Randy Gnoman, one of our brave defenders, was wounded in the battles against the skelephants ! No wonder no one wanted to talk about it, especially the commander after his earlier promise of near invincibility. Randy provided us with a detailed report of his movements at the time, and it appears the armor he was wearing was barely of any use against the might of the skeletal beast.

 His leg shattered, he had to limp by himself to our new hospital complex, where Nish provided him will all the care he could need. Interrogated about the events of the day, our commander had nothing to say, and declined our demand of an interview. Rest assured that the Imsalerush Gazette will do all in its power to investigate the matter fully.

New apartment blocks inaugurated!

 We move on to some better news : the first set of apartment has finally been opened.

 Commander Kzel immediately requisitioned 20 rooms for him and his men, and ordered them to put their discarded clothes in their cabinet as soon as they could. If only he would give them some leave, but he has them training 100% of the time, so they as of yet had no time to do any cleaning up.

Know your enemies : the goblin snatcher

 MagmaMcFry bumped in a golbin snatcher while going back from a much needed drink. This raises more issues concerning the current military campaign that leaves our front door barely guarded most of the time. When you see something moving in the shadows, remembers these simple questions :

Does it have green skin ?
Is it carrying a bag ?
Is the bag moving on its own ?

If the answer is yes to any of these, shout as loud as you can, so our soldiers can hear you. And PROTECT THE CHILDREN!

Artisan of the month : UmbrageofSnow

 Umbrage of Snow made a beautiful artifact earlier this month. Its decorations are rather sparse, but the quality of the piece is undeniable.


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This is a forum post. It menaces with spikes of Following and is adorned with rings of quantum dorfing
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


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To all the people watching this thread: Have a go too! You know, the two weeks are almost over, but we still only have 1.25 years of timeline. So I will give you another week (I'm away from Thursday to Thursday), and it's your responsibility to keep this thing running. If we still don't have at least 3 complete timelines on Friday, Feb 11th, I will be very disappointed. So go and play a year. You can make a difference. You can participate in the creation of a really great fort.

Go play, and make it dwarfy.


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I mean it.


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I mean it.

Ok, off I go!

Also, Dorf for me?
EDIT: I'd prefer him to be a Doctor with at least Diagnosis and Male
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 02:18:44 pm by CrimsonEon »


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I've got winter finished but I'll wait until next week before posting it, I wouldn't want to spoil the events that could happen in another timeline  :-X


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Right, Spring's done, and here's the story of a relatively sane dwarf.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Goddamn me and my tendency to write unnecessarily long stories.

End of Spring. Summer Autumn and Winter to go.

Also, the artifact made must be the most lucky artifact I've made since DF2010.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 07:08:45 pm by CrimsonEon »


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I found an Internet connection!

So we only have 3 timelines for this year. I want to see more timelines for Round 3!

How's your fort going, CrimsonEon? Haven't seen an update since I lost connection.
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