Fall 1965Developments in the world...
There is a 20% loss from the safety factor of the Voskhod capsule.
In Cosmonaut news...
S Knedliki announced retirement as ordered by the Kremlin.
Codec Chekov was a physical washout: injured in basic
Actions:Planned joint orbital docking mission for next season.
MissionsVoskhod X - UnmannedFailed orbital insertion.
Spring 1966Developments in the world...
A new plan was submitted to the ministry of planning on the merits of the 'Lunar orbital rendezvous' approach in the quest for getting a man on the moon.
In Cosmonaut news...
Knedliki retired.
The next wave of Cosmonauts graduated from training.
Actions:Researched Voskhod capsule to 73%, up by 10%.
Proton rocket researched to 58%, up by 16%.
Purchased Lapot minishuttle and researched to 6%, up by 1%.
KGB report:
Capitalist swine launch first three-person craft mission successfully.
Joint mission partial failure. First Voskhod makes it up to orbit, the second has an environmental malfunction and the mission is scrubbed. After some waiting the second Voskhod is located and the crew are fine.
Fall 1966Developments in the world...
The government orders that the space program's budget be cut to allow for what it feels is a much-needed military buildup. The budget is now 80 m.b's.
In Cosmonaut news...
Codek Chekov was released from the hospital. (Chekov is apparently still in the service despite his injury!)
Actions:Planned a joint manned orbital docking EVA duration
Thats right, i'm bad.Spring 1967Developments in the world...
The ministry of accounting has discovered and error, 5 m.b's will be deducted from the space program's funding this year.
In Cosmonaut news...
A Bolovsky has retired. He was my crewmate!
Actions:Voskhod researched to 80%, up by 8%
Lapot researched to 22%, up by 16%
jesus this thing is expensive.Planned unmanned suborbital with Lapot shuttle.
Planned Orbital duration in Voskhod.
Missions:Voskhod XIIFirst stage is successful, docking successful! EVA successful!
The first Vokshod lands successfully.
Onto the second...
but.. after re-entry...
!!!!Alas! two more Cosmonauts dead