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Author Topic: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~  (Read 21839 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #60 on: January 14, 2011, 04:18:28 am »

I love the stories that this awesome game creates.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2011, 09:02:27 am »

After a legendary miner got encased in ice while opening-up a clogged magma conduit, I decided that dangerous digging activities should be done by expendable dwarves.  I made 2 dwarfs with non-critical skills my newest set of miners.  It turns out that they were both mothers, but I didn't know that at the time.

Dwarf 1 was carrying her baby and put it down in order to dig through the obsidian obstruction.  She then ran off leaving her baby behind, who shortly thereafter bled to death since DF has no cauterization.

Dwarf 2 did the same thing, except that she turned around and ran back to retrieve her child.  She waded through the magma and picked him up with him having suffered only minor burns, but got quite badly injured herself.  She bled out halfway to my hospital, but her baby was saved.

Which dwarf did the right thing?
If only the childless mother could now bring up the motherless child...  :-[
I don't mean to alarm you, but it appears that your Dwarves are all in fact elephants.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2011, 01:40:51 pm »

Dwarf 1, motherless babies will kill themselves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2011, 05:24:36 pm »

When I accidently lock someone out during a seige.  :'(
This is the reason I don't use front gates anymore. It's also the reason I have 3 squads that alternate guarding the front gate.

Recently an ambusher jumped into the water supply, jumped out of the well inside, and scared a couple dozen people outside - including the king. If he died during a measly ambush I would feel like I failed in my duty.
Before the king came, my favorite and most useful dwarf was struck with melancholy. She had basically every job that involves running the fort - trader, record keeper, mayor, baroness, countess, and brewer. I apparently didn't give her the best room and I kept ruining her sleep with the miners and stone smoothers. She did complain, but I ignored it. Then she got so depressed that she gave up her titles. She moped around a bit before dying of thirst. I'm sorry Ulban, trully I am.

No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...

Blind Wolf

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2011, 02:08:50 am »

Back in 31.12, I believe, I had a cave crocodile problem. I dug a few holes to search for the site's caverns, and eventually found them close to the entrance of the fort. I stupidly left it open because I didn't see any dangerous animals, and eventually a cave crocodile escaped and took up residence in my irrigations cistern. He'd hide there until a dwarf came by, and then jump out of the river (connected to the cistern) and maul them to death. I'd sic my military squad after him, but he'd hide again before they could arrive. Well, eventually, he got distracted trying to kill a woodcutter and the military finally got there in time. With the crocodile done, someone rushed in and saved the woodcutter. Turns out the only permanent injury was a lost leg. But before I could come up with a way to dispose of her, I noticed that she had recently given birth to a little girl, who was now slowly making her way into the fort covered in blood.

I'm not sure why, but I never got around to killing the woodcutter. I spent most of my spare time watching the dwarven baby, who was usually found at the bottom of the central staircase, in a state of extreme starvation or dehydration. She never died, though, because at the last minute a dwarf would finally find time to help her. Soon enough, she grew into a child. And after rushing to the food stockpile to alleviate her hunger and thirst, she immediately rushed down to the hospital and stood by her mother. And that's all she ever did. When she wasn't eating or drinking, she was by her mother's bed. She even slept on the hospital floor.

Sad as that is, it eventually got even worse. On the top of my fortress, I was in the process of building a giant tower. A lot of accidents had been happening around that tower, and dealing with them had left me blind to a rather large oversight in the design. The top of the tower was connected to the mountain side, and therefore my entire fort was open to any invasion that might come by. Right around the time I noticed that, an Ettin arrives. She does a pretty poor job of causing damage, since every sane dwarf runs long before she can reach them. After crushing a dog, she makes a bee-line for the staircase, and happens upon my fortress clerk, who's also the woodcutter's husband. I should mention that as soon as the Ettin showed up, I gave my military a kill order. Too bad it was at that time that the militia commander decided to take a long nap. So the Ettin goes about breaking nearly every bone in the clerk's body, and I sic a nearby miner on her. He takes her out pretty quickly, and the clerk is rushed to the hospital.

There's some trouble getting the doctors to pay any attention to him, but eventually they try to reassemble this blob of goo into a dwarf. They fix a lot of wounds, but they're too slow and about a year later he dies of massive infection. His daughter was there the entire time, watching. She had to watch her mother become and invalid and saw her father reduced to a bloody mess and then die of infection.

I didn't really have the heart to kill her mother after that. I upgraded to a newer version of DF soon after, but I think I still have that save. I might use it again one day, and try to give the girl a happy, long life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2011, 04:55:38 am »

Dwarf 1, motherless babies will kill themselves.
Are you sure about that? I'm almost certain I recently had an orphaned baby who reached childhood within a few months, I guess mostly because his mood never dropped under "fine".
Or maybe I got confused with another kid who grew up and THEN lost his mother...
I don't mean to alarm you, but it appears that your Dwarves are all in fact elephants.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2011, 07:54:28 am »

One of my military got injured in battle and was in hospital next 2 years. when he finally healed, a siege came and he went back to hospital for year and a half. then he healed again just to get injured in next siege...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2011, 08:25:18 am »

Goblin ambushers. THEY SHOT THE KITTENS!
My catacombs had to be hurried up, and I can just imagine the horror.
Also, a kid got beaten by a ambusher. The goblin died, but the kid was sent to hospital. He has to grow up a cripple, all because he went outside on the wrong day.  :'(
Or the kid who was punched by a goblin, and now lies outside myfortress vomiting over everything as the hospital seems to ignore him. I need to assign him a damn tomb already, or I may cry... :'(
I figured the guy was a goner too when a noseless bat from hell flew right over the fortifications and attacked.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2011, 11:18:01 am »

One of my starting miners must have fallen as he was suddenly heavily wounded and could no longer walk or mine. No Job. Another miner stood beside him for a while with No Job and that changed to 'recover wounded'; one miner dragging their pal to hospital where my talented team of slackers medical practitioners will soon, hopefully, get to work on his wounds; his right upper leg is broken twice, right lower once and his left foot as well. He was diagnosed as soon as he arrived.

By the miner who brought him there.
A tiny, foul-tempered humanoid creature that dwells in the evil mountains. They are known to enjoy drinking liquor and will take any unguarded supplies of booze.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2011, 08:20:06 pm »

first vanilla fort in a while, things were going well but I was getting worried having been unable to find any ore to make weapons and armour to outfit my fledgling military - I was especially worried since I noticed at embark that the dwarves are at war with the elves.

Autumn comes and the traders from the mountainhomes neglected to bring any metal bars, weapons or armour... I felt the world was conspiring my early downfall.

sure enough the following spring a double elven ambush turns up right outside my gate, I draft everyone (37 dwarves) into the military and hope they can rout the invaders and close the gate.

a three day battle followed, a baby born early on in the fighting somehow escaped notice of the elves as they killed his mother (my guess is the ~13 pages of blood covering him) and three heroic dwarves the only survivors. the baby wandered around the blood filled halls while the three dwarves rested in the hospital. i chose to wait for the last of them to die before abandoning the fort in the hope that one of them would recover enough to aid the others, given none of them had serious wounds.

it was looking bleak when MIGRANTS! I've never been so glad to see a handful of migrants in all my time playing DF. I was determined to save the dwarves in the hospital so assigned a migrant as medical dwarf and activated all associated labours on all of them while turning off all other labours. I was eagerly waiting for them to bring my severely dehydrated heroes a drink, when I noticed they were all busy clearing out the meeting hall - angered I double checked the labours and all hauling tasks were disabled. I decided to forbid all the corpses and gear in the room in the hope they'd tend the wounded... they didn't, they just sat there, talking around a table that had the head of the (former) expedition leader on it until the three wounded heroes died of thirst - the migrants then decided a party would be appropriate. I abandoned the fort out of disgust. (before the party the migrants were all listed as no job so I've no idea why they weren't aiding the wounded)

In a short amount of time it went from heart wrenching, to joy and excitement and back again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2011, 09:35:27 pm »

A forgotten beast came along that gave me warm fuzzies. Esnust Smespsnam the flying snail with a towering feathered shell. It's feathers are mauve, and it squirms and fidgets. It has a poisonous bite, so I was justly thinking it a danger. I was mentally prepared to send out my elite fighters after it.

Then it doesn't go on a rampage. It flies around the caves, particularly enjoying the underground lake. It dived into the water, up a few z levels, then dived again. How cute. I can't capture the thing, but I consider it both a pet and a friend.
No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2011, 09:50:00 pm »

A forgotten beast came along that gave me warm fuzzies. Esnust Smespsnam the flying snail with a towering feathered shell. It's feathers are mauve, and it squirms and fidgets. It has a poisonous bite, so I was justly thinking it a danger. I was mentally prepared to send out my elite fighters after it.

Then it doesn't go on a rampage. It flies around the caves, particularly enjoying the underground lake. It dived into the water, up a few z levels, then dived again. How cute. I can't capture the thing, but I consider it both a pet and a friend.

Sure you can. Knock it unconscious over some cage traps, or get it webbed over cage traps. Then catch it.
Socks.  Lots and lots of socks.  It's the greatest Dwarven vice of all, outstripping alcohol by several orders of magnitude: the desire to own and haul as many feet-warming tubes of cloth as possible.
It's the tent of Hilarious Flying Shenanigans!  Everyone's favorite circus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #72 on: January 17, 2011, 03:49:05 am »

In my main 40d fort, I had a seige arrive while my dwarves were out hauling junk from a caravan that had been massacred earlier. One of the guard (not military!) managed to get the goblins to focus on her rather than the civilians, and then she took off, drawing them away.

The chase ended just as the fortress came into view around the last hill, and there the guard turned around and attacked. I like to think that seeing the fortress entrance inspired her to stand her ground, to keep her fellow dwarves safe.

The goblins pounded on her. She killed a few, but their numbers were overwhelming. Just as I figured she was toast, the legendary Captain of the Guard came charging out of the fort. She hit the goblins like a Mack truck, scattering bits everywhere. Surprisingly, the heroic guard was still alive. The Captain immediately picked her up and hurried to find her a bed to recuperate in.

Five steps later, the guard bled out. :'(
The flying ☼Earworm☼ strikes strongrudder in the brain!
The ☼Earworm☼ has lodged firmly in the wound!
strongrudder gives in to music.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2011, 05:52:43 am »

Just started a new fortress yesterday, decided i'd have a shot at naming the embark group after my family. Thought it would be a spot of fun. When i ran out of family members i used my pets names. Amongst them was Murphy, he was my first dog and he was one of the first things to see me when i was born. Unfortunately he died about 5 years ago.

I set him as one of my miners. he died within the first half hour of me playing. suffocated from... i don't even know. But I just felt so bad having killed my favourite pet again. For the first time playing Dwarf Fortress i was tempted to try and revert a save.

I didn't and he now has a tomb fit for a king and the fortress is running slower with only 1 miner.

Now i know not to name dwarves after dead pets...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Most Heart Warming or Heart Wrenching Dwarf Fortress Moments~
« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2011, 04:27:51 pm »

The mayor is a twelve-year-old boy who migrated here a while ago with just his mommy.
He just became caught up in a romance with a peasant. Another twelve-year-old.
I don't mean to alarm you, but it appears that your Dwarves are all in fact elephants.
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