Haha! Your mind fu is no good on me!!
Nope, I don't really have a good idea about you. You're pretty hard to pin down. Sometimes you swing one way, sometimes another. Sometimes you seem like two different people. Sometimes you seem like something else.
You're very tentative. You're always hiding, and trying to express yourself, and trying not to express yourself, and trying to get attention, and trying not to get attention. You're of two minds about nearly everything. There are things that you say because saying them is easy--because you can put them into words and pretend you're expressing yourself, and that you're known, and that you're being close to people.
You're lonely and you want friends, and you're frightened of being rejected but you're also frightened of being frightened of being rejected, and you put up a wall of temperamental bravo and sadness to protect yourself from complete honesty where you are more fragile and don't want to believe it of yourself. You show weak points that aren't as weak as some other areas in an effort to protect your true weaknesses... you give people areas to take potshots at, areas where you know you have a little armor, so that if they attack you you'll at least know where it's coming.
It's always partial truths and implications, because the truth is a terrible thing.
Who knows. Right or wrong, this is how you come off to me.
Sorry about letting her jump the line, it just kind of came out.
And you want a 20 year old nerd to tell you how she imagens you?
Thanks for fixing that for me =) I'm glad I didn't have to do it myself.