...However, all of this is secondary to the the main point that I was trying to make with the Kung-Pow... example, which was to provide an established example in fiction of a scene where somebody fighting unarmed strikes a blow which creates a wound larger than the body part used to inflict it. He needn't have punched all the way through for my main point to have been made...
That doesn't mean it makes sense in general for attacks to do that, even in an intentionally over-the-top fictional sense.
It is NOT being proposed "in general for attacks to do that", only attacks from creatures with the proposed [EFFECTIVE_SIZE:::] or [EFFECTIVE_SIZE_MOD:X] tokens. Theoretically those tokens could even be further limited to specific attacks from said creatures.
Ergh. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense for that tag to cause those effects in a general sense. First off, the example provided was one that was intentionally over-the-top and comedic, so not a very good example, and blunt force trauma causing a bigger hole than the object used to render it is only one
specific example that happens to make more sense than others. For instance, it makes less sense for a bite wound to make a hole with eight times the diameter of the tooth, or for a super-powerful creature to sever somebody's arm with a blowgun dart.
Again, this sort of tag would, at best, lead to very bizarre results that you would not
generally want from the system, and the behavior you do want (i.e. allowing creatures to be super-powerful for their size) is best achieved through other means since we
already have an attribute system. I think I've already made my case for that.