Alright, if you've been following my Reveredtour LP, you know that I'm currently having some difficulty filling the moat. What I thought would be a simple task of merely diverting the river into the empty moat, but I can only assume this isn't working. So I tried diverting the ocean into the moat, and that doesn't seem to be working either. If the moat is actually filling up, it will won't be full until years from now. That is unacceptable.
Here's a picture that outline the current moat design;
Notice how the water seems to reach a certain point and then stop. You might assume that's because the moat hasn't had enough time to fill up yet, but the water has been stopping at those points for weeks. I believe that the temperature causes the water to evaporate before it reaches the edges of the moat. I'm not sure how to resolve this problem either, as I've never dealt with temperature based problems beyond the cold.
So here are what I think are my current options;
-Sit back and wait to see if the moat eventually fills up
-Cut up the earth of Reveredtour even more by carving additional tunnels to the river and ocean, hoping that multiple water sources will cause the water to reach the edges before evaporation
-cover the bottom of the moat in floortiles (not sure if this does anything, but someone suggested it)
-Turn of temperature temporairly and see if the moat fills up then. The elf option.
Anyone have some advice on what to do here? I'm really sick of this fucking moat.