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Author Topic: Chaste-ropes We'll see how chaste it stays [community fort, maybe succession?]  (Read 949 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling DFer, Legendary Lazy, Proficient Sleeper
    • View Profile

The Land: Defini Liceva, AkA: The Dimensions of Legend
The Location, The Jade Land.
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The fortress is to be located between The Grasping Murk, a large expanse of wilderness Swamp, and The Fingers of Stinking, supposed haunted mountains.
"Your goal is to tame and Control the Land, as well as the cave Lastomar, 'The Dwindling Nights'. It is said to be home to dread trolls, bats, and cave swallows. You seven have been chosen, though the reasons have not been told to me in particular. Never less I, Your Ruler, Astesh Picksea, Command you to carry out your orders, bring wealth and land to our kingdom, lest we fall into ruin like so many Countries beside us. You are to be Lords of your land, and therefore are no longer welcome in the mountain homes."
The 7 combined staring stupidly, demanding a reason why they're exiled, and standing dumbfounded from the news given to them. By their ruler no less.
"Bring yourselves honor but do not return without word of success."
Astesh was a little odd like that, but being a Gloomer Dwarf did stuff to your mind. She was still a dwarf, just... different from other dwarves. Perhaps thats why she is still ruler of the Towers. No trust for other Nobility.
"With that you are bid to leave."

The Ambiguous Towers can no longer stand Idly by as the rest of the world, dwarf and nondwarf alike pass them by, they will have a new mountain home, one that will persist through the sands of time. The word Passed through the small kingdom. The seven have been chosen. They set out to tame the land, to expand the Towers farther then they have in the last 400 years. Who will survive?

The Fortress is Proclamed Musodgoden, or Chaste-ropes, for the purity of the Ambiguous Towers will pull forth and draw a new future for it's people.
The embarking crew is aptly named Shazakvucar, The Symmetric Urn. A proper name if any for band of dwarves of the Towers.

The seven Chosen:
Fikod Asmeladas, with knowledge of dressing wounds, for injury is sure to happen in forsaken lands and hostile caverns, a persuader of sorts and Pacifier, as well as the natural leadership to lead the seven
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Olin Cilobmegid, a Dwarf of nature, Will provide the plants of the land for clothing and drink, as well as food of course.
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Geshud Ethramatis, technical dwarf and miner, will design and implement buildings and mechanics. He will also be in charge of metal crafting.
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Feb Ushatlibad, huntress and fisher dwarf, will supplement Olin's task of collecting food.
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Reg Tekkudigath, our general Construction Dwarf. wood or stone he can make it. He also makes stone trinkets on the side.
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Geshud Kubukaban, our smithy, she will be our source of much of our metal products including our arms and armor. She can also cook a good stew.
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Udil Alathamid, our general go to guy will handle most of our behind the scenes tasks such as appraisal and stocks. He also claims to be a student of alchemy, and can create the famous black powder our society is known for should we find or trade for the suitable materials of brimstone and salt peter. He also knows a little of making charcoal and will assist Geshud with smithing in that respect.
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   Now why, you ask, did I specify their trained skills only? because part of this challenge is that they cannot learn new skills from scratch. All dwarves from this point on MUST have at least one level of skill in an ability. no farmer, no farms. no miner, no digging. Udil's going to get a little of Runesmith to swap out his rank of student with alchemist, but after that... Hey dont look at me like that, its still 5 points I could have used at embark.[ok runesmith doesn't work yet, He'll be the exception, because I WANT to see guns later on in the fortress's life, whether by my hands or someone elses...]
So, simple as that. Every dwarf that has skills, any skills, is more important then anything else. those with military skills, drafting ASAP. No killing machines for useless peasents, but leaving them to fight seiges and get wrestling skill might be ok, just remember, every dwarf you kill will make Astesh less likely to remove your exile any time soon. oh you can turn on or off skills they have training, as well as feeding patients, recoving wounded, cleaning and hauling skills, as those dont give any xp for anything anyway. still a Legendary wounded recoverer would be silly...

The madness begins.
In my next post cause I just realized its 6am. whoops. be back in 8 hours or so. hopefully. Have the first month charted. Nothing big. Just wrestling a skelegoat cause crazy me dont bring weapons.

edit1 9:29am[6:38PST]: whoops redundancy is redundant.
edit 2: oh hell, I can't sleep. lets see if I can get a full season out before 9[PST]. Oh, And I'm using Genesis Mod as well as Rhenayas Thunderbluss mod, and Warlord's Bonfire mod. I forsee !!FUN!! with the second one. be back after I finish the first season.
Oh, and If you want a Dwarf, let me know and I'll swap the Nicknames. If it makes it the first year let me know what you think of as making this a succession fort, I'll go toss it up on DFFD if it sounds like there enough interest.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 09:41:33 am by Frosty_Dorf »

honestly, that was a ragequit moment.  The friggin thief just walked on past and grabbed it.  There were like 100+ floors yet to be placed.
My computer struggled to load all the demons.  Then, next frame, I check the unit list....
The last.... 4+ pages.... all demons.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling DFer, Legendary Lazy, Proficient Sleeper
    • View Profile

Yeah Had an insomnia bout so I kept Playing. Now I'm regretting that...
Anyway, heres whats happened so far.
1st Granite
The Dwarves made it to the site of the new fortress, no, New Capital for The Ambiguous Towers. Bringing only bare basics, they will have to fend for themselves, surviving on the scraps they brought and what they can gather from the land. It is still frozen, So for the moment only what they have will subsist. Construction of temporary workshops to build and axe and pick are the top priority. Strike the earth!
warning, large images ahead!
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Fikod will deal with psychiatrist dutys in the event of stress from this task effecting the dwarves.
Udil will handle the paperwork, but unfortunatly has no organizational skills needed for managing. for the moment the dwarves are limited to building on the spot.
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Seeing what looked like a white bone wearing troll in the cave, they decided to pay heed not to go near it for now. instead to begin building fortifications in the arm of the mountain they were stationed, when the spring thaw came, proper work outside would be easier, but it should be managable for the moment. There were some skeletal goats too.
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This's just too detailed guys. um... waaaay too much info for me.
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And Olin started pulling weeds.He explained in simple terms that the local plants will serve as supplemental drinks until proper dwarver ale can be brewed.
6th granite
well didn't take long before the goats started to mess with the dwarves. with no military trained dwarves, they'll have to hope for the best. also they're going to relocate at a different point to build tools at.
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This is not good. on the bright side, we do have an ambusher. an unskilled ambusher...
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[Well, there was a record of a scuffle... but.. um... it disintigrated [seriously I'd rather it dropped bones 100% of the time].
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On the plus side, Feb appears unharmed. bringing a hunter as a semi-militia is a nice little trick, as she counts as military [ambusher skill]. but... well... she didn't get a registered kill from it as far as I can tell]

neverless, the workshops were moved, and will stay where they are until the fortress proper is at least stable from more bony goat invasions.
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.... and the troll is... yeah forget that place, we'll reconvene somewhere the troll isn't.
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New spot chosen near the workshops. ... Ok, can the miner get to work? the picks sitting in the workshop dammit... stupid hauling jobs... I'll turn them off next time.

17th Granite.
ah finally full thaw, the map's water hazards are revealed at last.
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19th granite
And he's off and cutting into the rock, we'll have a mountain home yet. and no ones died. well except the goat... that I still can't find after the thaw even.

1st Slate
I had Feb head off to start fishing. she can't really hunt without proper tools, but fishings easy enough bare handed. work on a suitable shelter in the mountain goes swimmingly.
4th Slate
wait, what happened? the Troll? is Geshud ok? He's great? what happened?

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there you are! huh what happened with you and the troll?
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What do you mean you dont know?!
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Seriously, the troll isn't chasing them. maybe its one of those stupid skeletons that only fights back. too bad the goat wasn't like that.
Later that day...
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Yay, bituminous coal! And... Limonite? one sec gotta pull out my human's guide to dwarf rock.
hmmm... limonite... low value... meh magma safe. Like I know where the magma is anyway. oh well something to play with.

5th slate
mmmmm, bauxite. wait... *flips through the pages* can contain... sapphires and/or rubies? mmmmm, but we have no gem cutters...

oh well toss it in the junk bin.

NOTE: oh, found some sapphires.
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6th Slate
Huh? the troll went down the hill so its safe? but its only a few... oh never mind grab the rest of the supplies then.
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So, I was just looking at Feb, wondering if that kill was recorded yet, and found some interesting stuff on the dwarves.
1: All the dwarves follow multiple Dieties. at least 2 each that I noted, but I skimmed real fast for the good tidbits
2: The two Geshuds are... LOVERS?! Well they are Male and Female, but... are we in Asia or somewhere they announce last names first or something? they have the same first name. If they get married and have the same last name... That'll be fun.
3: Lastly in silly Dwarf Gossip, Reg and Geshud Kubukaban the cook are Holding some Grudge for some reason.

19th slate
some farm fields were haphazardly set up for future crop growing. not too orderly, but most spaces have ungrowable bare rock that makes that idea unfavorable.
apparently our charcoal supply ran out. I thought Udil was in charge of that. he better get to it, we brought the copper, and theres a skeleton troll that feb's got a ticket to a prize fight with. a breast plates a start, but... I like my dwarves armored before doing stupid.

hmmm... maybe having my farmer/plant gatherer be the brewer wasn't the best choice
the still hasn't been built yet.

ooooohhhhhhh... crap.... Udil is pissed about something.
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eh? whats that outside?
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I swear, I only see these things AFTER something else has happened. warthogs? well at least its not all bones out here. hope THEY dont scare my dwarves around...
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I really hope Udil gets happy. I'll carve a room for him first thing. give him some privacy.
oh good, the warthogs are more scared of the dwarves. good hunting food. if I can get my crossbow built. and bolts... crap thats a lot of copper, with no bowyer or wood/bone crafters...
And why aren't the copper armor being made yet?
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wheres my charco-oooohhh... Udil. greeeat...
16th Felsite
We have chairs! civilization at last! also we can keep track of stocks better now.
ah excellent, the floodgates are starting to be built. I'll set up a front gate of sorts, as well as a farm space below later. it hasn't failed me yet anyway.
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21st Felsite.
[beep].[beep] [beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepckucfbeepcfbeepukcbeepfclhas;lgjhasklhasdga;ljghaldgjh;asdlfhl;
what do you mean dont have non economic rock?!
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oh and Udil went insane. greaaaat... at least he's seperated from the rest of them. Feb, watch him please.
well... no more charcoal or status updates until the next dwarves show up with the skills. all in all he was actually the most skilless of them all, more of a filler. Yet so important being the broker and record keeper...
Thats it, I gotta get some sleep. I'll deal with this... maybe today later. but not for at least 12 hours.

edit: ok more then 12 hours. probably why I haven't signed up for any succession games yet. I have another season, but my interest is in other stuff at the moment so... uyeah... oh well. this was more of a self test on how I could go about setting up or joining in a group game. get too distracted too fast.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 08:34:34 pm by Frosty_Dorf »

honestly, that was a ragequit moment.  The friggin thief just walked on past and grabbed it.  There were like 100+ floors yet to be placed.
My computer struggled to load all the demons.  Then, next frame, I check the unit list....
The last.... 4+ pages.... all demons.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

That problem with being disgusted to talk to a pillar of society means that they have a grudge with the expedition leader.  Assign leadership to someone else and problem solved.
This is a useful feature..and this is DF.. so im gonna assume its bugged
That's what cages and minecart shotguns are for!  We don't need to control them.  We just need to aim them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling DFer, Legendary Lazy, Proficient Sleeper
    • View Profile

Ah. I see. So get the wrong leader and piss off people XD.
Well, I have the next season written up  and pic'd up, but now A lack of time to continue playing until the weekend. I kind of forgot this stuff thanks to other things... I dunno, you think theres enough interest that anyone would wish me to continue the first year up or just let it die?

honestly, that was a ragequit moment.  The friggin thief just walked on past and grabbed it.  There were like 100+ floors yet to be placed.
My computer struggled to load all the demons.  Then, next frame, I check the unit list....
The last.... 4+ pages.... all demons.