Monday included our end-of service hearing tests (which I believe are quite honestly impossible to fail... The guy had to tell me three times which box to go into before I got all of what he was saying, and I received a great score), plus an obligatory Christmas service later on. Yeah, obligatory, for the whole battalion.
While I won't say that it was exactly fun, there were certainly worse things I could have been doing. Afterwards we had a few minutes of cleanup and junk relocation from one of our things, and that was it for the day.
Then we had Tuesday, today, with our end-of-year physical tests. Definitely not a good time, and I'd actually dropped down in a couple areas... I managed to find a spot of time to hop by the priest's office, which was something he wanted me to do. I then was awarded thanks for my half-year of service, plus the traditional gift... And what is the traditional gift for six months of service as the priest's assistant? A big fuck-off ol' knife, that's what.
It's this giant tribal hunting knife. The thing looks and feels like a mini-machete, and it's keen as a schoolboy in summer. Rather odd present to get from a priest, but hey, who am I to judge? I'm not Christian.
And then, after lunch, our Tjutts arrived for inspection. What is a Tjutt? It's a weird military term/abbreviation for a "Tjenesteuttalelse". Basically an employee review, but for the army. We get a number of fields that are marked off as being "Below expectations", "Meets expectations", "Exceeds expectations", and "Whoah, dude, this is some seriously good shit", plus an overall ranking that's rated the same way.
The, uh, first draft of mine was a little... Well, fine. Not good, not bad, just... Okay. Two fields (initiative and performance under stress) were marked as "Below", while one field ("Attitude", or how I acted and presented myself. Also general politeness) was "Exceeds". Everything else was "Meets". General ranking: Meets expectations. Woohoo.
Then there followed a short write-up from someone who apparently didn't know too much about me, so they just wrote a bunch of important-sounding babble that didn't mean anything. And, by the way, if my "attitude" deserved "Exceeds expectations", then I have no friggin' clue what kind of activity would garner a full "Awesome" rating. I draw the line somewhere before offering sexual favors to all superior officers.
Well, that's that... It's probably going to get looked at again thanks to the priest's recommendations apparently not having made it through all the way to the working board, so they're going to poke around and see if they can fish them up someplace. Otherwise... Nothing to report. Really, really, really unexciting days. Woop woop.