@ DJ : Please, provide better counter-ideas. We do not change the world by saying someone else is wrong (let alone without detailed and accurate information). Instead, we get far better results by providing a better alternative reality.
I don't have to be a musician to recognize that a band sucks, why would I have to be a politician to reject stupid policies?
True, but only if you don't care to progress the conversation.
I could say that your house is about to fall down, and I may be right, but that is pretty useless (and questionably accurate) information. If you show me a support that is bearing too much weight, and you tell me how to reinforce it, then the problem is MUCH more likely to be resolved.
@ the general conversation : This is an interesting debate on what a government should do. I think it's safe to say that it differs by who makes up the government. A group of libertarains will have a small government (how small depends on what compermises they make). A group of socialists will make up a commune of sorts, with everyone taking a pre-determined share of what everyone produces.
I read a while ago that true dictatorships don't exist (much like pure socialistic societies don't exist). The problem is that one ruler can not possibly control all the things that a government should do, and everyone ruling never gets anything done. Thus they both gravitate toward the more efficient oligopolies. Dictarships use numerous advisors, and socialists organize leaders. The republic is interesting here because while it still uses an oligopoly, it is relatively controlled by the people through voting.
Unfortunately even a republic has shown huge signs of corruption, inefficiency, and questionable and unchangable laws. The checks put in place (multiple congresses, juries, and so forth) don't seem to be very good at getting rid of bad policies. It gets so bad that we still have laws like "the husband owns his wife's hair", that nobody recognizes because it's so silly.