DAY 2They come, and The Dome is still fully prepared. 5 again come per side, but they've evolved into a sort of heavy scout now.
..............,o888P"'' '`"P888o..............
............o88P"' `"Y88o...........
.......... P' `Y88o.........
........,8 Twil& Y88........
.......d8P Vads Y8L......
......d8F Y8b.....
.....d8P Y8b....
....,88 88....
....88[ ]88...
...,88 88...
...]88 Bo& ...
...]88 George ...
....88[ ]88...
....Y8b d8P...
.....Y8b d8P....
......88. ,88.....
.......Y8L d8P......
........Y8b. ,d8P.......
.........`Y8b. ,d8P'........
...........`Y88o_ _o88P'..........
.............`Y888oo_ Griph _oo888P'............
................`"P8888oooo ooooo8888P"'...............
.....................'`""PP PPP""''....................
Griph Stands at the Southern Gate still, looking at the stronger doomy doomthings. But he sees their resemblance the the weaklings from yesterday and charges out!
Roll: 19
Pfft. If this is how it'll be, Griph thinks, this 'll be a pretty easy job. All 5 were laughably easy to kill.
Bo and George, while not very happy together, are still at the West Gate and neither is dead yet, so they ready themselves for the second day of horrible doomy doomthings.
Rolls:0 (
Bo is horribly bit in the leg by a Heavy Scout! The injury is Serious but not fatal! George manages to kill the biter, and 1 other, before having to help Bo retreat. The builders temporarily reroute a charge to stun the 3 remaining Heavy Scouts, but those two better do well tomorrow, otherwise those monsters will break into the dome!
Twil and Vads reload and wait. They don't really seem to want to talk at the moment.
Twil and Vads are Near-Fatally injured, and didn't even get a shot off first! The gate is slammed shut so they don't both die, but now both other doors
must stay open!
there are now 5 TINY ALIENS dead and ready to trade. But damn, 3 Crit. fails in one turn! You guys can just rejoin if theres no one on the list, but as a different colonist. Twil and Vads are stuck in the medical ward for a turn, after that you two can either stay an extra turn to heal fully, or tough it out ad hope your remaining injuries don't get you killed
Serious Injury! (-3 to roll next turn if you continue fighting anyway)
Near Fatal Injury! (forced retreat, no action next turn)
Near Fatal Injury! (forced retreat, no action next turn)
RP/Non-RP time! (or we can just skip to day 3,same as before)