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Author Topic: Liberal Crime Squad LP  (Read 7275 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2010, 07:13:20 pm »

Totally agree with the ak. If I chose my skills i would have favored charisma to recruit new members, I feel ill have to kidnap people as the best course of action given my psychology skills. Until the Garment shop cools down and i can free some more serfs!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2010, 07:19:03 pm »

Yeah, you need to get some more gung-ho types to help with the cause. Don't just go flying into action like that until you're really capable of taking down the man.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2010, 08:16:43 pm »

Or, at least have a point in your prefered weapon.  :P

Honestly, you should buy a sword for your character, and give the gun to a recruit with high agility and health.  Your guy is really more geared towards swords stat-wise, and has two points in sword usage.  Once you get to sword-4, you should really be able to do some damage!

I like "training" at the latte stand.  Die, Starbucks zombies!  >:(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2010, 09:01:24 pm »

Apr 6


I went to the latte stand with my ak, intent on carnage. I did however spot a prominant CEO, and decided to instead kidnap him and convert him.

I grab him and run.

I captured William Boyd. His codename shall be, The Suit.

The Interrorgation.
It will be short and sharp.

He will be restrained and beaten, starved and sleep deprived.

Day 1:
He took it well
Day 2:
He holds on
Day 3:
He refuses to give in
Day 4,5,6,7
He doesnt give in
Day 8:
He us fed again and i start to try and convert him.
The Suit is terrified. Its time for the carrot.
Day 9,10:
I provide a shoulder for him to cry on.
Day 11:
He is bleeding from self inflicted wounds
Day 12:
The CEO reveals a map of his HQ
He is beginning to see reason.
Day 14:
The Suit commits suicide. Oh well.

I throw up.

May 9



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2010, 09:17:22 pm »

May 13

Back to the latte stand....

I kidnap a corperate worker... His code name is now Blue Collar.

I will convert this one with reason.

Day 18.... He gives in!

The supreme court have voted to protect free speech! a small victory.

and maintain the status quo in a  decision to protect police officers.

Justice stephen tailboys (Liberal) steps down...

Dora Logan steps up (Conservative)

June 1

Blue Collar will sell brownies, due to his business acumen.
I will free some more serfs at the garment makers.

After a shootout many of the serfs were hit and killed.
As we leave, 4 police gang units are waiting, we cannot run from them without a vehicle.

I surrender.

Blue collar is making money from brownies.
The next day, he is thrown to the ground and beaten senseless by the gang police.
He is reindocrinated with conservative values.

Baywatcher is moved to court for trial

The defendant, Ed Franklin, is charged with
3 counts of felony assault, murder and 2 counts of breaking and entering.

I will defend myself.

The jury is frighteningly conservative
The prosecution makes an airtight case
Baywatcher did alright
The jury leaves...

Ed Franklin you are sentanced to DEATH

Wow game over lol


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2010, 09:20:00 pm »

Well THAT was fast.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2010, 09:21:17 pm »

Next one.

Name: Neil Cavill
Sex: Male
Code name: Toady One

Skilled in:
writing: 4
Sword: 2
Persuasion: 2
Tailoring: 2
Seduction: 2


Perfect for recruiting! a real casanova.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2010, 09:47:11 pm »

Jan 20

I have a sleeper agent Mindy Crocket. A lawyer working at the courthouse. She is embezzeling funds for me.

I have hired several prostitutes to work for me, to make some cash.

I bought a dwarven hammer.

Jan 31

I have 5 Prostitutes now. I am living out of Hapsburg apartments. I am making a healthy amount of money.
I leave my hammer in the drawer.

Time to find me a lover.
At the Internet Cafe.

I spot a Lawyer and drop a line, we make plans for later.
I spend 100$ to get the night rolling
She runs a mile. Women.

This month i made:
$648 from hustling

Time for more lovin.

Back to the cafe!
A programmer this time
Spent another $100 to get the night going...
She is quite taken by me...
and becomes my love slave!
I will name her.... Trongirl

Trongirls job is hacking credit cards!

The money is really starting to rolling in.

I buy a black suit [$500]
Now I look the part.
Time to recruit some guns.

I went into the Gentlemans club and got a date with a hot Radio Personality.
It doesnt go well. She runs.

Our first gun, Violet Bradshaw, is recruited.

She is designated group alpha 1, and will make the first statement of our cause.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2010, 09:55:08 pm »

Feb 23

Alpha one is armed with a civilian AR-15. Time to go to the latte stand.

A soldier spots her, alpha one opens fire. misses. The soldier stray hits a hobo in returning fire, alpha one flees. A bullet wizzing over her head.

Alpha one spots a table with a manager and lab tech, and opens fire. The labtech is hit in the head and slinks to the ground, dead.

The corporate manager made a run for it.

A security guard spots alpha one in a crowd with  a doctor and union worker
She fires a shot into the guards head, he falls back and fires his pistol missing.
She fires again in his chest, the guard returns and shoots alpha ones leg.
Both are injured, alpha one grabs the security guard and makes a run for it.
The guard dropped dead before escaping.
Alpha one escapes and goes to the hospital, Shot in the body and left leg.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2010, 06:46:08 pm »

Also, does anyone want to be a member of the LCS? Ill rename someone to you if you wish :D

Currently tho, we have only prostitutes free. So.

Current roster:

Toady One: Boss
Max Antle: Prostitute
Bobbie Valdes: Prostitute
Mason English: Prostitute
Rania Quilico: Prostitute
Russ Cole: Prostitute
Brooklyn Patterson: Prostitute
Trongirl: Credit card fraud
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 07:01:30 pm by Deadmeat1471 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2010, 07:10:06 pm »

Feb 2009

Making body armour, practicing to get skill up and have armor for Alpha one when she returns.

Brooklyn got arrested for prostitution in a sting.

Congress acts on legislation!

Rewarding small business - Passes
End undue union influence - Passes
Limit nuclear power - Fails
Expand homosexual rights - Fails

A sad day, more action is needed.

Brooklyn ratted me out in prison, time to relocate.

Feb budget:
Credid card fraud 449
Hustling 1710
Purchasing goods 920
Rent 200
Manufacturing 500
Groceries 490
Dating 200

Produced +1 Body armor[4]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2010, 07:20:09 pm »

March 2009

Relocated the operation to 'Old Barwick Fertalizer Plant'
The Hapsburg Apartments had 300 heat due to the ratting out.

Toady begins making Army uniforms, they are cheaper and we currently only need one for Alpha one.

27th Alpha one returns from hospital. Violet dons her new body armor.

March Budget:
Credit Card Fraud: 516
Hustling: 1285
Embezzlement: 30 (Will but this sleeper back in sleep mode, embezzlement is failing)
Manufacturing 960
Groceries 604

Safe house contains:
1x Dwarven Hammer
1x Clothes
2x Army uniform
11x Army Uniform[2]
5x Army Uniform[3]
6x Army Uniform[4]
1x Body Armor[4]

Toady One's Tailoring is now 4
Alpha One is back from hospital, and ready for more slaughter.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2010, 07:35:56 pm »

April 2009

Mindy Crocket the LCS sleeper in the court switches from not embezzeling funds to advocating liberalism.

Alpha One heads to the Latte stand....

A worker spots the AK, she opens fire. The worker moves to hit Alpha with a chain, but is shot in the knee, he then determines to cower in fear.
Alpha hits his other leg and he bleeds out.

Alpha spots a security guard and opens fire with her AR-15, hitting his leg. Moving in she smacks the guard in the mouth with the butt of her rifle and says "Bitch be cool.".
They move to exfiltrate the area, but Alpha spots a Hangin judge, one bullet misses, the second hits the judge squarely in the chest. A lung shot. Alpha finishes the job, eliminating the Judge.

They leave. But... Oh no two police gang units!!!!

Alpha raises the rifle and fires, she misses but the gang unit does not, a bullet rips through her leg and severs an artery, she continues to fire, but slowely slumps down and gurgles her last gurgle.

Apr 3rd - Alpha One KIA

Toady switches to making expensive suits for better practice.

Apr budget:
CCF 550
Hustling: 1912
Manufacturing: 1880
Groceries: 573

Toady made 6x expensive suits[3/4]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2010, 07:59:38 pm »

This is quite entertaining.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Liberal Crime Squad LP
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2010, 08:00:52 pm »

May 2009

Toady stops making clothes to recruit some more guns.

7th, October Green joins the ranks as a Prostitute.

9th, Collete Gu Joins the ranks as a Prostitute.

11th, Edwin Luna joins the cause as a gun. Designated Alpha Two

Toady Makes a Body Armour[2] for Alpha Two

Toady one begins to write to the papers to get the message out. Writing skill 4

The squad relocated to Old Houseman Building Site safe house. Secrecy was at 0%

17th, Alpha Two enters Grammer Cosmetics...
He frees a bunch of cute furry rabbits and is spotted by the labtechs, he opens fire with his shotgun.
A labtech is hit in the leg and collapses, another swings a punch but misses.
The other labtech then trys to syringe Alpha but Edwin counters and smashes the techs chest in with the shotgun.
One labtech runs, the other is blasted 3 times with the shotgun and falls into a bloody heap, dead.

Alpha runs out, and is confronted by car after car of Police with weapons trained on him. Edwin screams "VIVA LA LIBERTA!" and raises his shotgun.
He is riddled with 9mm bullets and dies immediatly.

18th, Russel Hoffman is recruited as the next martyr. Designated Athena.

The arch conservative Katelin Webster steps down as Justice and is replaced by Woody Gu, Conservative.

A small victory.
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