Two nights ago I had a weird dream as a result of my mind trying to correlate everything in my life. I am currently re-playing Might & Magic VI, re-reading the Xanth novels by Piers Anthony, and of course keeping track of the Development Log of Dwarf Fortress and also world current events.
In Might & Magic VI, the overhead map is a white line drawing on a blue background. The dungeons are often rather complex and multi-leveled, which makes for a very confusing map. In my dream I lived in some kind of large, complex estate house. I could see on my map of the house, which was the familiar white line drawing, that there were some people in a room that I had not explored. However, instead of these people being represented as red (enemy), green (friendly), or yellow (dead) dots, they were capital letters in the exact font that I see when I play Dwarf Fortress. Specifically, they were "E", and I knew in the dream that they were Elves (which are not in MM6). I got someone to investigate and it turned out that these were a group of potential household employees (migrants?) who had gotten lost in the basement on a tour of the place. They had been locked into this room for over a year and had given birth to children during that time. They were living on rats that they caught from an heretofore unknown area below their room. Among the potential employees was one woman in a wheelchair who was carrying a rake and insisted that she wanted to be a manure spreader in the gardens. I asked her if she was sure she could handle that job from a wheelchair, and she insisted she could. I asked her how she was going to get over "that", which turned out to be a rather deep, raw earthen ditch across the front lawn. Presumably this represented the Gap Chasm in Xanth. About that time a man representing my husband (he didn't look anything like my husband, or anyone else I know) came into the story. He apparently managed the financial affairs of the estate. There was some debate over whether these people should be paid for the year they were locked in the basement. I said yes. About that time one of the cats woke me up, so I don't know how life progressed for those imaginary people from then onward.
Edit: Fixed typos.