Welcome aboard, now that we're up to 10 and everyone has sorted themselves out, we're ready to go.
Team Inferno: Aaron, Roland, Fuzz
(adwarf, ahra, FuzzyZergling)
You guys sit together in the transport, waiting to be delivered to the next exercise. One of the Sergeants comes up to you and tells you you're Team Inferno and you'll be at trial facility #5. Soon, you're dropped off, first out of anyone in the group. Nearby you can see a pack full of blasting charges. The door to your facility appears to be locked, but there is a terminal next to it you might be able to use to hack into the system and open the door.
Team Gurren: John, Xavier, Nicholas, Emily
(Phantom, Comp112, Twi, Sheb)
Sitting together, grumbling about the previous training exercise, you all decide to attempt this next exercise together. When the Sergeant comes around and asks who all is on the team, you give him your names. "All right, it's your funeral, you're in trial facility #2." he says before walking off. Sounds like a great time. You're nearly the last group to get off the transport, and looking around, you can see the door where you are supposed to enter, but nothing else around, just a bit of concrete between you and the door.
Team ALPHA-OMEGA-ULTRA: Amelie, Deb, Roger
(Dwarmin, IronyOwl, Luke_Prowler)
Unfortunately, you three are the last ones to be put into a team, so you have no choice who is in your team. Heading out to the final test facility you relax. When you arive you look around. You don't see any buildings or really anything nearby to indicate there was a facility here at all. There is a hill to the North-West that might contain the entrance to some kind of under-ground bunker, but you're not really sure.