haul the body to a place that remembers content (a lair).
Then if possible, build a fortress around the lair. Devote the fortress to building a tomb for your friend.
Abandon the fort leaving as little trace (other than the tomb) of your dwarves as possible.
don't, item's scatter when a fort is over lapping a lair it kinda cancels out the item holding.
best to either A) find the spot he died in and resurrect him using Dfusion (having race changer change him to a Demon_1 then travel to a spot then change him back, use the ghost form to keep his old wounds from re-killing him when you revive.)
B) create a adventurer reaction that makes a slade/or any heavy coffin and stuff the poor guy in it.
C) screw all that and revive him as a zombie by cracking open the adv_tools plugin and place this in the second line
function adv_tools.undead()
--this will revive a dead soul from the grave as a somewhat zombie... chances of it following you not so much
indx=GetCreatureAtPos(getxyz()) --use cursor and point at body
flg=engine.peek(vector:getval(indx),ptr_Creature.flags) --get flags
flg:set(1,0) --get flags
engine.poke(vector:getval(indx),ptr_Creature.flags,flg) --save flags
add this right next to "choices={"
{adv_tools.undead,"zombiebase revival"},
What would happen if I'm correct is that your friend will rise as a walking moaning undead and you might. Want to Travel once you do or you might endanger your self if said friend gets hurt/rekilled/attacked.