What do you mean you want to be treated equally? Fine. *Punches out woman* What? I don't like you. You said you wanted to be treated equally. I punch out guys I don't like."
I'd think that anyone you punched would have good reason to be upset.
True, but I have a nasty temper. The point was, we're raised from babies that "it isn't OK to hit girls". Never once in my life have I been told "it isn't OK to hit boys".
I saw this, and I thought quite similarly.
After many a frustration dealing with women (plenty of the time, my sisters when growing up), I have realized the major flaw in the "boys can't hit girls" rule when growing up; especially if girls bear witness to the rule being mentioned in front of them. Like most kids, they'll find a way to exploit it as much as possible in order to get what they want. This is a constant fear I have; and to try to prove that, as much as my nephew can't get away with his wild behavior at times, my niece(s) can't get away with pulling the BCHGs card all the time. I mean, if they're old enough and smart enough to come up with ideas and ways to trick adults, I think like a child and outsmart them and make them accidentally learn a lesson by their own mistakes (justice and lessons delivered via fridge logic; in a way, a form of mutual punishment if I know both parties are guilty).
I hate to sound like a generic asshole, but my views on the matter of feminism and chivalry is that I no longer care for chivalrous acts (me being the one delivering them), and feminism should be about balance, not dominance. I'd rather do something nice out of respect, than as a moral obligation that yields no reward or acknowledgment, or the dreaded "Nice Guy" card. In a sense, I do somewhat understand the caution towards most nice guys (out of my own fridge logic at times), but there are people who are just good natured.
In agreement with Megaman, just shut the fuck up and find a compromise everyone can agree with. Open a pack of beer and BS (IE- Chat in this context) the problems away like reasonable adults. The Gender War looks like a preschool riot.