oh please, this is a one man project, toady is never ever going to fix a bug on a section of the game which is going to have a major code rewrite!
it doesn't make any sense, and you and the programmer you've spoken should try to apply some logic instead of pursuing your pet pewee
combat bugs? there is the combat rewrite coming down in the near future, why spend a month on fixing combat bugs when a month could be used to move toward the rewrite?
there is the stockpile/restacking push, so no healthcare bugs related to piles right now
and then there is the custom workshop/room push, so no real gain in fixing healthcare bug right now
heck, why should toady spend a month fixing the current economy preventing bug when he's totally throwing off the economy code to write the brand new caravan arc?
there is no real gain in fixing this throwaway code which was added as a limited prototype in the first place.
now, toady is doing a great job of fixing game-breaking bugs, and I can concede that the actual meaning of 'game breaking' is debatable. from the point of 'working enough' I managed to fight countless battles, to operate tons of patients and even to survive the rot, so I'd say that combat and healtcare works.
if you want to debate what is and what is not game breaking, please go forth and open your thread, because this is not the thread about what breaks the game and what doesn't.
if you or your fellow programmer can't understand what a prototype is, please stick to 40d. this release was released 'for the brave' and not with any implied warranty of quality - pretty much the opposite: it was released as-is just because the forum pressure was exceedingly great, from people who wanted to play the latest and the greatest no matter the bugs.
now you have it: the latest and the greatest, so please, as you knew it, there is no much point in debating bugs. enjoy the features, and open your own thread if you think you have something important to say about what bug is or not game breaking.
and if your thread is ignored, please, don't take it as a personal crusade polluting other unrelated thread with useless complaining. it won't get you anywhere; instead stop and think: why my 'this xxx bug is game breaking and should be fixed now' thread is getting ignored?
hint: it's because we don't care.