What should we request from the merchants for next year? And what should we trade with them?
Pretty much everything has been done. These migrants are of little help but they manage to get some things done. The smoke house is finished, everyone has a room with a bed. I will soon make the doors. I sometimes see this miserable herbalist. I heard she has lost her husband and her child. Must have been the 2 prisoners. Speaking of prisoners, we got 4 more with the new migration wave. They have been locked up now. 4 were left alive. An adequate fish cleaner, an adequate fish dissector, a talented engraver/proficient teacher, and an accomplished soaper/talented liar/novice butcher. Not like we have them any jobs or anything... The butcher does help me with making meat from the killed wildlife. Oh and look merchants! I may be disobeying orders a bit but I'm making a Trade Depot. We really need some goods from them that we can't get on our own. Maybe we can even get a pump working. But I can't choose what to trade. That's up to the queen. (The warriors can also choose but since the queen is the broker I must speak like that when writing.) well back to my jobs. We need a tanner for those horse leather shoes. Maybe we could make something from the cougar we killed too or the tens of groundhogs. Them things are fast and there's so many. Military has a real hard time catching 'em.