Mecha's statistics:
Hit Points - Amount of 'health' that mecha have. Obviously, 0 (or lower) = mecha blows up. There's 20% chance that the pilot will be fast enough to catapult before that happens. HP = 10+Base Weight.
Base Weight - Important in aiming, evading and weapon cache. The more of it, the slower you are, but able to carry heavier weapons.
Built-in Weapons - Weapons that come with the Mecha and cannot be replaced. Most often these are low-grade rifles or cannons. They do NOT count toward Base Weight of the Mecha!
Weapon/Module Slots - Amount of weapons/modules that can be mounted onto the Mecha, according to pilot's preferences.
Weapon Weight Limit - Weapon's combined weight cannot exceed 70% of Mecha's base weight. Modules' weight is also counted there!
Total Weight - Sum of all weights is shown here.
Evade Weight Penalty - Calculated as Total Weight/4.
Engine Power - Tells how many tiles a mecha can traverse during one turn.
Titanium Armor Level - How much damage is substracted when the mecha is hit by bullets, missiles, etc.
Energy Armor Level - How much damage is substracted when the mecha is hit with plasma burst.
Power Supply - Amount of energy that can be used for weapons/utility components.
Also affects the power of Energy Armor module: Maximal usable Energy Armor is equal to Power Supply/10.
Required EQ License - Type of License that a pilot needs before he/she can pilot this Mecha.
Amount of passable tiles = Engine Power.
Attack can be performed after changing distance, or vice versa.
Difficult terrain (forest, hills, etc) cost additional 1 Engine power to move through, while water costs additional 3 Engine power to move through.
Walls (cliffs, walls, etc) are not passable.
Terrian movement penalties can be nullified by use of:
'Scorpio' Footing Balance Calibration Module (difficult terrain)
'Poseidon' Water Adaptavity Module (water)
'Eagle' Magnetic Levitation Module (difficult terrain, water, walls)
Facing is choosen after moving around the map (not using a weapon!) or waiting on spot.
You can face North, West, South and East.
It's an important factor:
An enemy with back turned on you gets -30% to Evade.
An enemy facing you with it's side gets -15% to Evade.

There's no Evade penalties when enemy is facing you.
Evade penalties are nullified if Mecha is equipped with 'Instinct' Auto-Rotation Module.
Shooting&Movement Patterns:
The shooting pattern is not a square, rather a diamond - if you want to shoot one tile diagonally, that's range of 2.
In this example, the range from O to X is 4.
Same goes for moving! For example, O have distance of 3 before it will be adjacent to X and can use a melee weapon.
And remember: In sand, your Mecha move only 2 tiles per turn.
It's a 1d6+bonus roll to determine who moves first. It is re-rolled on the start of the new turn.
Initiative 'doesn't exist' if there's no enemies on the map.
AI-Controlled vehicles/mecha/whatever always act last.
Hit % chance:
(Base 75 + Weapon's Hit Bonus + Amount of AIM-Module bonus) - Enemy's Evade - Distance Penatly.
Evade: [Can be negative, then adds to Enemy's Hit % Chance!]
(Base 30 + Amount of EV-Module bonus) - (Mecha's Total Weight/4*)
*-rounded down
ALSO: In Water, Evade's base 20 is nullified.
Distance and weapon availability:
Melee distance (1):
Melee weapons allowed
Short-range weapons allowed
Long-range weapons not allowed
Small distance (2-4):
Melee weapons not allowed
Short-range weapons allowed
Long-range weapons allowed
At distance 3 and 4, Short-range weapons get -5 and -10 to hit, respectively.
Large distance (5-6):
Melee weapons not allowed
Short-range not allowed
Long-range weapons allowed
At distance 6, Long-range weapons get -5 to hit.
Melee weapons operate at range 1.
Short-range weapons operate at range 1-4.
Long-range weapons opearate at range 2-6.
At distance 3 and 4, Missiles get -5 to hit, and at range 5 and 6, they get -10 to hit.
Properties of weapons:
Damage type:
Physical Armor counted normally.
Physical Armor counted normally.
Shockwave; 50% for a roll with 1d4 damage, armor not counted.
Energy Armor counted normally.
Uses Mecha's Power Supply as ammo.
See SPECIAL rules in weapon's entry
Weapon type:
Melee weapon.
Short-range weapon.
Short-range weapon.
Cannot be used after moving.
Long-range weapon.
Long-range weapon.
Cannot be used after moving.
Short-range & Long-range weapon.
Can do multiple shots - hit roll result calculated for every one.
Damage type is always EXPLOSION.
Mecha's preservation & Pilot's death:
An inevitable outcome - death.
One shell to evade too much and your mecha blows up. There's 20% chance that you will escape succesfully.
'Savior' Auto-Evacuation Module gives you 100% for that.
You can of course escape from the Mecha at any time, but it will be bad for your rating.
In case you will leave your Mecha before mission completion/blowing it up, the Mecha will be scrambled and put into repair (unless destroyed by enemy first).
Unless there's a replacement Mecha for you, you will be put into the worst type of Mecha, PS-1.