fairly lengthy video detailing how combat works.
TBH, I'm not that excited about all the details. I've done my dues in Dynasty Warriors, I'm used to killing 30+ guys at a time with one dude for 30 minutes straight. These enemies don't look quite so much like paper dolls, but they are grass and you are the lawn mower.
It makes me chuckle that they've basically inverted the logic for typical 3rd Person Action games, so now you get health by being in combat, not out of it, and are trying to sell it as revolutionary. It's not, fellas.
I knew it was a little too much to hope that the mechanics was going to be believable to a 40k fan. And the amount of blood they throw out seems kind of ridiculous, even for 40k. You kill a dude with anything and he explodes in huge red clouds of blood half the time.
Still, I'm a sucker for anything 40k and Fire Warrior was a long time ago. I can only hope game play is just an ounce more refined or diverse than the video shows, because 8 levels of stomping out guts with a SM, and doing nothing else, sound repetitive already.
And yeah, you read that thread date right. Can't believe it's taken them this long to finish it, development hell or not.