Great job!
Edit: On the side, can someone explain me why the game sometimes shows me the name in dwarven and in others in english? Seriously, i have just been in so much trouble because of this.. A dwarf made a artifact "about Ushat Wheelcrested" (note: I'm not a native english speaker.. I know what is wheel and what is crest, but I imagined it was a dwarven name..) settling in the midsummer of 7. So, I want to know who is this guy, and the incredible search begins. I first look on dwarf therapist, and no ushat wheelcrested there. So I go in game and look repeatedly on the unit screen (150 dwarfs), on the dead/missing (250 entries), search for each coffin and slab, just to make sure, and absolutely nothing...
So I decide to go on legends mode, and, well, that list have a little too much information to handle, until i come upon this viewer (great things happen from bad situations.. I also recommend putting this link on the wiki on the legends mode, as a recommendation..). After losing the focus and spending a good time looking to the brief history of my world (again, great job Parker147), I forgot the dwarf I was looking for, so I had to go back and open the game in the DF mode again. So I go back to the viewer and finally found the dwarf, named Ushat Wheelcrested, but the only relevant info I had was that she settled on my fort on 7, and became a refugee on 10 (Further looking i saw that this was the destiny of all my dwarfs..), nothing about being dead, etc, so she had to be on my fort.
Well, I return to the original game, and with dwarf therapist i see that on my fort there are 2 ushats, one of them a female and called Ushat Kolzim. I decide look at her, and with the [v]iew key on her I find that Wheelcrest is the english for Kolzim (also found the language_dwarf on the files, that is also great..). And that is how I spent my last 3 hours..
Sorry about this, but I had to write that, and to prevent the creation of another thread (although if recommended i can do so) , can someone explain me why on Earth the game keeps changing names, sometimes showing the english name, and on others the dwarven name? I mean, seriously, pick one!