Good number of updates
-Parsing speed up - 30% or more speed up I would guess. 700mb xml takes a bit less than 30secs to parse.
-Archive Support - You can now compress and archive xml and text files. Can compress to less then 5% of the file size pretty easily. Very nice if you have a lot of worlds. Decompressing takes a bit, but with the parsing speed up, loading a world should take about the same amount of time as before.
-Era Tab - bit of a start on trying to get a big picture of the entire world. Be careful with events and era length, all events are filtered out by default. Selecting too many events and a lengthy era can result in GBs of memory being used and can take some time to generate the page. It should be easy to generate graphs for events and wars off this when I get around to it.
-Civ generated "Flags" with Identicons - You may have seen this technique before on the web. Seems to work pretty well, flags are colored by race so its easy to see the race of a civ. May need to find a better algorithm as patterns are a bit too similar sometimes. Can see a few in the screenshot of the first post.
-Site and Civ Populations
-Site Connections - sites connected to each other with roads/bridges/tunnels/etc.
-War/Battle/Conquering Filter - Can be turned off in the War Tab. When active it filters wars/battles/conquerings from all pages and search lists. Some worlds generate tons of pointless battles and are possibly getting stuck in some sort of loop and civs end up endlessly fighting/pillaging. Battles get filtered out if there are no kills in the battle or if the attacker outnumbers the defender 10 to 1 and winning without many deaths. Battles with any amount of historical figures are unfiltered though. For Conquerings I filtered out all Pillagings that dont contain any other sub events all Destructions / Conquests are unfiltered.
-Historical Figure Leaders - can filter historical figures that were leaders for civs.
-31.12 and older files - I haven't done much testing with this, but I made some changes so it can read in these files. Very likely to give errors. I only tried it out on a 31.12 world I had and it loads, though it was much more incomplete than current versions.
Up next will probably be maps. I found a mapping library that I'm anxious to play around with so will probably mess with that a bit first. To integrate the map I'm going to have to rewrite some of the browser stuff and I think I will look into implementing a different browser to handle pages instead of IE.