Interesting thing that I discovered; although not worthy of its own topic:
This is an ode to LegendsViewer! Makes my life so much easier, as I would have continued to delve deep into the time-consuming Legends Mode. This utility, well, it at least makes it more of a leisure...
I genned a Medium-sized region up to anno 1050 and created and elf adventurer, seeing as they were the most numerous and dominant. Funny thing is, that I ended up quite far from my civilization I chose. The Glowing Lark was located in the centrum of the world, yet I appeared in a remote human civ near the north-eastern edge. I was a "devoted member" of both The Glowing Lark, and The Glittery Confederacy, the human civ! Double nationality ftw! Is this normal? I am positive that this hamlet has never even been attacked by any other civ. My elf's civilizations once had a brief war about 500 years ago, which lasted for 5-6 years. Can you see in any way how different civilizations see eachother? (BTW, my DF is completely vanilla, except for that I changed elves, dwarves, kobolds and goblins to build towns.
One more thing; It seems as if The Glittery Confederacy are this games first colonists! They founded a fortress on the other end of the world anno 198, with no settlements in between! The settlers seemed to just beeline to the other end of the world and founded a city there xD They built settlements from that settlement, culminating in the late 210's. One colonist founded a city in 212 only to meet that special someone and moving in with her, "back in the old country". He travelled back to the homeland in 225.