An idea I had recently. It would be a challenge that would raise the general difficulty of you fortress if you want to try it. It is, of course, themed on "honor" in general.
Here are the "rules" of the challenge:
-No traps at all (I am talking of ALL the traps, so no magma dropper/atom smasher/cave-in trap/bait) or siege engines. Your only defences are the military. You cannot use dogs for war.
-You can build walls, but you can't lock your fortress with them or with bridges, or anything the enemy can't pass.
-Every single dwarf in your fortress (except the first seven if you want easy mode, and the nobles (i'll talk about that)) must have a military training of some kind before doing anything else. You choose how good you want them to be. Proficient would be easy; try legendary. [You can use a danger room, but no enemy must die by traps].
-Because you respect your soldiers, you must try every thing to save your dwarfs. Remember, the theme is honor; sacrificing ten soldiers for only one milker is in the idea.
-In the same subject, be sure that your hospital is filled with competent doctors to keep your dwarfs alive, even if they are in coma forever.
-Any dead dwarf must have a tomb of 6x6, engraved, and if you want to be cool you can put statues too. You must put the bodies in the tombs; dont leave anyone behind, dead or alive.
-The nobles are your leaders, you must protect them and make sure they are happy. ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE, DON'T KILL YOUR NOBLES.
-And for the end... If every dwarf has a military training except nobles, you should have nearly two hundreds supersoldiers at the end of your fortress. At this point, you will probably have enought steel for your little army, and no goblin siege will be a treat any times soon. So... Spoilers ahead.
-Breach the hell. Your final, end game objective is to stand for one in game year against the demon waves. Good luck.
-Do not use adamantine, except if you want to try what's in the spoiler. Adamantine is too easy.