Ok, i can adress that.
Indeed, having Irony be a skelly without dieing first is weird. Ill admit i dont know much about it, especially since my scan got me a town result from him. Most likely case is that cult could convert lives member, yet i doubt that it would be more than a 1-shot. In this case Irony is dead, so it does not make much difference. We can agree that zath, Mr Person and Toaster are confirmed skellies. (again, barring that you or Org are reviving roles unnasociated with the cult. i know i'm not). By elimination, we, org and ottofar are the non revived skellies, and those that did not get a roleflip, so the leader must be among us. By elimination, I checked you last night, and i doub the cult leader would also have acces to mass-block, so I'm ruling you out. Org is likely ( auto-revived, secretive, org-like) but at the same time i doubt the cult would bandwagon him so clearly ( 3 skellies post, in a row, against org). Unless they are going for extreme Wifom. Ottofar did die by mod, but he did NOT flip, and thus is still suspect. The only snag i can think in the theory is the Toaster revive. If he got depowered while toaster died, Toaster should not have come back, unless something else was at play, possibly some kind of slowdown power. Other advantage, Ottofar having no vote or power means we dont lose anything as town.
May remove my shorten, but i don't see much point, frankly. I think the logic of my post is sound. If you wanna do a thread binge go ahead, in my case i'm getting a bit short on time this week.