So are we starting the new season?
Its up now.
Also, your minds are now filled with possible constructions and improvements your people could create.
Irrigation System - Restores health to a territory depleted by overpopulation.
-Advanced Irrigation - Increases a territory's ability to support people.
Armory - Red tokens generated by a territory with an armory fight with increased strength.
Fortifications - Red tokens defending a tile with fortifications fight with increased strength.
-Heavy Fortifications - Red tokens defending the tile fight with greatly increased strength.
Harbor - Increases a coastal tile's ability to support people.
Lifestyle - Increases the likelihood of population increases.
Road - Allows easier travel between two tiles.
Shrine - Black tokens generate additional belief.
Temple - All tokens generate additional belief. Also grands an edge during defensive combat. (Defending a holy site)
Wonder - Takes a very long time to build, bolstered by a god's might. Enhances all of a god's population regardless of distance or activity. Tokens in a tile with a wonder generate double the normal belief. Tokens adjacent to a wonder generate additional belief.
Buildings listed beneath other buildings require the first to be built before the second. The Wise One's healing house currently under construction counts as a lifestyle improvement and will make the population more likely to increase due to better healthcare.
A tile may only benefit from a construction once. For example, building two temples in a single tile has no additional effect unless the first is destroyed, in which case the second would continue to grant the normal bonus.
Map Updated on first page of play thread.