*Vorthon jumps a little, startled by Dariel.*
"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. I'm Vorthon. I was just seeing if anyone wanted to head into the CSE settlement with me for some clubbing. Yeah, I'm a citizen, and I know the culture, so If you do decide to come, don't get seperated from me. There's some... rather unpleasant... situations you could find yourself in if you do."
*Vorthon glances over at Taricus.*
"So are we. And 'special environments' is pretty carbon-chauvinist of you. The CSE is composed of... let me see if I can remember... several hundred different species. A fair number of them have a boron-nitrogen biochemical substrate and use liquid ammonia as a solvent, then there's the silicon-based species which use sulphuric acid and require temperatures of around 422.03 kelvin, then there's the boron-nitrogen-based ones who use gaseous ammonia and are essentially floating gasbags and then there's this one species which seems to be artificial in nature because there native to a large terrestrial world yet use a dense smog-like gas as a solvent, and that's just for starters. Kraahk, even amongst the carbon-baseds, there's variation: Using a water/hydrogen peroxide mix instead plain old water, using a water/ammonia solution instead of just water, arsenic in place of phosphorus in DNA analogues, etc. And we still manage. And besides, we haven't even covered the milky way in our own universe. Just a few million systems out of ~200 billion."