Judging by the rest of the context given, it might be something that would push the forum guidelines... still sounds interesting, though.
Not... exactly.
Okay I wasn't going to even mention it ever, but I guess I did, and also I'm mostly over it now. It's just a game after all.
Making a thrall involves feeding someone blood. Our social vampire did this by seduction - kinda creepy, but okay. Our strong vampire could do this by force, if she wasn't too busy destroying the TV and running through the woods naked (1 humanity now, kinda worried about that).
My vampire is physically weak and socially awkward. He's just sneaky, dexterous, and a decent liar.
And he got his thrall at a dance club. Enough said...
And while it's not technically erotic, this is Vampire. It's erotic.
My old GM simply houseruled that each PC had to be the same gender as their player to prevent things getting weird.
I got the feeling that was a lesson hard-learned...
The other players did the exact opposite actually, and I wish I had too. We're inevitably doing all sorts of creepy things, so it helps to play up the difference between player and character. Hence why I'm being way more careful about player/character pronouns now. And why I made my character a practicing Jew.
Fortunately, my new backup character is a club-going chick (who happens to be a brilliant researcher, but unfortunately naive and inattentive during downtime).