Huh. I've always thought that SCPs weren't that scary, but I've been terrified by some creepypasta.
My problem isn't the stories, it's the images. As such I find a lot of the SCP and creepypasta stuff bland, but every once in a while there is an image on there that just chills the bones.
I learned today that the teacher I'm having next year for Pre-Cal makes you memorize the Unit Circle. And he'll keep testing you on it till you get it correct. And it's too late to lower my level of math.
An easy thing that I found to help me remember the various positions is a simple little counting trick with only a few steps:
1)All co-ordinates are fractions. The bottom of the fraction is always 2, and the top is always under a square root sign.
2)Assume a circle like this, with the 4ths and 6th's present.
3)Starting on the outside co-ordinates at the righthand side and moving in a circle (so the top right quadrant) the top of the fraction goes 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4. When placed with the sqrt() and the 2 denominator you end up with
, which simplifies to
. As you can see this corresponds to the top right quadrant in a spiral pattern starting from the outer right and moving up.
4)To create the other quadrants slide (not rotate) your upper right quadrant one set of co-ords at a time to the new quadrant and then add negatives to align with the new space. (So your 60 degree co-ordinate pair becomes your 120 and 300 degree pairs with a negative added in the respective co-ordinate, or becomes your 240 degree co-ordinate with two negatives added).