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Author Topic: Things that made you absolutely terrified today  (Read 2088187 times)


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3270 on: January 24, 2013, 05:48:05 am »

Recently I had a nightmare that I had become a mass murderer and had decided to slaughter people at a grocery store with a scythe made of bones. It wasn't pleasant, as I don't like having that kind of dream and let's just say I don't want to go to sleep for some reason that is associated with said nightmare.
I was known as dei before. Chances are that isn't a good thing.

Just as a warning, I have Asperger's Syndrome and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Between the lack of a sense of humor, the eccentricities, bizarre obsessions and the swiss cheese-like memory, talking to me should be interesting.


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3271 on: January 24, 2013, 11:44:56 am »

Skold looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!
The shopper has been struck down.
Skold has created "Dreamcutter the Ripper of Souls", a human bone scythe!

It's been bitch-ass cold all week, and they're calling for maybe an inch or so of "frozen mix" tomorrow, right about at the evening commute time. This has put more than one person in mind of the Great Snarl of 2005. D:

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3272 on: January 24, 2013, 12:35:59 pm »

It's been bitch-ass cold all week, and they're calling for maybe an inch or so of "frozen mix" tomorrow, right about at the evening commute time. This has put more than one person in mind of the Great Snarl of 2005. D:
I'd be willing to trade, RedKing.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3273 on: January 24, 2013, 01:19:49 pm »

It's been bitch-ass cold all week, and they're calling for maybe an inch or so of "frozen mix" tomorrow, right about at the evening commute time. This has put more than one person in mind of the Great Snarl of 2005. D:
I'd be willing to trade, RedKing.
You don't understand...yeah, it was only a half-inch of snow. It still took EIGHT HOURS to drive six miles. People could literally abandon their vehicles and walk home quicker. Which, eventually some people did. Which didn't help things.

Me? I couldn't even get out of the company parking lot, not because of the ice but because of the immobile wall of cars not going anywhere. So I said, "Fuck this" and went over to the nearest bar and started a tab. Wound up drinking for five hours with co-workers until we saw cars start moving at more than 2mph.

Was probably technically DWI, but shit...I was going slow on a deserted side road the whole way home, because it was hilly enough that no sane person wanted to drive on it covered in ice. Big, macho SUVs turning around and sticking with the clogged main roads. Me and my tiny little Toyota Echo that I had then, I just got a running start at maybe 20mph, let off the gas and just bobsledded up and down the hills and made it home in less than 30 minutes. One of the most fun drives I ever had.  :D

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3274 on: January 24, 2013, 02:54:33 pm »

Echo, eh? Those cars are freaking awesome.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3275 on: January 24, 2013, 03:26:09 pm »

Echo, eh? Those cars are freaking awesome.
Yeah, I miss it. Sold it when I went to China. It was fun (and cheap) to drive, except when on the Beltine at 70mph wedged in between a pair of Chevy Suburbans. In which case I'm thinking "if one of these fuckers so much as hiccups, I'm going to be a thin smear of paint on their sidewall".
Horrible safety rating.

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3276 on: January 24, 2013, 06:56:41 pm »

I was playing Fallout: New Vegas. Was hunting mole rats outside of New Vegas, and suddenly, Cazadore. First time I've seen one of them. Now, I happen to have a phobia of wasps. You can guess what happened next.


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3277 on: January 24, 2013, 07:04:46 pm »

It's been bitch-ass cold all week, and they're calling for maybe an inch or so of "frozen mix" tomorrow, right about at the evening commute time. This has put more than one person in mind of the Great Snarl of 2005. D:
I was in Elementary School when this happened, and I still remember how horrible it was. Luckily, I was only five minutes from home, but most of my classmates had to spend the night at school.

My father managed to get home about twelve hours later. We then proceeded to hold up for the next two days until the power came back on. I distinctly remember testing how brittle the covering of ice made everything. Plants would just snap. They were rather interesting looking, totally covered in a quarter-inch of ice. Once we could, we drove around since there was nothing to do at home. It looked like the apocalypse, with deserted roads in the middle of the day and huge lines for kerosene at every gas station.

I also got to see one of my neighbor's pine trees (this being easily 80 feet tall) snap in half and annihilate his shed.
Was probably technically DWI, but shit...I was going slow on a deserted side road the whole way home, because it was hilly enough that no sane person wanted to drive on it covered in ice.
As if there were any cops on the roads that day. And even if there were, they probably wouldn't have cared enough to chase you, or even been able to. Plus, I doubt drunk and sober driving look very different on ice.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3278 on: January 24, 2013, 09:27:19 pm »

On that subject, it's motherfucking freezing here. Real-feel is like 2 or 3 degrees, every day, for a week. And it's snowing tommorrow.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3279 on: January 24, 2013, 09:52:20 pm »

So, got a small bump on the skin of my knee. Not on a mole or anything, so I wasn't worried about it.

Turns out the most deadly form of melanoma doesn't grow on an existing mole.

Scheduled doctor appt. online; did some more reading, it's probably not melanoma, since melanoma is by definition pigmented, and this is uncolored, but still gonna have the Dr. take a look at it; and lop it off if reasonable.
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I'm getting cake.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3280 on: January 24, 2013, 10:09:40 pm »

It's been bitch-ass cold all week, and they're calling for maybe an inch or so of "frozen mix" tomorrow, right about at the evening commute time. This has put more than one person in mind of the Great Snarl of 2005. D:
I'd be willing to trade, RedKing.
You don't understand...yeah, it was only a half-inch of snow. It still took EIGHT HOURS to drive six miles. People could literally abandon their vehicles and walk home quicker. Which, eventually some people did. Which didn't help things.

Me? I couldn't even get out of the company parking lot, not because of the ice but because of the immobile wall of cars not going anywhere. So I said, "Fuck this" and went over to the nearest bar and started a tab. Wound up drinking for five hours with co-workers until we saw cars start moving at more than 2mph.

Was probably technically DWI, but shit...I was going slow on a deserted side road the whole way home, because it was hilly enough that no sane person wanted to drive on it covered in ice. Big, macho SUVs turning around and sticking with the clogged main roads. Me and my tiny little Toyota Echo that I had then, I just got a running start at maybe 20mph, let off the gas and just bobsledded up and down the hills and made it home in less than 30 minutes. One of the most fun drives I ever had.  :D
Oh, I understand. I've been in a few ice storms. I remember a bunch as a kid, but I wasn't driving then, so I didn't really care, other than that the power went out and I was without video games. There was a really nasty one here in '01, and I got caught in a serious one again in Syracuse/Rochester NY in '03. Since I came back home to Michigan, we've had two minor ones, in '05 and last year, and a major one in both '10 and '11. If you google pretty much any of these events, you can see pictures. '10 was almost 4" thick in some places.

Ice storms are actually really common here. People still drive like utter morons whenever it snows or rains ice or slushes or whatever the hell Michigan's weird ass weather intends to do (honestly, it wouldn't surprise anyone too much if it started raining dwarf blood,) but at least it doesn't stop the majority of people.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 10:12:17 pm by MaximumZero »
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3281 on: January 24, 2013, 10:59:09 pm »

A couple years back we had insane ice. We got stuck on the highway on a 10 degree slope for four hours. We finally got out of there when a salt truck backed down the hill.
You taste the jug! It is ceramic.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3282 on: January 24, 2013, 11:09:04 pm »

A couple years back we had insane ice. We got stuck on the highway on a 10 degree slope for four hours. We finally got out of there when a salt truck backed down the hill.
I am suddenly very glad that there are no slopes that steep around here.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3283 on: January 25, 2013, 09:14:32 am »'s 9am and it's still only 24F.

I want spring  :'(

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
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Re: Things that made you absolutely terrified today
« Reply #3284 on: January 25, 2013, 09:17:37 am »

You're getting no sympathy from us northerners RedKing.

Today was the first time in a couple of days where the high breached the teens (Fahrenheit).
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