It's too bad Salmon isn't in Canada. My first instinct, because of how cheap it is (check-ups and diagnosis are free, and at least with my drug plan, I get to only pay 10% of medication), would be to take him to the doctor.
He's on Medicaid, so the doctor visit isn't a problem. Although, I don't know yet if that ambulance ride is going to be covered. That could cost us as much as $1,200, based on what I've heard from other people who have had to use ambulances.
The biggest problem is getting away from work. Emergency visits are looooooooong. That episode a couple days ago took up about 9 hours. I missed two days of work. I can get away with that without endangering my job, because I have pre-approved FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) coverage for his condition. All that does is guarantee that they can't fire me for it. Any time I take off based on it is unpaid. So I've missed two days of pay already, on top of possibly horrid ambulance costs. I also only have two days pre-approved per month. Past that, I have to go through a whole bunch of paperwork and convince them that the two days they gave me in anticipation of occasional complications wasn't enough this time.
So I have to weigh situations like this carefully, because of worker's rights being absolutely horrible here. I also live in a "Right to Work" state, which literally means that they can fire me any time they fucking want for almost any reason and I have zero recourse.