The marxists that we foolishly elected two years ago are trying to prohibit firearms in the hand of civilians..all the while our once advanced economy(for South America) is slowly collapsing due to endemic lack of real-life modern proper economy understanding among these left wingers who are also filled with hatred against anyone of European decent, white professional or any kind of merchant and businessman .all the while they unleashed a new age of corruption,crimes and idiotic borderline chavez levels of hatred against the united States. And there won't be a military coup to save this place looks if they start to do coldwar style communist social/economical reforms.all the while we get tortured by criminals when we get carjacked/mugged.and there is almost a civil war on the South thanks to some mentally crippled tribes of slackers. Google about the current shape of Chile if you want too see how communism In south american countries keep these places under chaos,literal mounds of criminals and drugs and corruption.
Once those madmen get elected in a country that country never heals the damage done by their fucking social equality for the state here a iliterate violent and clinical retarded felon who is unable to speak nor think us more worthy than a white collar professional.
We are even slowly experiencing a brain drain due to white flight as the classic middle class(of whom most engineers,medics and lawyers belong to)is sloawly migrating as you can't live beign the backbone of the fucking economy by paying a pile of rather big taxes while the criminal horde (of generic Hispanics of mixed Spanish and Amerindian decent also ate highly racist and hostile against any kind of person of non hispanic European decent.they have no economic obligatolns, don't pay taxes, nor do they respect the law.
On top of all this social hate we are getting Robbed with automatic weapons and shotguns while the police are handicapped both intellectually and legally. Unable to arrest em or jail em.and the government is trying to disarm people with legal registered weapons and also pretty much insulting them as hostile and can't even walk in Santiago and not get mugged/injured or attacked by these apes.
They are trying to ban legal weapon ownership as we are slowly getting squashed in a new wave of idiotic leftist Bullshit. Erasing all economic and social progress, so no more Chilean economic miracle for us.only the grim darkness of South America.
I'm the grim dark future of South America.there is only despair
I'm seriously considering moving to north america once I finish agronomy as if I don't leave I will end up as a literal nazi against these morons who are unable to do anything meaningful without some white non hispanic helping them.
It has reached the point that it is the exact political and social climate before the 1973 coup d'etat that at least saved us from going full modern Venezuela in the political sense and Modern day Argentine economical collapse.
Did I mention that the people in the government now are the same fucks that had to be removed by a coup d'etat due to how borderline Cambodia they wanted to go against the middle class and high class and intellectuals.most Europeans and their children left during the unidad popular(the only popular thing once they got in power was the widespread hunger, violence and chaos)so I can't even to the mall because they Will rob me,kill me or kidnap me .
The problem is that I may sound like a fucking far right job to a modern European but after living In this shithole as a white middle-class of European decent on both sides of my family I have no choice but be racist,apatic and classist or otherwise be killed and Robbed by a living stereotype of a Latin American criminal. I can't even find some one to make me a leather sheath for a knife nor I can find a gunsmith to repair a 1892 Winchester trapper carbine(an original one)as it is missing one tiny screw that this morons can even make.
Also they demonize you as like all latin Americans they are scared of firearms on a genetic level. But will stab you for no reason .I can't even find a proper decent mechanic to repair my father international 1962 truck in almost intact shape.
Do any of you,bay12 folks know how it is to feel your social class,country and society fall around you leaving you surrounded by ignorant Savage's and corrupt and hedonistic politicians(who behave like the Kennedy family or like a stereotypical left wing intellectual with no grasp of reality and the human mind. We are starting to fear our own country as it has become Riddled with Colombian style criminals. All the while these morons praise horrible people like chavez,maduro and even the goddamm castros .they have no grasp of reality and are trying to implement a fucking Centralised economy Soviet style,doing this without listening to anybody and ignoring the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed and that they aren't able to grasp how a real economy work,going as far as talking about basing their reforms in the Venezuelan economy and talking about basing the new educational system on the Finnish one.we are talking about a lower middle class that is mostly unable to read or talk properly,let alone express themselves in a complex,logical way using all the fucking words available on the Spanish language .they use around 600 or fewer words to speak....which leaves em unable to form any complex thought regarding their status of the world in which they live.only talking about petty crap.
The country has fallen so fast in terms of safety that I'm forced to have a .357 on my nightstand and barred windows in our rural house just outside Santiago and this is one of the few somewhat safe neighborhoods.culturally I'm an alien as my Spanish is complex,lacks the slurs used here and they refuse to respect my personal I can't even feel as a Chilean due to how different our family is compared to the..natives around here.the fact that we have go be armed all day in our own house speaks about how shitty much this place has devolved in the last two here is like playing fucking have to keep a fucking gun all the time or you get robbed.and then these fucking degenerates whine about discrimination here and abroad.
Gosh..this country has become so shitty that we had to become racist to protect here it is an political and racial/cultural divide.