Well with a pesant character I start off by knapping all the rocks I can carry,
then throw every one of them, that is some 800 X30 experiance to each of knapping, archery, and throwing.
the key sequense to do this is as folows: g--a when standing over a small rock, repeat the two keys as fast as you can.
Next r--r(or wherever the first rock starts in inventory), this puts the rock into your hands.
repeat this untill all the rocks you picked up are in your hands, then either drop or put your starting weapon or shield away.
to knap them, it's x-- <right arrow> then <enter><enter><enter>, repeat till you only have one small rock left.
to throw it's t-- then <which ever key is where the sharp rocks start> and <enter>,
bonus if your inventory has the first rock at "t" so it,s t, t, and <enter>
once you've done this you should have increases to strength, agility, willpower, kinestetic and spacial. Your speed should have increased by some 250.
Go sleep in the village, then in the morning press <shift>s and walk everywhere in sneak mode for two days or so.
All this training results in a peasant that can cripple enemies with thrown objects from hiding, then step up and use their wrestling skill to training up wrestling and fighting at the same time, next cripple enemies and practice with your weapon of choice, it takes a lot of swings to train it up so target each finger and each toe, ears, eyes teeth and so on so you get the most training per enemy.