I play the guitar a little, sing a little.
To Grishnak: I didn't like the guitar sound very much in that last song. Too trebleish for my liking. I had problems getting the rythm in the first riff, if it had had drums, it would've been fine. It was pretty good overall.
Yeah, I have still yet to find a sound that I really like for my guitar during recording. The silly thing is, I think this sound was too muddy, and didnt have enough highs, haha. But, after I add basslines, drums and eq it, there wont be the problem with too much treble, if I can manage to add all of that stuff. I have a friend working on the bass lines since he is a better bassist than I am and I KIND of have some ideas for drums, but they are pretty terrible to be completely honest, Im not a drummer.
The rhythm for the first riff is really simple, its just 0-000-0-0-0- then the fall, but its just pretty fast (atleast that gallop is). It was also recorded to a metronome at 160 bpm.
And I just listened to your Gorgoroth song, and I can see why you think there is too much trebble in mine, you have a lot of lows in your guitar, which is fine if you dont plan on adding bass to the song since it helps to fill out the over all sound. If you plan on adding a bass track, and your guitars have a lot of bass as well, the over all sound gets very muddy. Its essentially the bass's job to add all of the low end to the track.
The quality of your track is pretty nice, how did you do the recording? I also like the leads that you do, they fit really well and arent over bearing.