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Author Topic: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony  (Read 16051 times)


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2010, 05:00:06 pm »

I eagerly await the next update, and my eventual dwarfing.

This is a *Story* and menaces with spikes of finely crafted win.
He's just keeping up with the Cardassians.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2010, 06:17:18 pm »

The bridge proved to be a greater undertaking than any of them had imagined.  The trick it seemed was to build a little at a time, securing each plank firmly with piles sunk deep into the river's muddy bed.  It was lucky really that the flow here was so gentle and after a long day's work, as the dying light spilled across the plain, Knarfle finally succeeded in setting the final post and began hammering planks across the top.  At last the span was complete.

Rith gingerly edged his way across, the construction looked ramshackle but there seemed to be remarkably little give in the saguaro and ironwood boards beneath his feet.  Satisfied he stepped onto the far back and turned to wave at the anxious dwarves on the far bank.
"Seems sound." he called.  "One at a time mind, no sense pushing our fortune."
One by one the dwarves filed across their newest construction until presently the band stood congregated on the eastern shore.
"Not beautiful perhaps, but servicable." said Knarfle with a hint of pride and he handed Rith the new wooden axe he had carved that morning.  Whilst still rough it showed clear improvements over the previous tool.
Rith grinned and slapped him on the back.  "Aye it'll do just fine."
They stood in silence for a moment surveying the land.  It had been visible before, but being cut-off they had largely ignored it.  It was to be honest much the same as their shore, cactii and ironwood dotted the rocky soil here and there and the by now familiar plants grew in whatever shelter they could find.  The camels had indeed left but there appeared to be signs of an animal trail winding southwards along the bank. 

"Business as usual then Rith?", asked Grue.  Rith considered a few moments before answering.
"Pretty much guys.  Pick the plants as we did last time, i'll knock down these trees and we can replenish our wood supply.  Once we stock up we'll have to see about new furniture after last night's little mishap."
Kol shuffled his feet self-consciously at this last and appeared to find a nearby shrub highly interesting.  Rith grinned a little as his embaressment, he was not the kind to hold a grudge but a little gentle teasing would go a long way towards making the firebug think twice before hurling flames so near the camp again.
"Erm...", Morul coughed delicately, "Any ideas about what we might do for.....well, for clothing?".
Rith turned to look at him and sighed, the whole bunch of them were still streaked with soot from the rumble with the leopard and later unplanned barbeque.  They probably had a full servicable set of clothing between them, the rest was no more than scorched tatters and ash.

"Clothes, i'm afraid to say will be a luxury.  I did notice a few plants that we picked might make thread, but we dont have the wood to spare for a loom or clothesmakers shop, and its not like we have any idea how such things are done anyway.  In time we'll get there, for now just......just enjoy the breeze."
There was a round of chuckling at this and their mood's lightened.
"Well lets get cracking guys, I want this shore scoured as soon as possible, I need more seeds to grow and we're very low on brewable plants.  Mosus, stick with me and haul logs back to Knarfle who will get cracking on the furniture.  The rest of you pick and watch for wildlife, usual deal, give a yell if you see something edible and a louder one if something sees you as edible."
The dwarves gave another chuckle and headed to their tasks, Knarfle moving back across their new bridge toward his workshop.
"Well come on then Mosus", Rith said as he slung axe number 2 over his shoulder, lets get us some wood.

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« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 06:19:54 pm by celem »
Marksdwarf Pillboxes
I wish I had something cool to say about this.  Because it's really cool.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2010, 06:52:43 pm »

I would love to be dorfed at some point, this story is fantastic! Feel free to change the name to something shorter if it suits you.
alternately, I could just take some LSD or something...


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2010, 06:53:53 pm »

The little line of dwarves trudged along in silence.  There were 13 of them travelling together yet hardly a word had been spoken since they had left Dastducim, each was reflecting on the events that had led him or her to this particular situation.  At the front of the line walked a small obsidian dwarf, like the others he was downcast, replaying the last few days over and over in his mind, trying to see if there had been anything he might have changed, or anything he might still do to improve his lot.

A week before he had been silently slipping through a little known service tunnel in the halls of The Narrow Works, this particular tunnel had once carried magma to the great hall of metalforges that had armed and armored the warriors of queen Urvad in the days when goblins still dared tread in the shadow of the mountain.  Such days had long since passed and what forges remained had been relocated deep down, close to the magma sea a mile or more beneath his feet.  His destination on this particular evening was the jewelers workshops that now filled the crafting hall.  It had cost him 5 months pay to buy-off a guard at the mouth of this tunnel but it would be worth it, there was no doubt.  He had scoped the place earlier in the day while the shop was still open and had seen the shimmer of black and green diamonds.....he loved diamonds. 

Sure enough, exactly as he had expected a glimmer of light came from ahead.  Where the forge had once been and the jewelers shop now sat a hole had been hacked in the floor to provide access to the magma that had flowed through here.  This would be his entry point, his plams grew sweaty as he imagined the riches that would be his within moments.  As he poked his head cautiously through the hole and into the dim shop he saw a pair of boots infront of him.  Boots that shimmered with a soft blue brilliance even in the limited light, as his gaze traveled fearfully upward he found himself staring into the scowling beard of Lorbam, General of Dastducim and at this precise moment in time the last person the dwarf wanted to see.
"!", he said, or tried to as the general brought the haft of a war axe down on his head.

Which brought him more or less to this depressing line of morose dwarves, trudging across a rocky wasteland toward some new home, banished forever from his place of birth by a merciless queen.  In his pocket was a sealed envelope adressed to one 'Rith' and a scribbled set of directions to the penal colony, which the general had assured him lay in the foothills beyond this accursed wasteland.

Peering now over his shoulder he saw that the other 12 were still with him, each deep in their own recollections to judge from the looks of depression on their faces.  Thieves, gang members, general undesirables all, they had each been cast aside to toil in some prison fortress......  Bah!

He stubbed his toe on a larger than usual rock and swore loudly.  Damn this place, the sooner they got out of this the better.  Well, in as far as a young developing fort and hard toil was better than walking for days.  He glanced again at the hills that he was sure held their destination and began down a gentle slope toward a river.

He was deep in his thoughts again within moments and this probably explained why he didnt notice the little charred hut until he was almost upon it.  As he spotted it he came to an abrupt halt and looked around more carefully.  A few piles of bones and a couple of barrels lay by the hut, which was still smouldering gently, in the distance beyond he could just make out a rickety looking bridge that looked as if it might fall down at any moment.  His survey of the site was interrupted as the dwarf behind him walked into his back and he wheeled about.
"Look where you're going!", snapped the angry little obsidian dwarf who had once been called crundle by his gang-mates.  The guy behind him gave him a hollow look and said nothing as the rest of the group bunched up behind them, wondering at the halt.

"You guys lost or sumthing?", called a voice from the direction of the ratty little camp.
Crundle wheeled about once more and gave an incoherent scream of terror.  Out of the ashes of the shack a soot-stained figure had stood up, naked and red-eyed.  He turned to flee and fell over yet another of those damned rocks, gibbering wildly he began crawling away from the demon.

"Hey hold up, just wanna talk!." came the voice again.  Sounded dwarvish now he thought about it, Crundle rolled onto his back and stood up once more, ready to flee should the demon move.

"We're heading for the pe....the fortress of Playfuloiled." called Crundle warily, still backing up slowly.

"Oh!", the soot demon cracked what might have been intended as a grin.  "Well thats us!, You have arrived and what have you.  Knarfle's the name."
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 06:56:04 pm by celem »
Marksdwarf Pillboxes
I wish I had something cool to say about this.  Because it's really cool.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2010, 07:09:17 pm »

Who's in the migrant group?
As it turns out, the pen was in fact a poor choice for melee combat in comparison to the sword.
So I just started playing this game and I accidentally nuked the moon.

Tastysaurus Rex

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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2010, 07:31:13 pm »

We'll probably find out next update. Suspense be suspenseful brah.
That wasn't technically a miscarriage, but the doctors didn't have a concise term for "gave birth and immediately baptized the baby in liquid fire."
Dwarf Fortress: Killing people so you can draft their dogs into the army.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2010, 07:36:49 pm »

"Wait, wait.....we got fucking IMMIGRANTS!?" yelled Rith in bewilderment.  Knarfle had come sprinting across the new bridge with this news, causing it to bounce and sway wildly, before pounding up to where Rith had been felling a cactus.

Rith peered beyond the carpenter-in-training and across the river toward the camp, as if expecting this to be some obscure prank. Sure enough there were a huddle of figures hanging about the wreckage of their shelter, some looking about, others sitting in the dirt in seeming shock.

Knarfle held out a grubby looking envelope.  "Leader gave me this, got your name on it." he said.
Rith took the proffered envelope and saw indeed the word Rith written in neat script, he opened it in a daze and scanned the message.

For Rith Atisrath at Titthaluzol,

Sending you some more pairs of hands, sure you can find some use for them.
Caravan will be a month or so behind them.
Behave yourselves, I got my eye on you.


" many?" he asked at last.
"Thirteen Rith, I took a quick list of names and abilities.  Lotta gang-style names, dont think anyone gave the name their mother gave 'em, couple of faces I vaguely recognise from the Stack Crew and Urist Glimming's Lads, guess Urvad's been cleaning house." said Knarfle quickly.
"Anyone we know in particular?"
"Not really anyone I know, I'll run down the list, you know the players better than me." replied Knarfle.

"We got Crundle who was carrying the letter, claims to be a Woodcrafter and Crossbowmaker. 
Zrk2, Engraver and Dyer. 
Gatleos, Lye and Cheesemaker. 
AngleWyrm, Cook. 
Rex, Woodcutter, Fish Cleaner and Weaver. 
Fniff, Fish Cleaner and Gem Setter. 
Lupusater, Carpenter. 
Nordak, Animal Trainer. 
JacenHan, Soapmaker. 
Optimumtact, Glassmaker.
Oh.....and DwarfyDwarf, PotashMaker.....also claims to be a miner. "

As Knarfle progressed down the list Rith nodded a few times at familiar names.  Knarfle had been right, they were gang handles for sure, but most of his lads used the same.  It wouldnt really matter.  Seemed Urvad and Lorbam were deporting half the gang members in Dastducim and dumping them on him.  As Knarfle reached the end of the list Rith's ears perked up.
"Wait...a miner?" he asked quickly.
"Yeah" replied Knarfle.  "Unfortunatly though he's got no pick so is fuck all use right now."
Rith laughed harshly.  "Of course he's got no pick..what the hell did I expect?".  "Oh well come on then, lets have a talk with 'em."
"Hang on......thats only eleven names, you said thirteen." added Rith suddenly.
"Two babies", replied Knarfle looking uneasy.
Rith gave a deep sigh, ofcourse....babies, all made sense didnt it?

The pair headed back over the bridge and approached the disconsolate looking dwarves that had arrived.  Rith pondered how best to handle this, this was his crew, his fort, he needed to make that clear from the start.  Chances were there'd be some here would take a shot at a weakly held leadership position.
"Listen up", he said loudly.  They turned as one to stare at him.  Rith was suddenly acutely aware that he was naked but continued nonetheless.
"This is Playfuloiled, or Titthaluzol if you prefer the old tongue."
"We got kinda stuck here so we're making the best of it.  You lot can help us or bugger off, if you stay, you work.  More, if you stay, you obey.   This is my show and I call the shots.  I realise it looks like a is a shithole, but it's our shithole.  Its also now your shithole, so lets see what we can do to make this a place fit for dwarves eh?".
Rith was rather proud of this speech, it summed up all his points in a language these gang members and assorted criminals should understand.  There was a hesitant raised hand from one of the dwarves.
"Yes......err....", began Rith.
"DwarfyDwarf." supplied the dwarf.
"Good name, very whats yer question?"
"I'm a miner but didnt bring a pick, wheres your supplies?"
Rith glanced around theatrically.
"You see anywhere we might be hiding supplies?  What you see is what we got, you'll have to wait for the caravan, hopefully we can barter something."
Another couple of hands rose but Rith shook his head abruptly.
"Yeah yeah, lots of questions.  But I aint got time, and neither do you lot.  Lets see.  Till I figure out who does what, everyone to the left of 'Mr Miner' picks plants, everyone to the right fishes.  You all turn out smartish if someone yells.  Got it?"
There was silence from the stunned looking dwarves, this didnt appear to be what they had been expecting, but hey, that wasnt Rith's problem now was it?
"Well, get to work, I got trees to chop."
With a dimsmissive wave Rith turned and strode back across the river toward the cactus he had been working on.  Behind him the dwarves simply stood and stared.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 07:46:58 pm by celem »
Marksdwarf Pillboxes
I wish I had something cool to say about this.  Because it's really cool.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2010, 07:43:17 pm »

Authors Notes

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Marksdwarf Pillboxes
I wish I had something cool to say about this.  Because it's really cool.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2010, 07:44:45 pm »

YES! I MAKE SOAP! YAY! Wait, soap. Guess there's a reason I'm a criminal.
As it turns out, the pen was in fact a poor choice for melee combat in comparison to the sword.
So I just started playing this game and I accidentally nuked the moon.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2010, 07:48:06 pm »

lol forgot to add 2 babies into the migrants......added a line or two to include them...i cant really think of a good RP reason for em to be there other than just to piss off Rith, good enough as any i guess
Marksdwarf Pillboxes
I wish I had something cool to say about this.  Because it's really cool.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2010, 08:29:23 pm »

You sir, are an awesome author!

I would love to get in when the time comes.
!!Elves!! would actually be kinda cool as a civ symbol.  !!Clowns!!, however, you get the impression they're on fire of their own free, malicious, evil, will.

Also, much scarier if literally clowns.

Tastysaurus Rex

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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2010, 08:46:40 pm »

So I chop trees, clean fish and weave? Those have to be the three most unrelated fields of labor I've ever seen. Let the Fun commence!
That wasn't technically a miscarriage, but the doctors didn't have a concise term for "gave birth and immediately baptized the baby in liquid fire."
Dwarf Fortress: Killing people so you can draft their dogs into the army.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2010, 09:06:20 pm »

I would like a Dwarf.
Name:D.L. Sauron
Profession: Smith
Gender: Male preferred, but not required.
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #58 on: November 30, 2010, 09:08:47 pm »

When we get settled please make me just engrave and mason, none of this dyer crap. I want to go all Sankos on this crap.
He's just keeping up with the Cardassians.


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Re: Playfuloiled - A community penal colony
« Reply #59 on: November 30, 2010, 10:59:20 pm »

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