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Author Topic: /v/ next attempt!  (Read 11220 times)

William Walker

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #90 on: December 14, 2010, 08:07:03 am »

I guess we will forge steel with the blood of our fallen brothers.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #91 on: December 14, 2010, 01:21:17 pm »

2nd Limestone

More bedrooms have been designated. Migrants are complaining about not having a proper place to sleep.

My wife asked me why I didn't design a more efficient layout for the bedrooms. I suppose I perpetuated the old style of bedrooms for consistency's sake. A little walking won't kill them.

9th Limestone

I've come up with a way to clear out some excess animals, while solving our quiver shortage at the time. I won't give anything away, but here's a hint!

It's nice to see everybody doing work for once. It's not easy to keep over a hundred dwarves busy, especially when some of them have professions like "Small Animal Dissector"... They should've learned a real profession... Like me!

13th Limestone

Well, the quiver shortage has been solved, and once the marksdwarves get some bolts, they'll be sure to get to work. Today, Crashmaster stormed into my office. I'm not sure how he got there, considering he was still in the hospital with both of his feet injured, and I've sent a dwarven janitor there to clean up the blood trails he left all over my floor. To get back to the subject, Crashmaster lamented what happened to project Deep Penetrator, saying something about a miscalculation... He put an engraving on my table of some complicated-looking machinery, claiming this would fix the problem with the magma, leaving us with less workable tiles, but they should at least have a constant magma flow... I let him enact his plans by himself. I'm no engineer, but I want to give the poor man another chance. It must be hard for him now that he's bedridden all day without even a megaproject to be proud of, you know?

Oh, and a weaver went into one of those "moods" today. I hope he'll create something more useful and less scary than last time this hapened.

5th Sandstone

Crashmaster seems to be doing a good job at giving orders even from his bed... Though I heard an engraver got stuck in his construction today, the miners were reporting hearing constant moaning and a tapping on the walls. At first I assumed it to be a ghost, but then the thirsty engraver broke open a wall. I imagine it gave the miners quite a fright.

14th Sandstone

The Weaver has gone to work... It took the slaughtering of several animals, and lots of precious leather I would much rather have used for other things, but at least the woman is satisfied now. I see she's also a marksdwarf... Maybe if she finishes this succesfully I'll put her on the squad. The current marksdwarves are rather laughable.

19th Sandstone

Well, okay. At least the imagery on this one is dwarvenly. Mountains, a moon, and anvils. It's a pretty little thing that will be of no use to us whatsoever. The Weaver has been assigned to the marksdwarf squad, who still refuse to train for reasons I can not understand... I am a therapist, not a general.

22nd Sandstone

By Armok, I can't believe it, even more migrants. How come that there hasn't been any official notice of migrants in years, and now suddenly we get three waves? I can't do anything other than let them in, of course.

The body parts and bloody snow can't be a welcoming sight to those poor dwarves. ...What's that?....oh Armok, no.

Close the bridge! Close the bridge! Damnit! The military is already out there... I can only pray for their safety.

Luckily, the military was more than well prepared and took out the foul creatures without too much trouble. Welcome to Horseanus, migrants. I'm sorry to say this, but it's not going to get a lot better than this.

This is proven immediately, when it turns out a giant rat snuck into the stockpile while the military was distracted... It's been dispatched without delay.

1st Timber

Crashmaster's project seems to be about done... The whole thing looks strange and incomprehensible to a non-engineer like myself... Even though I'm no engineer, I took a safety measure behind his back: I walled off the walkway below the magma, just in case something goes wrong. The only thing we need to do is pull the lever.

I'm putting that here so that if (Armok forbid) something goes wrong, we'll be able to figure out.

Well, here goes nothing...

Another loud crash, much like the last time but not nearly as deafening... The pillar has collapsed... I asked someone to peek down into the magma basin and the reports that came back were... positive!

I then got a message that gave me strongly mixed feelings. The dwarf who had pulled the lever was so shocked by the noise that she fell into the cistern. I was about to dedicate a memorial to the dwarf who gave her life for our fuel supplies, when news came in that she survived! Miraculously, she landed on a ledge only two levels below the entrance. She's inhaled some cave dust and broken a rib and a leg, but other than that, she's fine. Thank Armok... And thank Crashmaster.

The cavern wasn't flooded or anything, by the way. Still, it's better to be too cautious than not cautious enough.

10nd Timber

Workshops have been placed, and the metal industry of Horseanus is finally getting off the ground. I'm proud that this happened under my reign, even though all the credit goes out to Crashmaster's engineering.

I've commissioned the smelters to run constantly, we have a huge excess of metal ore and a huge lack of, you know, metal. Sadly it turns out that even with 100 dwarves, we only have one dwarf who knows how to operate a furnace, and she's not even very good at it. Guess I'll have to commission some "Trappers" or something equally useless to get retutored.

...We also found this.

12th Timber

Joyous day!

...This is certainly no fortress-wide news, but my wife gave birth to a son today. I'm sure he'll grow up to be a fine image of a dwarf, like his father.

14th Timber

The caravan arrived!

The merchants arrived safely when I let down the bridge, but for some reason, the outpost liason didn't arrive.

...wonder what happened to her.

In any case, I gave the merchants lots of little trinkets we made in return for food, leather, and ores. However, we have so much crafts, that I could have given them one non-artifact scepter, and it would have been worth more than their entire load. I decided to give them more than that, however, our crafts stockpiles are getting full, and we're not going to suffer a shortage of trade goods any time soon. And now we have plenty of wood to make barrels with.

17th Timber

We've had lots of trouble with ghosts lately. I've commission more slabs to put them to rest. I put them in the room with all the other slabs. Why is the room shaped like a shovel, though?

2nd Moonstone

Winter is upon us, and I've finally found out why the fortress healthcare has come to a standstill. Everyone was waiting for the chief medical dwarf to diagnose them, and he was not assigned to perform diagnosis... This has been fixed, and hopefully Crashmaster will finally be given some crutches.

21st Moonstone
A thousand curses! The mayor has been struck down!

For whatever reason, she had wandered outside when I let the bridge down to let out the merchants. I do not know why, but it seems she was dropped off the bridge, which made her an easy prey to the muskoxes. KingNeckbeard has been elected as the new mayor. Also, commander Nil named the hammer that she used to slay the skeletal muskox with. "Insightsequel the Considerate Cloud" will strike fear in the hearts of all who hear its name.

1st Opal

Hm, this woman must have slipped under my radar. She's making something out of silk, copper, and schist. I personally think it'll be some sort of ornate skirt, but your guess is as good as mine.

6th Opal

Well, close enough. Why would anyone want a dress with a spiked ball on it?

28th Opal
After a relatively quiet month, I've discovered drink supplies are alarmingly low.

I've put everyone to work on making booze, but there aren't a lot of barrels left, either. I've ordered some to be made out of less precious metals such as copper and lead... I'm sure nothing can go wrong with storing food in lead barrels... ... right?

15th Obsidian

In what will probably be my last act of importance as manager, I've created a leather stockpile. I constantly saw the leatherworkers running back and forth to the trade depot to get new leather. Surely this will speed up production.

31st Obsidian

Well, my time as a fortress manager is over... I've learned a lot, and I hope the dwarves have learnt a lot from me as well. Though I was no ambitious ruler, I think most dwarves will agree that I left Horseanus in a better state than it was when I first took control of the fortress. I hope that whoever they get to succeed me will do a good job.

While I am retiring as fortress manager, I'll be available as a therapist for as long as I live. To all the brave dwarves of Horseanus: if something is troubling you, just visit Neopolis Clutchcrystals, and I'll do what I can!

To the next overseer:


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #92 on: December 14, 2010, 08:21:10 pm »

Huzzah! those lives I sacrificed in the caverns will not have been wasted. Now our poor militia might be able to get some more weapons and a few bits of armor to wear before the gobbos arrive. Beyond the boot, chain leggings and two bucklers they were sharing.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #93 on: December 14, 2010, 11:39:21 pm »

migrants are meant to feed the muskox, not waste our space!


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #94 on: December 17, 2010, 02:20:49 pm »

That's why I decided to play as a therapist! To screw over the next overlord To bring a rare bit of compassion into the hard reality of dwarfdom!

Kiz the Bold

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #95 on: December 17, 2010, 03:21:39 pm »

Been a few days, and no sign of Sneakers.  Vater Yester, if you're around, go ahead and grab the save.

William Walker

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #96 on: December 19, 2010, 12:17:00 pm »

Moving along...

Vater Yester

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #97 on: December 20, 2010, 06:55:00 am »

Sorry, been traveling across the entirety of Europe to get home for Christmas for the past... well almost week.

I won't be able to do it anyway, just saying. Too much shit to do for Christmas.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #98 on: December 21, 2010, 09:48:53 am »

I guess it's my turn. I'll start this evening.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #99 on: December 22, 2010, 06:06:01 am »

Had neglected to check the forums for a while, distracted with other things. Glad to see my turn hasn't passed yet, and that the fort is still alive.

Can't wait to take this on.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #100 on: December 31, 2010, 10:12:55 pm »


William Walker

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #101 on: January 02, 2011, 07:23:20 am »

Christmas and New Years is over, let's get back to it.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #102 on: January 03, 2011, 09:31:35 pm »



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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #103 on: January 04, 2011, 04:37:23 am »

Keep forgetting to check up on the forum. Anyway, I can safely assume that eruonen's turn has passed and I can have a go at it? I'll check this forum again tonight for confirmation before doing anything. (at work right now, anyway) If no one posts by then I'll just nab the save and get to work.


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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #104 on: January 04, 2011, 06:54:22 am »

Just go. Since this is a 4chan-based fort, he's probably in jail for indecent exposure or bestiality or something.
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