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Author Topic: /v/ next attempt!  (Read 11232 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2010, 10:06:42 pm »

also what version is being used? didn't see it mentioned anywhere.

As Always

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2010, 11:31:25 pm »

Well, a bit of an update. Many thanks to Kizbold who discovered this, but apparently if you delete everything tileset-related in the save: C:/(Dorf)/data/save/region2/raw/graphics, it fixes up all the wonky text and FPS issues. Give it another shot DiscoPony, and see if we can't salvage this fortress yet.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 12:02:48 am by As Always »
"...Although, how you misplace an entire corpse is beyond me."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2010, 11:53:33 pm »

>playing vidya


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2010, 10:59:22 am »

Well, a bit of an update. Many thanks to Kizbold who discovered this, but apparently if you delete everything tileset-related in the save: C:/(Dorf)/data/save/region2/raw/graphics, it fixes up all the wonky text and FPS issues. Give it another shot DiscoPony, and see if we can't salvage this fortress yet.

Deleted the folder but it didn't seem to make any difference for me.  Sorry guys, you'll have to skip me.  :'(

Kiz the Bold

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2010, 02:59:41 pm »

Okay, after a couple weeks of in-game time, it's started acting up again.  It's not as bad as before, but I shudder to think what it'll be like when we start getting 50+ dwarves and 30+ pets running around.  It may be best to just restart now, and try and get a clean, problem-free save file up and running.

As Always

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2010, 09:09:15 pm »

Sounds good Kiz. Feel free to start up a new game and take the first year, we'll continue with the set order. Just name me a metalsmith dorf, eh?
"...Although, how you misplace an entire corpse is beyond me."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Emperor of the Damned
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2010, 11:06:39 pm »

Name me any dorf, but don't add me to the turn list.
He's just keeping up with the Cardassians.

Kiz the Bold

  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2010, 03:05:51 am »

Alright, here we go.  New embark, no bugs, running smooth.  Tweaked the world generation for optimum fun.  Also based on popular vote in the IRC channel, embarked to a sinister tundra.  This resulted in a great deal of FUN during the first half of the year.  So much FUN that I was afraid for a moment I wouldn't even make it through the year.  Anyway, enjoy.

Granite 1


As far as the eye can see, there is naught but snow.  Why we have been sent to this desolate place, only Armok knows.  Oh sure, we were told there were vast hordes of gems and adamantine lurking in this place.  But how would any dwarf know that?  A dwarf hasn't set foot this far south in the history of the world.

Well, it is not my job to complain.  It is mine to lead, and to dig.  So that I shall.  I suppose the first goal is to get a hole in the ground where we can seek shelter from the frigid cold.  So enough scribbling in this journal for now.  It is time to strike the earth.

Granite 20

Blasted aquifer.  As if things weren't bad enough.  No stone, no wood, freezing temperatures, and now this.  Well, we have ways of dealing with these things.  It'll just take a bit more time.

Granite 26

And we're through.  Nothing but blessed stone beneath us now.  It's a good thing they put an expert miner like me in charge, or this rabble would be lost.

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Slate 1

Damn, I just received a report that one of our hunters was killed.  Says here it was... a skeletal Muskox?  What the hell does that even mean?  He was killed by a damn skeleton?  Did he trip and fall on one of their horns or something?  Damned useless son of a- BAH! Whatever.  It's not like there's anything to hunt in these frozen wastes anyway.  Getting a farm set up is my next course of action.

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Slate 8

What now, dammit?  Can't you see I'm busy trying to get a farm dug out?

What the hell do you mean the trader just got gored by a skeletal Muskox, and that most of the others are also being chased by them?  Dammit!  Tell them to get inside, place those doors I told them to build, and LOCK THEM!

What was that!?  The farmer got killed too!?  Damnation!  How are a bunch of skeletons killing you?  Are you not dwarves!  Bash them to bits, or get inside.  I don't care which, but I can't run a fort if I'm the only one in it!

Slate 16

The survivors are inside now.  Well, two of them.  The third is running around like a lunatic up top.  We can hear him screaming from all the way down here, so we know he's not dead yet.  That's something, I suppose.

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For now we're working on building a well to irrigate the farm.  Which we have no farmer for, but no matter, the remaining hunter will have to do it, since his bolts sail straight through the skeletons to no effect.  Gotta put him to use somehow.

Slate 23

The smith finally made it inside.  The mason told me double-A ran through the doors, stopped screaming, proceeded to drink booze and eat meat until he was full, then pass out right there in the midst of our stockpile.  Well, at least he's alive.  We'll need every dwarf at this point.

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Slate 26

Now that damnable smith is fighting with the Mason.  If I'd known this was going to happen, I'd have just locked the fool outside!  Blast.  The whole place is crumbling around me, and I can't do a damned thing about it.

Well, now that the fight is over, my Mason's arm is broken.  Just great.  As if things weren't going poorly enough.  He'll barely be able to get any work done like this.  This expedition is doomed, and the blame is going to fall on my head.  They'll blame me for everything, and my family back home will be made into slaves.  I've gotta think of something...

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Felsite 6

SHIT!  What do you mean the hunter went berserk!?  Damn it all!

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Felsite 7

Alright, well that's been dealt with now.  Luckily the blacksmith seems to be pretty tough.  It's no wonder he survived while running from those skeletons for so long.

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Felsite 13

The blacksmith threw another tantrum.  This time he killed the mason.  Now it's just the two of us.  I had best build a wall between the two of us, before he kills me too.

...but he's got the food on his side...

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24 Felsite

Digging.  Digging.  Digging.  Must keep digging.  Keeps the mind busy.  No time to think about the dead.  No time to think about the murderer living with me.  No time to think about any of it, nope, nope, nope.  Just dig, dig, dig.

1 Hematite

Summer.  Finally summer.  Not that it matters.  Far south as we are, there'll be ice all year long.  But maybe.  Maybe I can make it until the caravan comes.  Just gotta take care of that murderer up there.  I know he's planning to kill me next.  I know it.  I'll not let him take me without a fight.  No.  I'm a true dwarf.  I'll bash his skull in with my bare hands if need be.

6 Hematite

He's going to kill me.  I know it.  He's plotting it now.  I can tell.  I can see him thinking about how he's going to do it!  Well not me.  No, not me.  I have to live.  I have to make this expedition a success.  I can't let the family down.  No. No. No.  Can't do that.  I know.  If I kill him first- THAT'S IT!  Should have thought of this sooner, yes, yes, yes.  He'll not kill me, I'll kill him.  Hahahaha.

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24 Hematite

Fort is filled with bodies.  Guess I better clean them up, or they'll think I'm nuts.  Haha, not me, no, no, not me.  When was the caravan coming?  Can't remember.  Probably soon.  Should be okay.  I have enough to last me that long at least.  Yes.  Everything will be fine.  Should have just come by myself in the first place.  No fools to hold me back now.

17 Malachite

I've got some basic farming work going.  I'm not very good at this sort of stuff, but I've watered the soil, and planted the seeds.  Should be getting some more plump helmets growing soon.  Always have to plan ahead of course.  That's me.  I'm a planner.  That's why I'm still here, alive, working away in this fort.  Because I planned ahead.

22 Malachite

Well, might as well start working on the housing section.  First order of business is of course to build my own room.  I've made a chair and table to put in it already.  Just need to dig it out now.

27 Malachite

What ho!  Wonderful news.  Migrants have come.  Surely the king scried what a wonderful job I was doing, and decided to send me more workers.  How fantastic!  I had best go unlock those doors and let them in quick, before the muskox get them.

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11 Galena

I've instructed the stonecrafter to make some crafts, and the weaponsmith to create a trade depot.  I must have something to show for my time here, and we'll likely need whatever supplies we can bargain for anyway.  Hopefully this crafter is worth his weight in adamantium.

1 Limestone

Ah, Autumn has come at last.  Won't be long now 'fore the caravan arrives and tells of my wonderful successes here.  Hmm, though, it strikes me that this expedition is doomed.  As such I should begin plotting, er, planning rather for that eventuality.  Yes.  I must think on this a bit.

24 Limestone

The month thus far has been rather uneventful.  We've gotten a second farm plot going, and we're making enough food now to keep us fed for some time.  Still have plenty of the initial stock of drink left, but when that runs out we've enough plump helmets to make more.  Famthutagak has never seen better days.

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27 Limestone

Well this is a surprise.  More migrants already!  A pleasant surprise, certainly, but a surprise anyway.  Though I suppose it has been two months since the last batch arrived.  Boy, time sure has been flying by now that we've had steady work without any stress.

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23 Sandstone

I'm being told we're having a bit of a ghost problem.  Seems a bit unlikely to me, but even the weaponsmith claims to have seen it.  And he doesn't seem the sort to make these things up.  And, well, what with several of our original members having been killing by living skeletons... I suppose it isn't too hard to believe.

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I've ordered the peasant who arrived with the last migrant wave to run outside and retrieve the bodies of the dead.  Hopefully he doesn't get added to that number.

15 Timber

Well this is just wonderful.  The damn bone carver decided he was going to help out with the corpse hauling.  Maybe what he really wanted was to try and carve the skeletons.  I don't know.  All I know is I have another dead dwarf on my hands.  Damn it all.  I had just recovered the rest of the bodies and the reports of ghosts had gone away.  Now I've got to try and get another body back.  I have the most cursed luck!

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18 Timber

The caravan has arrived!  How glorious.  Hopefully we have enough stone trinkets to trade for what we need.  Wood would be especially useful.  I've been receiving a lot of complaints about the lack of beds.

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1 Moonstone

Winter has arrived.  We're getting things ready to trade with the caravan.  Times are good.  The future seems far less bleak now.  All according to my plans, of course.  Yes, soon I will step down, while the expedition is looking good.  While things are profitable.  That way, when everything goes wrong it won't be my fault.  My family will be rewarded for my efforts, not spat upon for them.  And if I'm lucky, I may even survive to make it back to them.  Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  First I must deal with the caravan, and make it through the winter.  Show that I can handle the fort through even the toughest of times!

20 Moonstone

The caravan has left us.  They didn't seem too interested in what we had to offer, but assured us that the next caravan would be more willing to trade.  I told them to bring lots of wood, as it will be needed.  But there's nothing more that can be done.  Damn.  And I had thought for sure they would want to buy our trinkets.  Merchants usually love these things.

2 Opal

I've decided to handle the bookkeeping.  I know this fort better than anyone else, might as well put that knowledge to use.  Also lets me spend a fair amount of time in my room under the pretense of work.  Between this and mining out more storage rooms for our trade goods, I've been quite busy.  And probably will be for quite some time.

Always more mining to be done at the very least.

28 Obsidian

The end of the year at last.  We've made it through the winter without incident.  How wonderful for me.  I've already spoken to everyone about ending my term as the leader.  And I've appointed a replacement.  Calls himself "Discopony" or some such nonsense.  Least dwarfy name I've ever heard.  But no matter, the sooner the fort crumbles the better it'll make me look, and the sooner I can get out of this frigid hell hole.  I've put together a simple layout map for the fort to forward along to the king.  Hopefully he is pleased with the work done so far.

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End of year one save:
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 11:20:32 am by Kiz the Bold »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2010, 03:27:00 am »

actually, if discopony is around, let's consider it your turn if youd like to give it another shot
otherwise i'll go

p.s. let us know on here or IRC
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 06:05:57 am by vidyabro »

William Walker

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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2010, 06:35:57 am »

My god this looks like fun. So many dead already.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #40 on: November 28, 2010, 06:47:48 am »

I'm here.  This save seems much better, runs very smooth.  I'm going to give it a try and pray to Armok the fort survives the year.

I'll be Discopony Ilidmebzuth, Cheese Maker.

I'm writing this as I make the trek to Famthutagak.  Every fort needs a cheesemaker, I always say.  All dwarves should have cheese with every meal, it's good for the body and - more importantly - it's good for the soul.  When I was told that six of the original seven in the expedition had died, I asked "Did they have a cheesemaker?"  I got some strange looks, and was told "No, what elf-loving fool would bring a cheesemaker on an expedition?"  I shook my head in disgust.  It's obvious what happened now.  Those poor fools tried to settle in a strange land without cheese, and lost their lives for it.  When will they learn?

How long have I been here now, weeks?  Months?  Hard to say, the days have blurred together.  I should have kept up with my writing, but between those undead abominations and the grueling work hours, who has the time?  You can hear them, too.  Stomping around on the snow above us.  ALWAYS STOMPING.  I can't even sleep at night, haven't slept at all for...  I'm not even sure.  They know.  They know when I'm trying to sleep.  They're toying with me.

Kizbold ordered me to sleep.  That fool thinks he knows everything, BUT HE SAYS WE DON'T NEED CHEESE.  I've tried to get him to understand, but he never listens to me.  Screw him.  I'm going to make cheese tonight when he's asle  We don't have milk.  We've never had milk.  I know this, I've checked every barrel a dozen times...  One more time couldn't hurt.

Wow.  Those last two entries were a little... off.  Well, now that I've had a good night's rest, I'm thinking clearly again.  Strange, though.  Now that I think about it, Kizbold seems a bit off.  Has he always been like this?  Is this a side effect of a cheese deficient diet?

I'm not sure if this is a hallucination from lack of cheese, but Kizbold just made me leader of the fort.  He pulled me aside as I was planting some plump helmet and told me that I was now in charge.   I laughed, what a joke.  I'm no leader, just a simple cheesemaker.  But he was very adamant that I was the only one who could "take the responsibility," though at first it sounded like he said "take the blame."  He was also muttering to himself while we were talking.  I couldn't really tell what he was saying, but I did distinctly hear the word "sucker" a couple times.  I'll have to keep an eye on him.

4 Granite
I decided to take a look outside.  We need to keep a watch on those undead beasts.  What I saw was awful.  Our horse was being chased down by a couple of them.  Oh that poor animal.  I couldn't watch anymore, hopefully its death will be quick and painless. 
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I asked Kizbold for an update on our provisions.  This is not good.  Plenty of booze for now, but it looks like we'll have to live on plump helmets for a while.
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18 Granite
I don't believe this.  Is this further derangement brought on by lack of cheese, or is what I'm seeing real?  It must be real, because who would want to imagine this?  Immigrants have found their way to our lovely dwelling.  Twenty-three of them.  We're on the verge of starvation, and in waltz nearly two dozen more mouths to feed.  I should have kept them locked out, but I couldn't let them face death at the hooves of those walking corpses outside.

THEY BROUGHT ANIMALS!  At first I thought they were alone.  We've had the doors shut tight to keep our animals in and the beasts out, but then one of the immigrant children was asking if we were going to let the "horsies and cows" freeze outside.  I peeked out and, sure enough, nearly a dozen animals were milling around the entrance, trying to get inside.  We now have breeding pairs of cows and horses, as well as a couple of donkeys we can butcher if things get desperate.  Maybe we won't starve after all.

14 Slate
I just noticed that the dwarven liaison is still here.  He's been following around Kizbold for weeks.  I'm not sure if Kizbold even noticed.  I made them sit down and hammer out a trade deal.  I wasn't really sure what to request, so I just asked for wood.  Should I have asked for more?  If only I had some cheese, maybe I could think straight.  Certainly one of these cows can produce milk...

6 Felsite
I've had the donkeys butchered.  We're nearly out of food, even plump helmets, and we're running low on booze.  I've set a few more dwarves to farming.  I'm not sure if it will be enough.  Sometimes I lie awake at night and imagine them butchering me for doing such a terrible job.

14 Felsite
Our new metalcrafter went berserk!  Lack of cheese must have finally gotten to her and she snapped.  She terrorized the halls and killed another immigrant and a dog before finally dying herself.  I'm not entirely sure how she died, nobody will tell me.  This incident just proves how dangerous it is for any dwarf to go without cheese for extended periods.  I'm calling it "Cheese Deficiency Syndrome."  Symptoms include insomnia, depression, forgetfulness, mental instability, and in the later stages uncontrollable rage.  We may only have weeks until the entire population is raving mad and homicidal.  I weep for the children.
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23 Felsite
Ustuth Subetosian, a Gem Setter, has been taken by a fey mood.  Further proof of Cheese Deficiency Syndrome?  Perhaps it is the cause of all such moods to which we dwarves succumb.  I've ordered a jewelers workshop to be built in hopes that he can begin work.  It is well documented what happens when such moods are not allowed to run their course.

4 Hematite
Ustuth finished his magnum opus.  Maybe I should have let him go insane.
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1 Malachite
Another wave of migrants.  It has become increasingly hard for me to care about the fate of anybody stupid enough to come here.  I've unlocked the doors, but at the first hint of trouble they are being shut and barred.  If they can survive the muskox, perhaps I'll let them in.

5 Malachite
It took a few days, but they all managed to make it inside.  Even the pack animals, which is good because our meat stocks are low.  Six more mouths to feed brings our population up to 35.  I'm not even sure what to do with all of these people.  I already have more working the farms than necessary.  Perhaps it's time to expand.  If we could just get some fuel...

25 Malachite
I'm surprised to say this, but our situation is getting better.  The farms are operating in full swing, booze production has picked up, and starvation is no longer mere days away.  Tensions have eased, and there have even been a few parties.  For the first time in as long as I can remember, most people seem happy.  We're not out of the magma yet, though.  We still have no way to produce cheese, and this might just prove our undoing.

20 Limestone
A few immigrants found their way to our location.  I'm considering drafting them into the militia and sending them in the direction of the muskox.

8 Sandstone
Well, that was a terrible plan.  The muskox made short work of the three dwarves who crossed their path.  Deep down, I suppose I knew it was going to happen.  I sent them off to their deaths when they came here looking for a new beginning, and I didn't care.  Is this what madness is?  Is this what happened to Kizbold?

17 Timber
It's been a long, long wait, but the caravan has finally arrived!  I was starting to think they would never return.  Strange, though.  The muskox seem to be gone, but a pack of wolves have taken their place.  One of the merchant guards chased them down and bashed each of their heads in.  It was an uplifting sight.

1 Moonstone
Winter is upon us.  The merchants brought us quite a bit of wood, though not nearly enough for the purposes of forging and shaping metal.  More importantly, however, they brought cheese.  It has been far too long since I have indulged in the rich flavor and smooth texture of this all-too-important food.  It isn't much, but with the buckets we have also acquired it will not be long before every dwarf in this fort can have cheese with every meal.  As soon as I find somebody suitable for the task of milking, cheese production will be in full swing.  It turns out, though, that we had a bucket all along.  It was sitting in a pile of junk that had been marked by my predecessor as forbidden.  We could have been making cheese all this time.  Nobody can find out about this, or they'll think I'm an idiot.

22 Moonstone
The merchants left yesterday, and today the undead muskox have returned.  If this doesn't prove that they are intelligent and actively plotting against us, I don't know what will.

7 Opal
Heard howling tonight.  I was sure they were all dead, but I look out and there are wolves everywhere!  More than before, and they keep circling the entrance to the fort.  Are these beasts capable of understanding that this is our only exit?  Not even the muskox seemed to care, though they may be playing dumb to give us a false sense of security.  Plans within plans, but I'm on to them and their little game.
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24 Opal
One of the immigrants I sent to die a few months ago is back.  Does she know I drafted her into the militia fully intent to see her dead?  She must, why else would she be back?  This isn't good.  People will start asking questions, why is their beloved leader being haunted?  Somebody told me if we give her a proper burial she'll leave us alone.  This would easily be done, but her body is outside and those wretched mongrels outside keep circling the stairway.
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7 Obsidian
Odd, the wolves are gone again.  I may have overestimated their intelligence.  I sent out some people to bring in body of the dwarf who's been haunting me so that she could be buried, and amazingly her spirit was put to rest.  I figured while they were out there, they might as well also bring in the bodies of the other dwarves I sent off to die.  I'd not like a repeat of this incident. 
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Strangely enough, the muskox were off minding their own business on the other side of the fields.

Or is that what they want me to believe?

22 Obsidian
They know.  I can hear the whispers.  They know what I've done, they can see the blood on my hands.  They're plotting, planning.  A coup?  AGAINST ME?  I'm the only reason any of them has survived this long.  They'd all be dead by now without my guidance, or raving lunatics from the effects of Cheese Deficiency.  Those filthy ungrateful pigs.  I never should have let any of them in.  Better they had starved or been mauled by undead creatures than to see my fortress devolve into backstabbing and rioting.

29 Obsidian
They'll not have my neck.  I'm far too smart to see that happen.  Kizbold was a genuis all along - pass the blame and laugh while some other fool gets hung.  It's brilliant.

I'll try to finish up tonight and have the rest of the year posted sometime tonight or tomorrow.  Let me know if this is way too long-winded or too cheesy.   ;D

Also, how do you get the detailed battle reports?

Fort is now at 44 dwarves with immigrants and births.  Food and booze production are enough to keep up with demand, and we have CHEESE production too!
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I made a little room below the farms to keep animals caged, though afterward I realized it would probably be better to keep it next to the food production area.  I also started making some down stairs from the soil level into the aquifer before I remembered that the aquifer was there, sorry.  No adverse effects but it's just weird have stairs leading nowhere from the main floor.

I decided to carve out an indoor refuse pile, a dining room, more coffin space, and an area for more workshops.  Since we have a legendary Gem Setter and a pretty decent Gem Cutter, we can cut all these gems and decorate the crafts with them.  I've already cut all the gems we've mined out.  I also figured the dining room would be better in the stone level so we can smooth/engrave it for happy thoughts.  I've already moved some of the tables and chairs and some food down there, but the rest of the table and chairs need to be moved.
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We also have 20 leftover logs from the caravan.  Hope that will be enough to tide you over until the next caravan arrives in fall.
That's it for me.  Here's the save.  Have fun, vidyabro!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 02:48:30 pm by DiscoPony »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2010, 10:56:42 am »

reports -> name is fighting/something along those lines > enter


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2010, 02:50:43 pm »

Bumping.  Finished my turn and updated my post.  On to vidyabro.  :)

Also wanted to add that the Gem Cutter Nil Zafalerush was drafted into the military.  He is a pretty decent hammerdwarf and probably the best fighter we currently have.  He is set to be equipped with the silver war hammer that we have.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 03:47:35 pm by DiscoPony »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2010, 04:35:28 pm »

im going to use run on sentences and be blatantly straightforward

2nd of Granite
This is the day I started and I will end and it is also the only date I will keep on my mind. In honor of DiscoPony I occassionally queue up some
cheese in the farmer's workshop.

The first thing I did upon arriving was to observe the surroundings - snow, wolves, blood, and other stupid shit that ceased to phase me.
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oh lawd

I knew what I had to do already and I had to do it quick before we got any elven caravans: build some bridges, homie.

I started off by ordering the miners to channel all the way around the premises on the surface, removing the internal ramps and getting a mason to
construct a schist bridge. I conveniently placed a lever next to the food stockpiles since the dwarves seemed to like that spot, and then link it to that
schisty bridge. Now, in the case of an ambush or non-flying-threat, the lever is to be pulled and the primary bridge raised. Now the fort is protected.

This image is labeled wrong because that bridge is now built at this time.
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I also restricted traffic around the perimeter, but that didn't stop some dwarves.

I proceeded to build a second bridge by the trade depot's entrance. I then walled it off so nothing could escape once sealed in. Now, in the case of an
elven caravan, cordially invite them in and allow them to unload their woody goodnesses all over my depot. Pull the lever and let their psychedelics
and hallucinogenics take over - they'll go insane eventually, leaving behind loadsa wood for the termite horde to consume.

Oh, and speaking of wood, I penetrated the first cavern which spans a jesus christ fucking 40 z levels or some shit I dont know. Now there's trees
growing all around the loamy areas of the fort god damn. I flooded roughly about a 40x40 area to grow some shrubbery and trees even though they
would grow without the water. I just wanted to flood something.
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I bet this kid has been growing something lucrative.

To the next man in charge, you'll need to purge the trees periodically around the hallways. They're going to get in the dwarves way.

And all the whilst I did this, there was a bandwagon of migrants sitting out in the snow storm in the middle of the god damn summer freezing their
asses off and being useless dunces because I wouldnt let them in the fort so I could save booze.
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They all starved to death.

I ordered the miners to dig out a large area underground in the shape of a penis, to be used to contain my tomb, my waifu's (GamerGrrl, shit was so
ca$$h), and those dead migrants' memorials. It was my innate duty to extend the humor associated with Horseanus. It's also an allegory of some sort
I think, because the penis is a tool of life but that's another subject I will talk about another day.
Oh, GamerGrrl isnt actually my wife as far as I know but who cares it would make sense ok get off my case

I also began the apartments, but we dont have any wood for beds so I'll wait until we get a steady supply. I expect this to carry onto the next ruler.

Some retard made a leather face veil which is probably useless and i might be right on that. However, it's worth 23,400 urists. Cool.
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Summer has just begun.

Will I get raided? Will an elven caravan show up? What about a forgotten beast or titan? I hope.



WELL, to my discovery, Discopony was knocked up and couldnt refrain from giving birth to a babby right in the middle of the farm.  A colorful
sight to see as there weren't any trees to observe.
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I had my penis smoothed and engraved and I managed to create about 30 slabs and get them engraved. Ive left some unengraved ones to settle
 any future ghosts. I put a few ghosts to rest, including As Always, though he wasnt a ghost yet. I just made a memorial to him. And me. And
most of the dead migrants.
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Upon viewing the many engravings on my penis, I've found the God-Forsaken Pregnancy's symbol is a giant cheetah.

Speaking of engravings, I've smoothed most of the stone areas of the fort and have began to engrave the bedrooms. Several of them are already furnished by now.
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These rooms will make happy dwarves.

We had a visit from the mountainhomes. I guess they were glad to see we were still alive.
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I requested some wooden goods and bought some as well. Plenty of wood to go around - now if only we could get some elves to visit...

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Here's what they requested of Horseanus for their next visit. I found it strange for them to request leather goods, since we dont have any wildlife. Regardless, we have a steady supply of horses and donkeys inside the fort.

The wood and wooden barrels I bought seemed to expedite the booze production. A good trade indeed.

Winter & Spring
While delving deep but not yet so greedily, I accidentally dug into another piece of the cavern. I walled it up just incase and have begun the construction of a bridge nearby.
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And just as I told my mechanics to link the bridge to a lever, I had an urge to check the calendar. 2nd of Granite.
The dwarves wont listen to me anymore, they say I've had my share. Oh well, I was getting sick of the muskox's knocking over my statues outside and the whining migrants.


If you're curious about my penis, here's a picture of it:
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« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 04:33:20 pm by vidyabro »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/ next attempt!
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2010, 03:12:37 am »

Oh god.  We're off to a great start on artifacts.
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