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Is Crazy Cow's MUCH better approach to caste percentages than Leb's and should be implemented before you have to find Leb and punch him in the gut?

Yes, add it now, NOW!
- 3 (60%)
No, RNG is my waifu.
- 0 (0%)
Something else, specify(I know you won't).
- 2 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: July 17, 2012, 01:42:41 am

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Author Topic: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Looking for a new owner!  (Read 31856 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2011, 04:09:41 am »

I did actually, but as far as I can tell, there's no mention that they're supposed to be in a specific order. That's what screwed me over in the past when I tried to make a mod with numerous different-body-type creatures as castes. For this mod though, I had to move the SELECT_CASTE for what castes get what bodyparts before the real creature raw lines(which had bodysizes, skill gain rates and hair/skin/whatever color) AND the SELECT_CASTE mentions for what tissue types specific castes use had to go AFTER the creature raw lines. Otherwise the game would churn out error after error.

Or maybe it's just result of the way I structured the lines. Regardless, I learned much on my own, and that's a lot better than copying what pre-existing raws have and not understanding HOW they work.

But yeah. I frigging LOVE VBASE.
Makes creating new creatures a lot easier in the future when I can just copy the needed variations and if needed edit them to better suit whatever-the-hell AQ dev's input as a monster.

Anyway. I think I'll throw in the original Adventurer creature files as an option, in case people would prefer to play with a much more simple civ(sneevils and moglins for example make crappy soldiers since they're so small), so anyone who wants the original gameplay of this mod can just copy the file over and they'll only play with adventurers.

At some point though I think I'll start work on AQ/DF-related engravings again. I tried having history lessons the last time, but it didn't really work since apparently engravers making multiple mentions of something can lead to some rather messed up crap.

EDIT: Okay. I finally got to test the mod on W7 myself, and guess what?
Nothing happened. I also noticed that DF runs a bit better on it than on my XP, so I guess the problem is on my operating system and not the mod.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 06:13:37 am by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2011, 04:39:24 am »

I figure I might as well post here again.
Still alive as is this mod. The multi-civ thing I went for with the Adventurers seems to be working fine. Although I did pay note that(fortunately) armorers make gear that fit everyone the same from moglins to frost giants. Weapons however will be handled differently(a mogling needs both hands to carry a battle axe, for example).

Purely Adventurer/human castes have quite high numbers relating to various physical or mental prowess, resulting that a lot of migrants can show up as mighty, unbreakable and so on. Considering how easy it is in 2010 to end up permanently crippled though that's just fine.

I'm sure I could pull off something to make the "other race" members have classes like Berserker or Wizard and so on but that might be overdoing it.

I finally had the chance to test my soldiers against the Undead in an ambush as well. Results were decent, I guess. My skeletal enemies apparently are easy to dismember and render harmless what with the lack of limbs, but killing them isn't exactly as easy. Need to chop off the head or crush it since they don't have blood and so on. Well, drop- or magmatraps would work on 'em just as good anyway so yeah.

Probably need to tweak some numbers on trobbles. There's way too many three-eyed ones around, or maybe they're just generated like that when arriving as migrants? Need to mess about regardless.

Interestingly, despite having NIGHT_HUNTER tags, both Vampires and Werewolves are still friendly enough to arrive to trade and not suddenly go after anyone in Fort mode. Legends show that they do go after other species regardless, although the mentions of infighting and murder among their ranks have me amused. Looks like some side-effect.

Modded in elemental orbs too. They show up deep underground, are extremely valuable(a rough one is worth 750 dorf bucks) and you can use them in a custom workshop(along a bar of steel) to "summon" a really-super-awesome weapon that comes from the Artifact Weapon list which you normally only would get by moods. However, you need a rough elemental orb, a cut one works just like a gem, so it should be sort of balanced out by that. Depending on the site size and luck though(they have a show-up rate of 1) you could still end up with a load of 'em and arm your army with weapons of utter mass destruction.

Thanks to THAT ONE GUY(I forgot your name and where you posted it) the few ranged artifact-only weapons that the mod has now have 'railcannon destructive power'. At times when the enemy is shot with an arrow or a bolt from one of these babies, they're propelled back at such speed that they're instantly slammed against a wall and blow up in several giblets. If you read this and are feeling angry that I didn't give you credit: I'M SO SORRY. Here's my address, come punch me in the face if that makes you feel better.

Melee weapons unfortunately don't seem to get the same kind of propelling devastation despite trying(or maybe I didn't crank up the numbers high enough(100000 isn't enough?)) but whatever.

Anyway, on the rough elemental orbs:
Like said, they're rare and you need a rough one along a steel bar to summon a super-weapon from the custom workshop. Since you're dealing with Yulgar(the shop-owner of the widely used weapon-armor-whatever shop) the workshop uses Appraisal as the skill regarding how great of a quality weapon you get out of the deal, so finally those Legendary Brokers have other uses outside of trading with merchants!

Right now though each orb only qualifies for 1 weapon, most of 'em a weapon from one of the elemental uber-armor sets. Light orb doesn't do that though, because Light has the Golden set and the weapon there is an axe, and gold doesn't really work that great as axe-material. Not to mention that it'd end up as a "steel golden axe" with the way it currently is, easy to turn the bar to require a gold one but still. Light orbs can be used to summon... some other weapon, I'm at work so I can't remember what it was that I replaced the Golden Axe summon with.

I COULD of course just make some "weapon-only gold" material solely for the Golden Axe but... that seems stupid somehow.

Anyway. Currently trying to figure whether or not I should broaden the weapon-acquirement list for the shop. I could theoretically add EVERY weapon on the artifact list there, it wouldn't exactly be hard, but the shop list would then become long as hell.

Maybe make the respective elemental orb summon reactions cover 5 weapon types? Axe, sword, spear, mace and hammer? Or 4. The weapon list on AQ tends to favor swords most of the time anyway.

Oh well. Still got time since Toady is still working on the new version.
Mod looks pretty solid though. W7 apparently works just fine with this so it's my XP that had the Legends mode crash issue. Noticed though that there's some "rough-hewn Stone walls" around my site, apparently I've screwed something up with one of the elemental orb mentions. Shouldn't be hard to fix though so whatever, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2011, 11:45:47 am »

Best. Mod. Evar. EVAR. Remember that.
Ho Ho Ho! I'm going to be sticking economic stone so far up your stockings, you'll be coughing up gemstone windows!
You see, when the devil comes on to your forums and begins dropping F bombs and shouts 'GIVE ALL YOUR WOMEN!', he's in a happy mood.
if there's lots of g's and z's, it's gobbo. If you don't really recognize it, it's human. if it's called Urist, it's dwarf.

Crazy Cow

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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2011, 10:29:38 pm »

I am stealing your Zards. I loved those things. And the worm men. And the vampires (who are infinitely better than the werewolves). And...

This is pretty much still my reaction. You are still awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2011, 01:39:39 am »

I guess some people do play with the mod then.
I just hope the lack of posts regarding any gameplay haven't come from "I played five minutes, a fire dragon arrived and killed everyone. Seven times in a row. Screw you and your mod" reactions.

Such massacre reminds me, maybe once Toady implements the ability to raid other sites I could finally do the Paxia version of this mod. Finally the clans can go against each other and ONLY ONE CAN WIN.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #50 on: September 06, 2011, 11:47:06 am »

Well it's taken much longer than I expected for the new version to roll out.
So I decided to amuse myself a little and screwed around some things. Note that these are just notes of the stuff that I've done for the new release, these aren't actually out yet. Or hell, I might as well release
'em. I think the multi-civ caste change I did for Adventurers warrants it. I'll do it when I get back home.

Notable editing:
- Yulgar's weapon summoning portal now has 3-4 weapons available per elemental orb. You can pick from an axe, sword, spear or mace/hammer. Why 3-4? Because you wouldn't believe how much AQ staff FUCKING LOVES making swords. They've saturated the weapons markets with 'em, so some elements lack a weapon of the categories I previously mentioned.
- Screwed around with a lot of the worm-like creatures. Like the bloodworm, they are now able to wrap their bodies around targets and squeeze. Turns out it's ridiculously easy to squish someone's brain when you wrap yourself around their head. Let us have a moment of silence for the test subjects who had their heads crushed by gigaworms(just as big as you might imagine by the name) which had wrapped themselves around their heads. Somehow. I tried to give the hydra and Raydius Dragon the same ability, but there's apparently something different with their serpent-like bodies and the serpent-like bodies that the worms and such have and it's messing things up. Oh well. Giant leeches can also wrap themselves around bodyparts. I also noticed that when they bite, they always do it with the upper front tooth. ALWAYS.
- Added the Grax as a creature into the Badlands. Hooray more No Man's Land mutated creatures! It's pretty lackluster in description though. Think a T-Rex with bulging veins, that's close enough.

Disappointingly, the stuff lately added to AQ hasn't really been interesting enough to add into the mod. Maybe I should check DragonFable at some point and see if there's anything better there. Wait, I think I know a guy who plays it. Maybe I should bother him instead? I think I donated my account there or something after I realized that it's just not for me.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 11:48:53 am by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2011, 01:15:30 am »

DFFD file updated.
Version is now Drakonnan.
Took me a while but there were sudden errorlog issues that I had to fix in a matter of minutes once I woke up enough to understand I was missing some VBASE files that weren't named with the AQ extension.

That's all fixed now, mod zip file includes all the files you need and testrun on a fresh vanilla DF with the mod files added popped up no errors, duplicate or otherwise.

Enjoy. That's all you're getting for the time being.
I'm now going to excuse myself and fuck around for a few months.
Somehow that's how long I think it'll take until I have something new to do on this mod.

Updated stuff on the mod:
- Adventurers now come in a large variety of "people" with castes from human to most of the other races present. I should update the first post about their preferred skills.
- The 'ice' metal was renamed as 'kree ice'. If you know why, buy yourself a frigging medal for knowing too much about AQ.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2011, 09:12:42 pm »

Hey Ieb,
After alot of work on my own mod I would like to offer to take a look at the 'class-castes for other races' situation for you. I feel that I know everything about castes right now and can assure you that while it is time consuming to pull off such a thing, it is not impossible.
Unfortunatly, night creature tags only work with night creatures. You'll have to wait for the next version before you can truly have vampire and werewolf civs, they murder each other because of the top ethic tag IIRC.
Making that 'golden' material for that axe isn't as stupid as it sounds... I'm thinking of something similar for the Warhammer mod I'm holding in limbo.
I played AdventureQuest and Dragonfable for a bit, can't remember either password though:P. Great mod so far.

Crazy Cow

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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2011, 10:11:36 pm »

I am stealing your Zards. I loved those things. And the worm men. And the vampires (who are infinitely better than the werewolves). And...

Said this at the beginning, I'll say this now.
I love this mod, and I'm sad more people aren't telling you so. Know that at least one person appreciates your efforts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2011, 01:44:43 am »

Aww. You guys make it all worth it though.

Hey Ieb,
After alot of work on my own mod I would like to offer to take a look at the 'class-castes for other races' situation for you. I feel that I know everything about castes right now and can assure you that while it is time consuming to pull off such a thing, it is not impossible.
Unfortunatly, night creature tags only work with night creatures. You'll have to wait for the next version before you can truly have vampire and werewolf civs, they murder each other because of the top ethic tag IIRC.
Making that 'golden' material for that axe isn't as stupid as it sounds... I'm thinking of something similar for the Warhammer mod I'm holding in limbo.
I played AdventureQuest and Dragonfable for a bit, can't remember either password though:P. Great mod so far.

Well uhhh, sure. You can take a look at how I handled the "class-castes for other races" thing. It's all there at creature_AQmodentity.txt, right at the first creature.
I don't know if code length applies to how fast the game runs though, but if you have any idea how to make it easier-to-make, I'm sure it'd help. Uhh, someone else.
Since you know, I already got mine to work. Thanks for the offer regardless though.

And yeah, Vamps and Lycan aren't that amazing as of yet but hey, I am still amused by their infighting behavior. When the next update comes, I might leave that feature in just because.
As for the Golden Axe... Well I could be cheap and make steel+gold = golden bars, so the end result would be 'Golden *weaponname here*' but somehow it just doesn't feel right. I think I'll just keep that set out of the mod.

Lord Allagon

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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2011, 08:27:34 am »

Is it normal for world names to... Ehm... Be in English and make less sense than a trout in the Moon?
Like, Hotter-than-the-sun Bird-headed, the Realms of Enchantment?
EDIT: Also, demon wolves are available at embark with a cost of 1 points each O.o. And imps.
EDIT 2: Is it normal that Adventurers don't get any nobles? I can't appoint any either :S.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 09:52:22 am by Lord Allagon »
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2011, 04:20:46 pm »

Just saying, I loved this game. In fact, one could say that Dwarf fortress now takes up the time I would be slaying drakels and attempting to fight off the 20+ dragon kinds they have.

Now I can do both! ;D

Wonderful mod.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2011, 09:54:24 pm »

Looks like you've put together a pretty comprehensive mod here. Captain Mayday actually linked it to me and asked me if I could post a message for him, which I will now oblige:

Quote from: Captain Mayday
I'd just like to thank you for using VBASE. Certainly seems like you've put it to good use. I've updated my list of mods that use it on the page for it here:

Sadly since I'm banned here, I'm forced to update my mods on a different forum altogether. If you want to give me any suggestions, ask me any questions, or anything else, that's the place to do it.

Before anyone asks, it's a long story.

Anyway, keep up the good work!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #58 on: December 13, 2011, 02:57:21 pm »

Sorry for the late reply, I sort of haven't paid attention to this part of the forum since I'm still waiting for the new DF update to start work on the mod again. Onwards to commenting posts!

Wow. I'm shocked and honored that good old Captain paid attention to this thing.
But really, VBASE is good shit to use.


Glad that people actually enjoy this mod. Sort of makes all those hours put in worth it.
Anyway, Lord Allagon: The name thing is intentional. As far as I know there's just no real way to make a hugeass list of names that you'd find online gamers using, so I went with this thing to simulate it. The names are crazy most of the time, I know. Sometimes though they can be fairly accurate but hey, it's supposed to be amusing.

Demon wolves and imps, I guess they lack a petvalue token so they're cheap as hell. I'll mess about a bit on the next release so they will be actually cost something.

As for the nobles, what the fuck? That's totally not meant to happen. Lemme check the mod files.

..okay. I extracted the current mod version to a new DF and checked it out and I can appoint all nobles. Broker, Chief Medic, Psychiatrist and so on.


Dare I inquire if you encountered this problem in a fort that's grown larger? Perhaps a new bossy leader has showed up? That's the only thing I can think of, that I have fucked up an APPOINTED_BY somewhere and somewhere along the line to Royal Jerk the command line is fucked up.

Pokon: Ah yes, the 2938295 bazillionth Dragon War. Staff is too lazy to make a real event? DRAGONS ATTACK! I should have made a dragon civ that'd attack you, but I think that's sort of overdoing it.

With that out of the way: So, I've been scribbling together notes for whatever the fuck I'm gonna do for the next version of the mod. It'll prolly get called Akriloth, unless I've used that one before in which case... ehhh, we'll go with Yulgar then.

Let's see.

- Some of the creatures right now have CAN_LEARN, CAN_SPEAK or INTELLIGENT. Veegus for example, which I intend to fix so everyone can eat demon meat. Yum.
- I've fucked around and placed a new UG civ, Abaddon(stole them from DragonFable). I still need to actually check one day that UG civs actually show up from the underground to infiltrate. They used to, so unless that's changed recently...
- Naga civ dies a whole fucking lot, I've noticed. Like they usually go extinct around 200 years for some reason. I think it's their current male/female distribution, will need to fix that.
- AssaultMecha lacks the tags that makes it a killing machine unable to tire, will fix that.
- Dragon Partisan to be added to the list of artifact-weapons, because FUCK DRAGONS.
- Zardbane also. Oh right, on this and Dragon Partisan, when the next version rolls I'll make dragonbane and zardbane both a metal you can use, to kill dragons and zards with, more efficiently that is!
- Will add toys and figurines of various AQ characters, NPC's and bosses alike. Drakonnan with Kung-Fu action.
- Might add engravings of various AQ things. This mechanism can get quirky due to DF(like, this is an engraving of two Yulgar) so this may be passed.
- I'll check the Misc. Item list of current items in AQ at some point, see if there's anything to add to some list of items. Trinkets perhaps?
- Will check lists of shields for some artifact pieces because why the fuck not?
- Some civ's will have their gear selection updated. Right now they come with the standard stuff of shield, breastplate, some weapon and whatever-the-fuck. Civ's like umazen and nogh'da/shevite will show up with more armor(all pieces even) and craps like sneevils will only show up with weapons.
- Will check if it's possible to add some crafts to equippable items. So you can finally have an use for all those artifact bone crowns, scepters and so on.

Oh and to those people who are actually playing this mod:
Is the time-of-arrival too long for some civs right now? Like in my dorf fort, the Undead showed up to siege around year 11 or 12. That's sort of long so yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Now VBASE-constructed!
« Reply #59 on: December 26, 2011, 05:17:41 am »

Gods, I can't wait to see what you do with the next version of DF...... awesomeness incarnate.
I figured the guy was a goner too when a noseless bat from hell flew right over the fortifications and attacked.
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