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Is Crazy Cow's MUCH better approach to caste percentages than Leb's and should be implemented before you have to find Leb and punch him in the gut?

Yes, add it now, NOW!
- 3 (60%)
No, RNG is my waifu.
- 0 (0%)
Something else, specify(I know you won't).
- 2 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: July 17, 2012, 01:42:41 am

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Author Topic: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Looking for a new owner!  (Read 31855 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Looking for a new owner!
« on: November 19, 2010, 09:23:12 am »

Potentially important announcement 13/2/2015:
Because I'm busy with all sorts of crap, and this mod is woefully out-of-date with all the updates to DF lately with running, new trees and all that crap, I can pretty surely say that under my ownership this mod is dead as a fucking dodo. But since it'd be a shame to just leave it like that, if anyone wants to pick this up to develop further by themselves, go ahead and do it. Just try not to go insane over my "unique" approach to solving problems that arose along the way, har har. Picking up pieces to implement to your own works is okay as well. I think Masterwork has a few artifact pieces in it from this thing, or just with the same name. Credit me if you think it's necessary(hint: it's not).

It took well over a month for me to screw around with this thing, getting critters to work, figuring out crap and so on, but finally this thing is "okay enough" for my taste. So here I am, presenting you a product of modding that I'm sure someone more skilled could have pulled off a lot better but hey, we can't always have perfect AND nice things. I'm sure this mod is neither of those two examples. BUT ANYWAY.

Link to the mod in DFFD.
As this mod now uses VBASE, I should note that it overwrites the body_default.txt file in raw/objects, but it also has all the vanilla body parts of that file within it's own files. So if you've edited your body_default.txt file in any way for your own playing purposes, you might want to back it up.
Thanks to Captain Mayday for coming up with VBASE and making it simple enough so even idiots like me can figure out how it works!

Once upon a time, there was a campy Flash game called AdventureQuest. It still exists, but has changed a lot during the years. And one day I thought that hey, it might work out to be an interesting modding experience since the earlier days of the game had a lot of funky creatures thrown into the world. Not that the stuff today isn't any funkier, but it's lost a lot of the "let's throw this in for the hell of it" feel. Although, personal opinions hurp durp have played the game for years and acting as a cranky old man who says "things were better in the good old days".

So anyway, I threw myself at creating this thing, and god damn did it take long. If I managed to mod in fifteen creatures a day I was going at a fast pace, most of the time I didn't even get that fast ahead, modding them in, then going to arena and checking if they worked. And oh god all the time I spent figuring out why they weren't using any real attacks. And unless I suddenly hit my head to the wall at the end days of the mod, everything should attack with more than bodyslams.

So what did you add in?
I lost count around 200, but there's a crapload of creatures from AdventureQuest, and I picked a few things from DragonFable as well to fill in some biomes, or just because I could. Those are hard to differentiate at times for me, so yeah.

Creatures worthy of note would be zards, the bipedal lizards who lurk where-ever they can, really interested at stealing your food or anything shiny that distracts them from a meal.

Another thing, are the dragons. Oh god those damn dragons. They're like vermin creatures in AQ, frigging everywhere. There's craploads of them from all 8 elements and some special ones, which unfortunately I couldn't really have acting out as they should in DF as of now. Maybe one day when we get some "magic" going on and yeah. Anyway, dragons want to steal your crap as well. And they really hate you. What with spitting fire and maim and tear and yeah. Cage traps are advised.

Then comes a large variety of critters, humanoid or just funky fantasy creatures.

And did I mention every creature is a large predator? Just like in AQ, everything wants you dead. From the lowliest of zards to behemoths and dragons, they are interested in tearing out your insides and feasting on them to their hearts delight. So far with my meager Adventurer experience I've had a few interesting experiences with them. Like that skeletal malgru which swam up from a river and latched on me, and the pack of nightzards that then tore off my head. Or that ambush attack from bandits that ended with me not even having to fight them, because a bunch of zards attacked them before I even saw 'em, and tore everyone to pieces.

As I scourged the insanely long list of AQ creatures, I picked up a few of the more intelligent ones that made it in as official civilizations. There's, what, 30 of 'em in the mod. And here they are, starting from the civ you control, the Adventurers. Spoilered, for easier reading and yadda yadda yadda.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So what else is there?
Some plants and trees that I found mention of, thanks to mah bro for searching even better than I did and finding a lot more. Edible, brewable, millable to dye, these are meant to add to the vanilla-plantlife of DF rather than replace it. Since there's not really a lot of 'em.

ARTIFACT WEAPONS! This one took a while to compile, going through the list of weapons AQ has(which is a LOT) and picking the best ones or the ones I remember fondly. Years of playing that game tends to leave some impact along the lines of "I remember when this weapon used to be GOOD". They're all ridicuously powerful. I sort of just threw numbers and figured that if a Spear of Awe can sever bodies with a stab, it's A-OKAY in my mind.

A funky language for Adventurers. This one took a few days to finish. Just picked a pre-existing language-file and went through the Internet for names. I did it quite shamelessly, so if someone notices something familiar, you know who to blame for being a stealing bastard. Example of the names I picked up would be an Adventurer I recently had through misfortune.

Nothing-but-femurs Right-handedpitchfork. Got his head cut off by an ebil scythe he was supposed to kill. Very sad.

Is there anything else I should know about?
Version Drakonnan introduced the Adventurers as a multi-national entity(that's a good way to say it, right?), so now besides the castes being human Berserkers, Paladins, Rogues and so on you can also get moglins, drakels, nagas and others to migrate to your fort, functioning as proper citizens! They all have some jobs they're better-than-most at learning, listed below.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It should be noted that because I am a lazy bastard, you should check only the latest posts from me to see what's been done regarding this mod.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 04:31:07 am by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 10:32:33 am »

That ERROR ERROR with the voice is pretty easy to fix.

I didn't think someone would make a mod out of Adventure Quest. Now when I think about that, it had lots of cool and funny monsters. Do you have all different types of Zards and a Zardmaster? :)

I've played that game for some time too.
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2010, 10:41:37 am »

Oooooh, now this is a nice surprise. I remember all the time I spent playing AQ, DF, MQ, and AQW... good times. I should try again, but blargh, so lazy now :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 11:12:15 am »

Deon: Thought about adding Zardmaster, but then I started to think about how there's a crapload of zards, and even when the idea of yearly zard invasions is amusing, I decided against it. And there could only be ONE Zardmaster. Unfortunately that isn't supported yet. Sad face. : (

In the end, zards live where-ever they can, and steal whatever they can get to. There's the first-gen zards, then the one's Zardmaster created, and some of the "newest" Zards that the guy made. I think there were some insect-mixed ones released a while ago, but I was pretty accurate with the colors and everything, so if there was a critter that I couldn't find a relevant picture of, it didn't get added. GoldenZard made it in too because I could.

And vorpalzards spit carrots. BECAUSE I COULD.


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 12:04:50 pm »

There where basic zards, zardmaster made them better, someone else made even betterones, I'm not sure who.
"Those who guard their back encounter death from the front." - Drow Proverb.
I will punch you in the soul if you do that again.
"I'm going to kill another dragon and then see if I can't DUAL-WIELD DRAGONS!
Because I can"-WolfTengu


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2010, 08:15:13 pm »

Sorry about any necroing this may cause, but: Why are the Dragons divided up into different species by age?

Just alter the BABYNAME and CHILDNAME tags to the correct setting, done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2010, 05:36:48 am »

As far as I remember, there's some stuff that makes that not work as it should. Like, babies are always ridiculously sucky, crawl around and like to jump down to their deaths if they can.

Whatever shows up on your map is always a grown member of said species. I figured the way it's currently like would be better than "oh god another grown dragon is approaching to rampage".

Something has to be done though. Messed about with the mod a little. Noticed the need when my noble mandated that someone's unknown frozen creature substance items had to be made, and couldn't be exported. I think she implied she wanted someone dead.

Assuming right now that it's because of the Undead civ and the problems they have due to "too many castes". Experiment to use the CV_whatever to separate the creatures to their own mentions, and make the civ creature use those failed. A lot of "nothing" listed on Arena mode, which when chosen to place, crashed the game. So I culled the civ creature file a little. Now it's down to 8 undead things.

I'll run a big check through the creatures next. Right now, I wonder why was I so retarded that I thought adding baby stages would be a good thing. "Baby Chimera has given birth to a Baby Chimera baby!"


Someone punch me in the nuts, please.

I guess I'll edit out genders from the baby/young dragons. That might make sense. Somehow. IT'S MAGIC I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 05:39:38 am by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 02:48:28 pm »

Woo boy! It's taken a long time, and constant "I should update my mod now that the new stuff is out", but here it finally is.

An update to the god damn mod!

Behold this changelist, in case anyone cares the mod's over at DFFD, linked at the very first post's top.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Maybe at some point I should look how to make artifact armor. I'm sure there's some way to make insanely defensive crap.

Maybe when something new pops up on DF and I again have to update this.

EDIT: You know, sometimes I hope that I would become a good enough code-worker to do more conclusive tests, before finding glaring errors in my OLD code that makes me bury my face so deep in my palms that I grew sprouts.

A bunch of fixing was thrown at the mod, ending in the removal of the Devourer's minions, why? Because I realized the method I used to integrate them into the mod(all aliens with different body-structure) was probably what was causing some crash issues in the past that always seemed sporadic and without explanation. I'm sure I did a lot more but right now I'm so pissed at myself that I can't remember what it was.

Undeads got some fixing too. And they even work!
They lost the Fatalis from their units, but I'm sure Demios will pick up the slack. That guy raped in the arena when I tested whatever I changed in the mod. Down went everything from civvers to a void dragon.

Update arriving soon, as soon as I finish a proper test that there's nothing wrong. HOPEFULLY.

God I suck at this.

EDIT2: Well I updated the file. Should be without glaring issues this time. The sort of glaring that even I notice, that is.

Let's hope that means everything.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 05:49:36 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2011, 07:27:02 am »

Despite the fact that this looks like a blatant attempt at bumping my own topic, the fuck-up from last night/early this morning(REMEMBER KIDS, DON'T MOD AFTER MIDNIGHT, YOU'LL DO STUPID SHIT) warrants a post about it.

Sure, I fixed a few issues with the mod, but do you know what I also did? I apparently at some point removed the Adventurer entity file from the mod.

You'd think only stupid people do a mistake like that, and you'd be right. I am not a clever man, but a mistake like that, now that's fucking horrible.


And then you forget to actually include a playable civ in the god damn ZIP.

Argh. Ergh. Aargh.

Well, there's some good things to go with it as well though.

Fatalis is back thanks to a sudden "WHAT IF I DO IT LIKE THIS" modding experiment that allowed me to give it wings again. And only it has wings out of all the undead, and the ability to fly too. Hooray.

Some other messing about was done as well, dracomancers now have skin while half-dragons have scales, same for shevite and nogh'da, in that order. Nogh'da also have tails unlike the shevite.

I was sort of hoping the next time I'd post in this thread was a few months later after it's sank to page 29385 or something, but nooo. I got to do something to prove how inept I am at this modding business and make my way back here to tell everyone about it.

Maybe NOW I've managed to have everything in working order again, as well as functioning as it should.

Anyway. Updated the DFFD once again. And in case you are one of those few people who DL'ed this mod since my last post, I am truly sorry for your lots.


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 10:11:29 am »

my half-asleep brain read that title as "Adventure Time" mod...

but this is pretty math too


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2011, 10:12:58 am »

So to celebrate the upcoming fixes on hospital and whatever-we-got-again, I started working on the mod a few weeks back!

Well I found, unsurprisingly, some glaring things that made me wonder what the hell had I been smoking while I had been modding this thing together, since I hadn't noticed things like the Harpy and Minotaur civ's both using the vanilla DF creature entries for 'em. No wonder all those Minotaur caravan guards showed up as * Lord's and the harpies didn't have any gear with them!

Other things that I did was throw in tools to the races because I totally forgot we had those these days. Naga's and Gorgon now got proper description for their skin&scale colors too. Gatta somehow were missing a description, but a quick look on the AQ 'pedia told me exactly why.

Their god damn description is only about the individual you're fighting. Fluff, how does I handle it? Well I wrote in something but who cares, they're big lion/lioness people, rawr.

That's about it though.

DFFD has been updated again and... yeah.
I don't know why I bother because no one cares, but at least this keeps me busy and randomly entertained while testing it out.

Crazy Cow

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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2011, 10:23:33 am »

I am stealing your Zards. I loved those things. And the worm men. And the vampires (who are infinitely better than the werewolves). And...
Well, I'll dl now and tell you how awesome it is once I play it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2011, 01:10:57 am »

Steal my creations eh? Go ahead. Hope you won't be disappointed, but I have a gnawing sensation there's still something that I've missed. Which makes me a saaaaaaaad panda. Your comment also makes me sad when I think about how an old man is still playing that game and kids hit full nostalgy drive when thinking about that game. Oh well, such is life in Soviet Russia.

Maybe at some point I should look into the "non-organic" pets like pet rocks or the assaultmecha and tinker with 'em to try and see if I can remove such things as pet rock/assaultmecha leather. Curse you NOSKIN tag, what good are you these days!? Probably the easiest thing to do would to remove the skin from their tissue layers. Probably won't mess with 'em too much.

Not really sure where to go with the mod from here on. There's always checking for new monsters they've thrown in AQ but most of those aren't really worth the trouble. Latest I think are some bosses, human-opponents in quests or wars or those steampowered undead they threw in lately. Wouldn't be too hard to throw those in to the Undead list, but ehhh. Can't really say they'd be more than a renamed standard skeleton warrior.

Maybe I'll try and make some artifact armor pieces. There's loads of those elite tier armor sets anyway. I guess I should look at the tokens for armor and see if there's anything funky that can be done besides "LETS THROW IN RIDICULOUS NUMBERS". Can shields be made sharp enough to cut through flesh like a sword or any edged-weapon would?

I doubt it, but maybe I'll find out! Horned helmets with a gore-attack option would be nice too, but I'm THIS sure that's impossible as well.


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2011, 02:15:24 am »

I needed this. Your approach to modding and posting is refreshing and the subject matter causes more nostalgia than hearing a new Ratchet and Clank game has been released (there's an idea... *designs new mod*).
About your adventurers, if I currently wasn't trying to rewrite half a book in four weeks I would whip up an example of how you could do the three classes. Here's the thing, my current mod's main civilization has upwards of forty castes, each with it's own body composition, attacks and attributes. Next step is descriptors and tissues. Lots is possible using the caste system, just think outside the box.

Edit: You should ask for this to be put on the community mods and utilities list.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod.
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2011, 03:14:37 am »

Hmm. I'm not really that good of a modder. I know what all the tags mean and what they do when I write them like this or like that, but I don't actually understand them. Somehow. That's meant to make sense, I think. I don't know.

I MIGHT try tackling the caste system again for the Adventurers at some point. Maybe. I like to tread a fine line in modding, trying to keep the whole together and still be spiced up a little different so it's not "GENERIC CREATURE MOD #848, NOW WITH WINGED DOGS WHOO BOY!" but at the same time, making things too complex isn't really what I want to do either. There are enough OCD people out there, I don't want to start forcing them to tweak their military forces to the absolute best if I somehow managed to give each caste some combat area they excel at. Although last time I tried failed, but that was like half a year ago or something so maybe I've learned something/I fucked up something and didn't know it! Or maybe it's just how the system works and I can't fix it.

And I don't think this mod is good enough to be in any list for the time being. Still have some things that are fucked up, still need to test the hostile races in combat and see how they fare. Go through some sieges and so on. Haven't seen any undead ambushers yet, or the demons. Those two are somewhat special so I'd like to see that I haven't made an undefeatable enemy or something stupid like that, or that the demons are burning hot enough to effectively boil your soldiers alive before they manage to kill 'em. EDIT: Although I could of course do the sensible thing, and test this out in Arena. It just takes so long that I've strayed from that option, equipping everyone with weapons and armor and setting skills... ergh.

I'm not sure about my "fix" to the main problem I witnessed during early stage testing, that the god damn dragons who are everywhere like to raid your settlement and usually end up attacking someone, often using dragonfire which in general causes anyone touched to have their fat melt off and bleed to death. So what did I do? Removed fat from adventurers. They're slim, mean killing machines, all muscle, no fat! Then I noticed that dragonfire causes their bones to get burnt. Not expected, but it doesn't seem to cause any sort of problems besides the burnt mention remaining.

Don't really know what to do about it. I could just add fat back in, but it'd make the mod a tad too hard since even with Frequency of dragons set to 1-5 they're still pop up somewhat commonly. Removing dragonfire from 'em is one possibility, but that'd make the dragons too easy to kill. Replace it with firebreath? But right now I haven't really seen firebreath work once like it used to work in 40d.

Got to think on it a little more. Throwing in the default tissue/material/whatever-it-was file with fat's melt temp raised a bit higher could be one solution, but that might conflict with people who've modded their tissue files before my jerk-of-a-mod goes and replaces it.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 03:16:54 am by Ieb »
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