Very nice empire! Huge expansion for a 30 year period. Like you said, if you were to keep on playing you would be in a good position for a world conquest. In the AI hands however... I'm afraid if your GH won't get omnomnomed by the two biggest land expansionist in the game: Muscovy and Ming, between which it is sandwiched.
Updating the first post, it's your turn now Intelligent Shade of Blue and once your done and there are on new participants for the HttT I invite you guy's to play another round about if you feel like it.
It's not as big as it looks, sadly. It's inflated by the massive Russian province sizes.
Monarchy means that the Golden Horde isn't going to be racked by never ending rebels, right?
Tribal countries (or is it just Hordes? I can't remember) get wars of succession every time a new heir inherits the throne. Essentially, a metric shit tonne of rebels rise up in every non-core zone in the country (about 5 regiments per zone, usually). It's what leads to the demise of the Timurids and Golden Horde in every game if they manage to expand lots very early on.
And I'm fairly certain switching changes that. It was my prime goal, anyway, to secure a permanent hold in game even if it is as a small nation. =p Luckily, I managed to expand lots, too.
The nation is still pretty unstable, though. If someone dropped a bunch of revolts (revolt chance is at about 2-10% for most provinces at the minute) with spies, then I think the Horde might fragment.
EDIT: Also, I'm still shocked that Byzantium annexed Naples! That came out of nowhere. They went to war with Milan and got southern Italy out of it.