Oh, that looks sweet. Getting it now.
Tried it out for a moment on a world I already genned with the previous version. Such an improvement. I already found a few interesting embark points. One spot I noticed would be a fun zone to have warring nations separated by a river that forks with an empty landmass on the other end of the map (good rendezvous point to destroy the other kingdom from by building a bridge and carving out a void to drop it), and another place I found has a nice waterfall with a crescent-shaped cliff, surrounded by a dense forest. Thanks to the grid feature, I can see how much of these are possible, and as it turns out I can easily embark with a significant embark zone to make us of these features to their full potential.
This program can also help with adventuring too, being able to foresee the terrain and whatnot (especially if climbing mountains or other terrain that you can't fast-travel) would be a good thing to have on hand. Helps out with navigating and avoiding having too much fun, if you catch my drift.
I like this. Two thumbs up for a job well done. It menaces with spikes of awesome.
Just got screenshots of the locations I mentioned. It's nice to recognize the layout to easily find them again. This can really help with the worldgen cookbook threads too.
Below the falls are
56 river tiles, and those are some sheer cliffs on the valley. This actually looks like a really fun embark zone. I can make a river/waterfall sanctuary here.
I can build my entrance on the backside of that plateau, and the main city in the open space filling in the crescent. Sounds like a fun megaproject.
As it turns out, I have some neighbors, but I selected just the right area as to not directly mess with them.
Created in DF v0.31.18.
Oh right, is this program backwards-compatible? I mean, does it work with earlier versions too?
Suggested additional features:
-Be able to rotate view (to get a better look at scenery like the Crescent Falls).
-Heightmap/biome-map toggle (have a color-map instead of vegetation; sorta similar to when you embark; can be overlaid on top of the already rendered heights/biomes). Can also work with the savagery/evil maps.
-Zoom feature (can play along with area view, but more abstracted/simplified), can work with rotate function to get a good scenic shot if a zone.
-Area view options (let's say, I want to see more than what's present on screen; I can adjust it in the ini file or something)
-A sort of compass to indicate North at least (especially with the rotate feature). It was a bit of a visual challenge to get the features right when lining up with DF. But all-in-all the grid lined up perfectly.
-Adventure mode settlement claim highlights. I noticed my land to claim had some nearby settlements, and the map didn't show any initial indication of other settlements.
I guess the debug feature gives plenty of info in some regards.
Okay, the site was not what i expected, however, it still looks neat. I was expecting a huge drop, like a cliff you see in the image. Instead, it's just a deep waterfall, and a river chasm. Oh well, I can always manufacture the land to my liking with my miners and collect anyhow.