I view the whole "God created man in his own image" in two three...
First, that god is the same as us. We know our limitations, but supposedly god is infinite and unlimited. In which case he abused the power he had to arbitrarily force us not to be capable of our full potential. That makes him evil and a douche.
Second, is that god created us with a fundamental weaker power than himself. How would you feel if you learned you were a crappy clone missing the ability to breathe on your own? Yea. Same outcome. Evil and a douche.
The alternative is we weren't created in God's image, which makes the bible false, making the people who created it evil and douches, for being liers directly responsible for the deaths and suffering of millions of people FOR NO REASON. This is the theory I believe.
In the first one, playing god is achieving your full potential, something the great oppressor is trying to supress, and might kill us all to prevent the knowledge of freedom from spreading.
In the second, playing god is an example of us evolving beyond our programming, becoming dangerous. The new evolution would have to be destroyed before it spread, with a safe margin.
The third, playing god is literally new territory, and you might be doing it by accident, and there is no assurances that you won't destroy life, the universe, and everything in a freak accident.
Any which way, go play god away from me please, and if is 1-2, please let me know the secret before you get destroyed. He can't kill us all, after all. He can try, but once we are god, we can kill him!