ITT: Nikov rejects any statistics given to him from any source, then selectively quotes a massive TWO examples in order to prove his position irrevocably.
You have to be careful of statistics. It is very easy for someone to manipulate statistics to try to get the result they want.
This is another one of those intellectual platitudes people repeat to each other to convince themselves they're smarter than the information they're given. Is it possible to pick and choose information to make a point? Of course it is. That absolutely does not mean that every time someone inserts some numbers into an argument that you don't like, that they must be lying. Take for example my post-
Let's look at the Census Bureau's numbers for Federal Aid to State Governments over some recent years, 2000-2007. And those of you insisting that a little personal, moral, and fiscal responsibility in government would solve the spending question should pay close attention, and strain your brains to remember which people were in charge of federal spending at the time. Compare these to state populations, specifically the biggest state (California, running at a whopping deficit) versus the smallest state (Wyoming, running a tiny surplus):
California - 36.9 million people, $46billion in aid in 2005 = $1250 per person.
Wyoming - 0.5 million people, $2billion in aid in 2005 = $4000 per person.
Wow, look at that, I'm comparing numbers to other numbers. I must be MANIPULATING THE DATA to reinforce the argument that I want, completely irrespective of objective reality. Never mind that these aren't even "statistics". The point I wanted to make was that lower-population states get more aid money per person from the federal government than higher-population states do. To support that point, I used the Census Bureau's own numbers on federal aid and the population of the states, then applied some basic arithmetic to make a ratio.
If you're going to spout that using "statistics" (which apparently means numbers of any kind) is a quick and easy path to lying, you must first demonstrate what nefarious argument you're talking about. Nothing about discussing politics pisses me off faster than people spouting platitudes as a shorthand way for dismissing an argument.
Dwarf Fortress is actually a pretty decisive argument against Capitalism. Just when things look perfect for your dwarves thanks to a planned, regulated economy, you switch to a free market economy and there is so much greed, corruption, poverty, and inefficiency that the settlement falls in on itself.
While it is certainly hilarious to watch their little societies fall to pieces once the shops open and the rent collector comes around, I honestly don't know what kind of economic system Dwarves use. I mean, you've got globally fixed prices, assigned-labor, private ownership, fixed rent, an aristocracy that can appropriate any unclaimed items they find without paying, free universal healthcare, and absolutely no social security. It's a pretty baffling little system.