"You are taking damage from engine wash!"
This is the first time I remember ever dying to it, but I totally deserved what I got. I'd just finished shooting down about 20 TIE interceptors with my A-Wing, then got the bright idea to test my luck on destroying the ISD they launched from. I destroyed one shield generator and damaged the second one, but took enough hits from the turbolasers that my shields were weak. I dove past the bridge on my strafe and into the line of the engines. By the time I realized what was happening, my shields evaporated, and my hull not long after it.
This was my second attempt on the mission already. On the first attempt, I flew into a probe droid capsule while trying to shoot it and that destroyed my A-Wing since its shields were again weak from trying to dodge the interceptors so I could focus on the objectives. That's what I got for barreling at it at 120 MGLT while trying to dodge blaster cannons on my tail.
I'd forgotten that X-Wing Alliance could be this unforgiving, especially after the first missions with the YT-1300s and YT-2000 give you an unrealistic impression of ship durability for the rest of the game. Had a couple of amusing failures in those missions too when a TIE bomber hit me with a proton torpedo and destroyed some cargo I was supposed to protect. I found out that the eject button funnily enough works with the YT-2000, since it was a fast way to reset the mission.