My first campaign on expert went pretty well. Some minor rng issues with the first few fights, where money and manpower is quite tight, and skills are unhoned. We rapidly recovered and with some crafty use of caravan jobs I was leveled up a full squad with mostly chainmail by day 30. On day 41 I went to clean out a barbarian camp. 6 reavers, who I suspect must get upgraded on day 40 like bandits do. Because, while I admit I misjudged my situation, the barbs reamed us. Hard.
With the deserters start I never had good morale to begin with, but once a few went down to the giant skullhammers the rest decided to flee. 8 deaths later the 6 surviving members of limp into town. All are livid, all but 3 are bloodied to death.
Several drinks later I begin the travel to the south. Alps jump me, and on top of wounded and pissed off, the troops now have a gimmicky fight that's grindy too. But, because of my deserters origin, we move first, meaning the alps spawn their nightmares at the end of turn one, and then they all attack turn 2. We were boned, as we couldn't kill them fast enough to keep up.
Long story short: Deserters fled east, made a decent name for themselves trading and caravan guarding, got fucked up in a canon, de-facto barbarian fighting circle, then the survivors got ambushed by night haunting boogey men.
Such is life. Made a good story. The increased difficulty making money certainly puts more pressure on me.
Battle Brothers.