Opened it up after several months during which there were some significant updates. Do the tutorial quests, which ended with me traveling to a nearby trader. Left the trader, walked a bit towards some buildings, found one that looked like another trader outpost. Two trader outposts within a few hundred meters of each other? I walked in to take a look.
Nope, it's a new building type that must have been added in the meantime: an abandoned/overrun trader outpost. Filled with zombies. A lot of zombies.
7 Days to Die. Did manage to kill all the zombies, and the place does look like it'd be a decent base. Many of the changes don't sit well with me, like it being many levels before you can start metalwork, or that you don't have the ability to produce seeds or even a crop surplus before numerous level gains.
Playing against my co-worker. He did some jiggery pokery and managed to summon Obelisk the Tormentor on turn 3.
Ouch, especially since Set(the English translations of the god-cards' names are utter garbage) is a flat 4000A/4000D, and can give up its attack for a turn to instead sacrifice two of its allies to nuke the enemy side.
Highly unlikely that you'd have these cards, but if you want a
hilariously broken OP cheese that I found while double-checking the god-cards' effects, try summoning two "Flint Lock"s and a "Fire Princess", and playing "Flint" and "Morale Boost".
Flint is an offensive-use equip card that reduces its holder's ATK by 300 and prevents it from changing position; if the holder dies it jumps to another monster on the field. Flint Lock tells that whole effect to piss off, and can force Flint to be equipped to it, negating Flint's effect and instead making Flint Lock indestructable in battle(though it can only have one Flint at a time). Two Flint Locks can pass a Flint between them ad infinitum without changing turn or turn phase, each time counting as equipping a monster with an equip card... which is where Morale Boost comes in; it gives you 1000LP every time you equip a monster(meaning you now have infinite Life Points)... and that's where Fire Princess comes in, she damages your opponent directly by 500LP every time you gain LP; meaning you just won.
Oh, and that strategy is perfectly legal, with the only official ruling on it
* is that using Flint Lock's effect multiple times in a turn is allowed.