Started a free battle mode to orient myself with how it works, had a crew of variously-ranked members. Equipping troops is
very awkward compared to later games/clones, in that you have to put all the gear in the landing craft, then assign everything in the field instead of giving everyone their stuff ahead of time. Tried to give everyone rifles(expectation is of trying an early-game combat scenario), didn't assign enough ammo for everyone to have reserve clips.
First turn, primed a smoke grenade, didn't have the TUs to throw it. One guy awkwardly stands on top of the ramp. Enemy turn: that guy immediately dies. Next turn, I throw the grenade and move some guys towards the ramp. Enemy turn: two more soldiers die.
Then the smoke grenade blows. Next few turns are slowly moving my troops down the cramped ramp. The enemy takes one wide shot that hits the Skyranger for no effect. Finally get three guys seeing one Sectoid. Takes several shots before it goes down. End turn, battle won. Negative score.
Three guys getting mowed down on the ramp to bring one alien down?
X-Com: Enemy Unknown via OpenXcom.
My aircraft got sniped by a tank cannon from so far away that *I* got a Marksman ribbon for it.
Planetside 2. Probably bug, I was dropping Hornet missiles onto a nearly-dead enemy vehicle when I died. The Marksman ribbon doesn't care AT ALL what weapon you use as long as you're not in a vehicle or turret - I've gotten a number of Marksman ribbons with AT mines. And when you die, you're not considered in a vehicle any more- judging from the message when dying on a capture point, the game seems to count you as in a MAX suit - so I fired the missiles, died, the missiles hit, giving me the ribbon.
By the by, is there an X-piratez thread around here? Or an open-xcom thread? I feel like we're cluttering up some of the other threads a bit.
I think I saw a dead X-Piratez thread somewhere. I know there's been at least one Let's Play on the relevant sub-board.