Had a tense fight with two bow armed tribals.
At the beginning of the fight, I told my guys to move outside into well positioned sandbag. There was a megaspider roaming around my front yard for some reason, it ignored people but they were afraid of it. But apparently being behind a sandbag gave my colonists courage. Because they all opened fire with their bolt action rifles.
On the megaspider. While a raid was about to begin.
The thing immediately charged for Vera, the newest colonist and the only one without a gun. It must have been an easy target because even my guys could hit it, but it took many hits before it went down and badly mauled Vera. Then the raiders arrived. My defenses were shoddy and they had good cover, while my guys were too bunched up. I tried to flank one of them with Dueller, my only good shot, but a mere 3 tiles from getting into position he took an arrow to the knee and collapsed from bloodloss. My two remaining gunners spent about 3 minutes fruitlessly and innacurately exchanging fire with the tribals. It slowly became clear that despite superior weapons they were losing, evident by the massive blood pool that had formed on our side of the fight. I pulled back away from one and lured him into charging, then beat him to death. The other tribal fled.
Turns out that in addition to being my only good shot, Dueller was my only good medic. Every single colonist bled to death before they could be healed. They had a *lot* of wounds.
Edit: Make a new colony. Run low on food, hunt deer. Horde of deer comes and hoofs everyone into unconciousness, except the one dude who was lying in bed suffering from marijuana withdraw. Everyone lies there unconscious. I decide to keep playing. Pot guy dies in his sleep (?!?!). People get up, get hoofed down again. I decide to keep playing. One of the 3 deered people dies. 2 remaining aren't bleeding but are in too much pain to regain conciousness. Deer calm down. I keep playing. One of the two survivors dies of starvation. I keep playing. Escape pod lands nearby.
Escape pod landed in the middle of four insect hives. The two survivors within are mauled immediately. I keep playing. Last person dies