I discovered that there's a teleporter device that beams me from the station to a trade post on the planet's surface.
I discovered this after freezing to death after spacejumping about halfway to the planet from the station, respawning near my corpse and recovering my things and freezing to death another halfway to the planet, recovering my things once more and then freezing again just outside the transition point of the planet. I recovered my stuff again, diving into the atmosphere, shattering my legs on impact of the ground, surviving, but inside the range of an enemy base with plasma(green is plasma, right?) cannons, dying about 10 feet from cover. Respawned near my corpse, but died while transferring my stuff to my backpack, respawned again and got my stuff, but died again anyway. Finally got my stuff, got into enough cover to deploy my motorcycle, and made it back to base.
Spent the significant resources to start reconstructing my ship(had blueprinted it of course) then went mining and hunting while it cooked. Flew around to the friendly NPC bases to steal some stuff, looked around the planetside trade post to see if it is possible to sell stuff in singleplayer(it's not), and found a big sign saying "TELEPORTER: PUBLIC ACCESS". And of course, it goes right to the space station I just left.
When I build an armed capital ship, I am going to blow that space station from orbit.
Empyrion: Galactic Survival.